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Post your easter egg

Atomic Boo

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I love chocolate eggs, my favourite one I've ever had was a wallace and grommit one, it came with lushious chewwy dog bone sweets. They tasted so good! ANYWAY... Please post a picture of an egg you're going to buy or have bought, failing that, just write anything about why you like easter.

Happy Easter RE!


Edit: Has anyone seen the ones on the adverts saying ' make them feel special ' on it? It may have been a galaxy one but im not sure. Cause they look pretty good

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none I'd imagine..


I would buy you one but you'll be away for Easter sunday... so I can't waste money upon you, damn!


I only get mine on Easter Sunday but as soon as that moment comes I'll post a pic of it's loveliness. My fav ones are the chocolate with crunchie bits inside. Yummy!

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Theres like 18 days still to go till Easter Sunday....


Anyway I've asked for an egg and some creme eggs. I get less and less every year but as long as I get at least one creme egg i'll be happy lol.:awesome:


I remember one year I got 8, that was immense.

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.. how about the eggs that you're giving? No? Is that an early sign that i'm getting old? 19 damn you! I'm still so young!


... I've got 3 so far due to a staff mega-whopper-discount thing last weekend. I don't have a discount card myself as i'm THAT GOOD an employee, but arrangements were made...


... Anyway i can't actually find pictures, not that i am looking so hard, and I don't really think that anyone will actually READ waht is written - just scan through and catch pictures - so here's what i got! That Lindt one with the egg and smaller eggs for my gal, a cadbury caramel one with a mug and a few bars, and the dipped flake version of the same (ironically! hoho).


Will get a couple more for my sister and my bro-in-law, and probably a bunch of little eggs because woolies are doing some cool offers at the mo.

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I think we stopped doing the egg thing here in this family years ago; seriously can't remember when the last time was when there were easter eggs. Also, the eggs we used to get were usually just normal eggs with a painted scale? Can't remember it being all chocolate.


Lucky people.

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