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=/ I've been reading through the last few pages to catch up, see that you've finally banned him as it says he's in another castle and when I finally get to the final post, you have a really anti-climatic ending!


Moria you should have made it interesting and found out who it was =[


I said he was obviously someone else and no-one believed me. (not that it matters now).


I wonder who he'll sign up next as? :)

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Stalin's gone, looks like the admins finally nailed him, well done. Who was he?


Mr "The Bouncer" Odwin banned him for infractions. :heh:


Unsurprising really, he was becoming a bit of a prat. I wonder who he was.


I wonder who he'll sign up next as? :)


My bet is on a Jesus signing up.

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Aw, why couldn't the mods have made it interesting. Torture him, find out who he works for and where the damn bomb is.


Stealing his car wheels, max out his credit card before a date and then breaking into his dorm room with a tazer is far more effective :p


(and far less unecessarily violent)

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