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?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


"not even the darleks never subjected me to anything so arse paralyzingly painful as that!"


always gets me :laughing:


EDIT: The video doesn't seem to show up on the page so there's the link

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"not even the darleks never subjected me to anything so arse paralyzingly painful as that!"


always gets me :laughing:


EDIT: The video doesn't seem to show up on the page so there's the link


when uploading youtube videos you gotta rid rid of things in the link like for yours.



just enter that even leave out the v=

just changed yours there :)


anyway cant wait for christmas :D as a short time fan i hope this will rock. Beginning to watch all those sci fi series i've missed out on.. on star trek:TNG now :)

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So the Death Eaters brought Voldermort back to life.... Opps! Wrong franchise :heh:


Don't sour this with Harry Potter! :hmm:


I watched the episode tonight and would agree that it maybe felt a little too focused on setting up David Tennants grand finale but aside from that it was good enough! I'm gonna miss him as the Doctor, and as I've said many times already in this thread, his Doctor has done well when dealing with loneliness.


I'd been keeping away from spoilers so I'd no idea what capacity Timothy Dalton was starring in... and whoa. :o Next weeks conclusion is gonna be mental!

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Yeah the ending and Timothy Dalton was great!!


Is it me or have the Time Lords moved into and re-decorated the Star Wars council room?


I have to say, I'm not really getting The Master though, I don't quite fully understand his character. What exactly does he want? what's his purpose for even wanting to clone himself? Is it simply that he's lost his mind? has his character always been like that (mad) throughout Doctor Who history? Does he simply just want to wipe out the human race (it's been his aim both times he's been in the show) simply to spite the Doctor?


I dunno, I always expect The Master to have more of an intimate battle with The Doctor, I'd rather the two of them were locked in their own conflict together and as such I'm always a bit dissapointed by him, because he comes across as a bit of a generic baddie!


Also, the drumming started in his head when he looked into that Space/Time thing when he was young right? Do we even know what the drummings about yet?... was it the Time Lords returning that he glimsed in the future or something?


... I'm confused about him!

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Good golly Miss Molly!


I think the worst thing about it was the stupid way the Master was jumping about. Just didn't look right at all... :nono:


Everything felt so budget and the story was all over the place. The acting, particularly of the green aliens, the incestuous father/daughter and the elderly people, was horrific.

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The second Doctor Who I've ever watched all the way through. I'm very proud of myself.


Dalton said something about the rising of the Time Lords and the End of Time. I probably don't understand all of this, but wouldn't a Time Lord not be a fan of the end of time?


Also, did anyone feel the relationship between Naismith and his daughter to come across as a little... incestual?

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I have the gut feeling that the time lords are going to be the bad guys, they may not even be time lords


I got that feeling too (that they may be bad). As I understand it, the Doctor is the only truly "good" Time Lord and the Master is a rogue, but in general they're ruthless (I believe they've forced the Doctor to regenerate in the past, as a punishment?) It's hard to believe they wouldn't be angry at the Doctor for what he did in The Waters of Mars.


As for the episode, I really didn't like the silly, pseudo-serious stuff in the first half (eg. the way the Master kept saying "meat, gravy" etc). However, I quite liked it when the Master got his verve back and fixed the machine in a few seconds.


I used to be a huge fan of Russell T Davies' episodes, but generally, Doctor Who has become far too overblown and epic. I think they've largely forgotten about the fun. Let's hope we get some more great, one-off 45 minute episodes like Blink, Love & Monsters and The Girl in the Fireplace, because that's Doctor Who at its best - just a quick, witty, satirical bit of fun.

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I don't think Russell T. Davies is a good writer. He has some excellent taste in tight t-shirts but his follow through is dented in one end and always marmitemining.


Corrected that for you there.


My opinion? Shouldn't have had that whole Chocolate Orange.


My opinion on this episode? Good, but I can't see where they're going to go with it. Don't understand why they didn't use a different actor as The Master. I haven't seen the preceding four (?) specials so I am pretty much only current up to the end of the fourth series. Which was good :)


The worst episode of Dr Who was the Christmas Special with Kylie. Now, while she's still hot to trot at 40+, the rest of the episode was terrible.

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*sigh* I still stand by my previous comment that it was entertaining and that's all I wanted from it but if you really want to analyse the fuck out of it then...


The Masters revival - from a ring? really? and a load of potions... weak, plus then the whole death potion thing nearly straight after which you know wasn't gonna work anyway and would end badly.

Unrealistic powers - he can jump 100ft in the air now? k... and erm where did the lightning ability come from?

President & Daughter - incestuous much? ew...

Many Masters - yeah it was entertaining to see him as almost 'everyone' but it was pretty predictable.

Time Lords - eh... I'm not even a huge fan as such but doesn't the Dr go on so frequently about how they all died? and yet now they aren't... yes it made for a nice set-piece but it all felt set-up.


So yeah... entertaining but flawed in many places, but quite honestly it's still better than a lot of the stuff that's on TV even in its current state so *shrugs* I'm not saying that people are asking too much when they expect more from the series just... it isn't going to happen most likely so we may as well enjoy what we can from it.


Corrected that for you there.


My opinion? Shouldn't have had that whole Chocolate Orange.


My opinion on this episode? Good, but I can't see where they're going to go with it. Don't understand why they didn't use a different actor as The Master. I haven't seen the preceding four (?) specials so I am pretty much only current up to the end of the fourth series. Which was good :)


The worst episode of Dr Who was the Christmas Special with Kylie. Now, while she's still hot to trot at 40+, the rest of the episode was terrible.




Also truth, that episode was much worse by far.

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