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Rate the last film you saw


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Liar Liar


Best comedy film of all time, err thats not Airplane or any Monty Python.


Err, best American Comedy of all time. Oh shit, thats Airplane.


Err, Jim Carrey's best work. There we go.


Dumb and Dumber is pretty good, though.


I give up. Liar Liar is a good film. Six Pears short of a plum.

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Anyway, Mysterious Skin:

I really can't say how good this film is. The raw emotion is... overwhelming. It's not one of those films that makes you leave the theater thinking "that was great", it's more like "that was fucked up". I mean, this deals with very very delicate subjects, so, so well. And whilst it doesn't hit you in the face like a brick, it really makes you think. This is a movie that'll be in my mind for a long time. I'm happy I got to see this. This is nearly perfect.



You should try the book. Goes into a bit more detail that they obviously couldn't film. Plus I remember preferring the ending but not sure why. It was pretty similar but I think the book gave the impression of the camera just drifting away. I dunno, I can remember preferring it.

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;455131]You should try the book. Goes into a bit more detail that they obviously couldn't film. Plus I remember preferring the ending but not sure why. It was pretty similar but I think the book gave the impression of the camera just drifting away. I dunno' date=' I can remember preferring it.[/quote']


I will try it, then, coz' I really liked the movie. :D


I don't think I have one, but films worth mentioning...


Something about Mary




Liar Liar


Don't you notice a pattern there? I mean, it's not that those are bad movies, in fact, both three are very fine... but as you get older, they will start to feel "emptier". That's what I meant with the "14" post... I was your age too, and believe me, they will seem mediocre in a few years, as you get to see and understand more complicated subjects.


Best comedy film of all time, err thats not Airplane or any Monty Python.


Err, best American Comedy of all time. Oh shit, thats Airplane.


Err, Jim Carrey's best work. There we go.


Dumb and Dumber is pretty good, though.


I give up. Liar Liar is a good film. Six Pears short of a plum.



Carrey's best work is either Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind or Truman Show.

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"Quickly, you've got to come with me!"

"I can't they've.... they've tied my shoelaces together."

"A double knot? Those bastards."


Simply brilliant.


It was hated because it wasn't the typicall Carrey movie. It was too dark for Carrey fans. But it wasn't all that bad at all.


Yeah it wasn't that bad.

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Monty Pyton: The Quest for the Holy Grail


This is so funny literally from start to finish. The story is absolutely brilliant in her randomness. But I feel I have sinned for not watching it earlier.




There are some who call me... Tim.

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Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End


8/10. I left my opinions in the official thread


Also, in the past few days or so, I caught...



The Breakfast Club

Good film. A lot deeper and hard hitting than I was expecting. The best scene I thought was hearing Bender's story about life in his home. That was pretty heartbreaking. I liked how at the end you didn't really know how they'll react to each other when they go back next Monday. Would they still be friends or will they go back to normal and ignore each other? It added a lot of depth, and I appreciated that.




Ocean's Eleven

Remake of it that it. I can see that it influenced Hustle in many ways. Fun film, cool cast. That's good in my books.




The Exorcist

Wow! Certainly a surprise. I thought I was going to watch a dated horror film, but it turns out to be more. I thought it was still pretty creepy, for example, I was creeped out when...

The girl walked down the stairs on all fours, upside down'; the threw up blood


... and I suppose the whole story of exorsism was just so interesting to me. Oh, and, needless to say, Tubalar Bells is and awesome soundtrack.




The Hustler

Old film but still enjoyable. The pool playing were outstanding, in both a film making way and a 'Did you see that shot!' way. George C. Scott was fantastic as well, thought I can't help feeling that I was only interested in the film when it was just him and Newman on screen. I don't know really. I was up late watching it, and I was tired. Never-the-less, I'll rate it...


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You've been watching the Directors Cut then, cause she didn't do that on the real thing. It's a pretty decent addition. That movie creeped the hell out of me for one reason:


The face of the demon that kept appearing at random intervals...fuck me...talk about nightmares.

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Buffalo '66


I expected it to be a crock of pretentious bs as it's what Gallo's famous for, but I absolutely loved it. He's a horrible story teller but the way he crafts his characters is so intriguing and surreal, unlike any other writer I've seen. Watch it! :kiss:


Oh, 9/10

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Buffalo '66


I expected it to be a crock of pretentious bs as it's what Gallo's famous for, but I absolutely loved it. He's a horrible story teller but the way he crafts his characters is so intriguing and surreal, unlike any other writer I've seen. Watch it! :kiss:


Oh, 7/10


It deserves a 9. :D

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