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The few lines he had about there not being any more time lords was badly done. It was like he wasn't really affected by it at all, or was hiding.


Tennant developed the emotion with so much grief, sadness and raw honesty. Like on the Mars episode when you saw how cut he was when he realised he was alone again.

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I don't think this doctor is affected by the loss of his race, I think he's sort of done with that. He's buried inside and left it to fester like real men do. What really narked him off though was being told what to do, by Amy or anyone else to protect him or themselves. He's not taking any shit anymore. He probably looks back on his Tennant stage and wonders what was up with that poofy hair and all the goddamn crying.

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The few lines he had about there not being any more time lords was badly done. It was like he wasn't really affected by it at all, or was hiding.


Tennant developed the emotion with so much grief, sadness and raw honesty. Like on the Mars episode when you saw how cut he was when he realised he was alone again.


I found the avoidance much more realistic than the whole blubbery whinge whinge Tennant take. That was way too over the top. I like how Smith avoided the question about whether he had children - I don't need to hear that story again, yes it's sad and avoidance/repression seems like a more than apt response especially for someone who humanity depends on to save their asses so much.

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Just watched the first episode on iPlayer, not bad viewing. All about the tasty redhead though....

Really enjoyed that episode. Matt Smith was excellent. I think he's my favourite Doctor (As long as he keeps that whole mood swing thing and I-know-everything thing thing going.).

I concur, but something's telling me it's just something that'll wear off as he gets used to his new persona.

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Top notch performances, but I didn't gel with the story itself - I felt it was one of the weakest stories in the new series (although, granted the last 15 minutes were, in my opinion superb). Smilers sadly underused.


Looking at the second adventures of each of the companions, The End of the World, Shakespear Code and Fires of Pompeii are in my opinion, far better stories.

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I actually preferred Matthew Smith's response about the Timelords than how David Tennant ended up being all emo and woe me I'm the last of the Timelords. To be fair it makes sense as he recently witnessed them and they have clearly become something he should not be mourning anymore and a danger to the universe, they are probably better off where they are.


I prefer Matt Smith to David Tennant easily, but then I've never rated DT at all. MS seems to have this thing for seeming wiser than his years are, which works prefect for the 900odd year old Doctor.

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I like the new theme and Amy is a nice piece of eye-candy but aside from that I'm finding it all highly overrated. Sorry guys!


I agree that Moffatt penned some great stories before but these first two episodes have been rubbish by those standards. Theres no subtlety and its all in your face... copious usage of flashbacks and then at the end they kept beating us over the head about the space whale BEING OLD, ALONE, LAST OF ITS KIND, WANTING TO HELP PEOPLE AND TRAVEL THROUGH SPACE WITH THEM, etc etc etc. Once was more than enough but I'm sure that we could have drawn the parallel that space whale = doctor even without that.


When the credits rolled I said to my dad that I thought it was rubbish, he replied to me that he thought it was brilliant... so... maybe I'm the one thats wrong and you all are right. :heh:


Same time next week then?

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OH MY GOD! I totally missed it! I went to my mate's house the night it came on and I forgot to set the recorder and I've missed it again on BBC3! When is it repeated again?

Catch it on iPlayer


There were some massive plot holes (such as why did the UK simply not use engines like the rest of the world?), but overall an enjoyable episode.

I thought they explained that. Can't remember the explanation as my brothers girlfriend was a bit too talkative throughout (Don't you hate that?) but I remember it being stated. Will have to rewatch

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Matt Smith didn't half deliver the line about the Timelords in a wierd bad way!! Didn't like that bit at all!


We've just been watching it again on BBC3, and I have to say I loved the delivery there! It was as though he didn't want to really go any further with it, but hinted at a deeper inner pain. He didn't wear it like a badge, as perhaps Tennant might have done. Not that I'm slagging Tennant, I bloody loved him. Just a different take on the character. I also loved the "Nobody human has anything to say to me today" line. Brilliant. Not gonna be a Doctor that says "I'm so, so sorry" then. :D


Lots of fun as an episode though. Yes you can nitpick holes, but you can do that with pretty much all sci-fi and TV. Overall, it was a very impressive "difficult" second episode. :D

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Finally got round to watching it, still in its early stages gonna wait till 6-7 episodes in to see what way the overall story is going/how Smith plays the part. My overall view is decent, totally different doctor (which can only be a good thing)

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Lol at Amy wearing a nighty the whole episode!


