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Another game gets DLC very soon.


Fans of the Xbox 360 quiz game Scene It? Box Office Smash are getting a fresh batch of movie trivia next week with the release of the Award Winners game add on pack.


Celebrating the best that that the silver screen has to offer, the Award Winners game pack for Scene It? Box Office Smash offers up more than 300 new questions spanning nearly 2 dozen award winning films, from 1960's Spartacus to 2007's The Last King of Scotland. In addition to the fresh batch of normal questions, the Award Winners pack also comes with a brand-new bonus-round puzzle type called "Pop Quiz", featuring more than 600 new true or false questions to keep players from getting bored for another couple of weeks.


The Award Winners game pack will be available on February 13th for the rather odd price of 560 Microsoft points.

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I've not played it since I got back to uni which was on the 10th Jan :o. No you can't I waited years for one of those damn boxes! :bouncy:


Hmm I guess I can let you off. Whatever you do don't get Fallout 3. It will take over your life then kill your Xbox lol.

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Damn, that was a bad update. I wondered if the update caused RROD since you mentioned you got one when you updated, so I haven't bothered updating yet incase in the sligth chance I get it :heh:


I thought my 360 was on the way out, though sfter playing POP yesterday it was fine and didn't make crazy noises, just with the TLR actually, but that went once it was installed.

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Sales must be slow, send out an update to kill a few 360's. Mine is ok since the update but i sympathise, these days with consoles online etc they can just about do anything to your console with an update & reliability is pathetic. My old ps1, N64, Megadrive, Cube have all been hammered & used & still work fine with no worries over wether it will still work next time i switch it on.


Think the PS2 started it though the launch PS1's were faulty but sony soon rectified it.

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I think it's like a 1 in 10 chance of bricking your box. Someone apparently just hooked up a brand new box after trading in the bricked one and the update has dissapeared. Didn't mean to worry everyone just sharing the news lol. You have to have the update to use your box but you can choose not to install it. In other words you might as well risk it considering you can't use it without the update anyway :p

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I think it's like a 1 in 10 chance of bricking your box. Someone apparently just hooked up a brand new box after trading in the bricked one and the update has dissapeared. Didn't mean to worry everyone just sharing the news lol. You have to have the update to use your box but you can choose not to install it. In other words you might as well risk it considering you can't use it without the update anyway :p


It's nothing like 1 in 10, it's like 1 in 1000.

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It's nothing like 1 in 10, it's like 1 in 1000.


I'd say its probably even less than that.


RROD isn't caused by firmware updates. Ever. Its only a matter of time until your box dies and its usually a coincidence. My 1 1/2 year old Elite is still going just fine and I found that the new dash update really helped speed as well as sort out my HDMI problem.


Letty's Jasper 360 annoyingly runs far cooler than my Elite. Its also a shit tonne quieter. Then again, if my 360 is going to die at any point it better not be in the next 2 months ¬_¬...

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I don't think the update killed any xboxes. It's just that after the update, a large number of people who got an RROD rushed to the internet to see if the update caused it. Then they added their voice to a growing number of people saying "I just updated and now I have RROD!" Those same hundreds of people would've probably had an RROD right then anyway, they just would've had nothing to attribute it to so they never would've said anything.

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What a load of bullshit. I can't play any of my XBLA games while offline. I can't even use my Castle Crashers theme while offline. I thought that this only applied if you had to recover your gamertag, not if you used your HDD with a different console.

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What a load of bullshit. I can't play any of my XBLA games while offline. I can't even use my Castle Crashers theme while offline. I thought that this only applied if you had to recover your gamertag, not if you used your HDD with a different console.


Was this a system that was sent off to MS, as they should have done the transfer there and then.


If it's a system swapped in-store then yeah, you'd need to transfer the licenses even if you have a new or old HD. Licenses are tied to the gamer tag I believe, and those licenses in that gamer tag can only be tied to one system at a time.


You can only do this transfer once a year as well, so make sure you're going to be using that console for the foreseeable future.

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