Cool episode, I like the whole star whale thing. :D The Smilers were pretty cool but severely underused, they needed more menacing, in the end they didn't feel very threatening. I liked their twisty heads.


The whole ending felt rushed and I was like lamelamelame always with the children.


I was getting excited that he was going to shoot through the star whales brain, that would have been much more awesome. MORAL CHOICES.


I didn't get the queen she seemed a bit pointless.

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I liked the last episode, the only thing I was disappointed by was the "crack". As if we need a YouTube video to see it, it was totally in-your-face and glowing. It would've been better if it was more like bad wolf, subtly there on a wall in the background of one scene. Just a regular crack like the one in Amy's house when she was a child.


Oh and the only other thing that annoyed me: the mystery would've been a bit different if they had appeared from below the ship in the first place. But nooo, this is sci-fi space, where all ships meet each other facing upright, as though floating along some sort of 2-Dimensional plane, rather than ever appearing from above or below :heh:

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I liked the last episode, the only thing I was disappointed by was the "crack". As if we need a YouTube video to see it, it was totally in-your-face and glowing. It would've been better if it was more like bad wolf, subtly there on a wall in the background of one scene. Just a regular crack like the one in Amy's house when she was a child.


Oh and the only other thing that annoyed me: the mystery would've been a bit different if they had appeared from below the ship in the first place. But nooo, this is sci-fi space, where all ships meet each other facing upright, as though floating along some sort of 2-Dimensional plane, rather than ever appearing from above or below :heh:


The badwolf signs were often as blatant, there may be cracks there that are much more subtle but you havent noticed.


key word.. Sci-fi :p

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I was under the impression that the button opened up the bottom of the ship.


Well if that's true, then fair enough :heh:

The badwolf signs were often as blatant, there may be cracks there that are much more subtle but you havent noticed.
But you didn't even know what "bad wolf" was at the time. It was subtle because it didn't mean anything until you realised you'd seen it more than once.
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The Eleventh Hour - 10.08 Million Viewers


Final figures for The Eleventh Hour have today been published by BARB and give Matt Smith's debut story an final rating of 10.08 million viewers.


This total is over two million higher than the initial overnight figure of 8 million which implies a large number of viewers time shifted the programme by recording it and watching it later in the week.


On BBC One the story had 9.59 million watching, enough to make the story the second most watched on the channel for the week and the fourth most watched on all British television. However an additional 494,000 people watched the simulcast on BBC HD, giving the story a total audience 10.08 million and making it the third most watched overall. It was only beaten by two episodes of Coronation Street.


The Eleventh Hour has the eighth highest rating since the series returned in 2005. If the HD figure is included it is the first episode in the programme's history to be the third most watched of the week. Only twelve out of 757 episodes have ever made the top five.


The Episode has also spent most of the week in the top ten list of iPlayer requests, with nearly a million downloads so far.




Also The Sun likes searching around for Karen Gillan pictures.


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Regeneration modelled on bad LSD trips:


Doctor Who's regenerations were modelled on bad LSD trips, internal BBC memos have revealed.


The Doctor's transformations were meant to convey the "hell and dank horror" of the hallucinogenic drug, according to papers published on the BBC Archive.


Regenerations were introduced in 1966 to allow writers to replace the lead actor. New Doctor Matt Smith is the 11th Time Lord.

The papers also reveal the difficulties of bedding in a new Doctor.

In an internal memo dating from 1966, producers outlined how the original Doctor, William Hartnell, would be transformed for his successor Patrick Troughton.


It also tackled the "horrifying experience" of the regeneration.

"The metaphysical change... is a horrifying experience - an experience in which he relives some of the most unendurable moments of his long life, including the galactic war," it said.


"It is as if he has had the LSD drug and instead of experiencing the kicks, he has the hell and dank horror which can be its effect," the memo added.


Full article.

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