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Rate the last film you saw


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Well, OK. My view on Shawshank is that, to me, isn't really that special for a drama, and it always seemed a bit flawed to me here and there. It also doesn't help when my expectations are jacked up when nearly everyone else who seen The Shawshank Redemption consider it the most spiritually life changing film ever.


Although, considering the films I've given 4 or 5 to, 5 does seem a little harsh. I might consider jacking it up to a 6. Might.

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Guest Stefkov


Urinely funny, it just looks at christianity and mocks it. I love all the things that are said in it.

'Moses was a drunk'

'Jesus was crucified with a lot of bad people. When they died they lost all muscle functionality so all their excrements just dropped out creating the Golgothan, the shit demon'



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A mockumentary about a nightclub, in which the majority of the punters are idiots and dance to pap like The Kaiser Chiefs and The Kooks. The central character is a 19-year old male who seems quite out of place in the night club, he waits two-hours to get in, despite having a queue jump. He waits only because a girl he likes has to wait. The first half hour involve him waiting to get in, surrounded by paedo jokes and gags about dead babies. Eventually, he get's into the club and drinks lots before going to the rubbish dancefloor. The girl makes a move on him, but he is so socially rubbish that he doesn't reallt understand it and instead dances without moving his arms for a while. While this is going on several idiots dance around them to mindless house and a bouncer lights a cigarette.


At the 89 minute point the main characters decide to leave and the rest of the film involves them walking home talking about mindless crap, whilst the main character (Tao Armitiied) tries to look interested and sexy.


On a whole, disappointed. And despite the chick being very hot, she was also quite dull, but the guy will go for her anyway because he's so desperately, desperately lonely.



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Mr Bean's Holiday - 4/10


Just not funny, and I was a huge fan of the TV show. Rowan Atkinson just doesn't seem to play him in the same way any more, and the jokes were few and far between. The plot and setting were dull, and the background music got on my nerves. As with Jonny English, once you've seen the trailer for this, you've seen all the best jokes.

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Teh Crow: Wicked Prayer (The Crow 4)


For your own sake, stay clear of this movie. I beg of you, stay away.


I rate it hairy negro balls.


I didn't even know there was a second one! what are the other ones like? I really like the first one.

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Mr Bean's Holiday - 4/10


Just not funny, and I was a huge fan of the TV show. Rowan Atkinson just doesn't seem to play him in the same way any more, and the jokes were few and far between. The plot and setting were dull, and the background music got on my nerves. As with Jonny English, once you've seen the trailer for this, you've seen all the best jokes.


Saw it today. I'm a huge Mr Bean fan too, and I found I was forcing myself to laugh at some of the jokes. I think I will enjoy it better second time round. I did enjoy it still,in a way, but I just didnt feel any "magic" while watching it or afterwards. The scene where he was trying to get a lift and with the moped seened to drag on a bit for me, and I did not like the song and dance ending at all! And did anyone else notice that Mr Bean sounded more like Dame Edna in the first 10mins or so?? Grrr trailers give away too much of the films they are promoting nowadays....


Still gets a 7/10 from me tho :heh:

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This is England.


I enjoyed it.....A well thought out backdrop of life in the 80's mixed with grittyness and the occasional bit o' violence. Nice chilled Ska/reggae based sounds in there too. For myself this proves once again that indie film makers still leagues ahead of the Hollywood style production values for substance and content.



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I'd seen this before but struggled with understanding the plot and such. I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more this time, playing it on my shiny new TV surely helped that. The film is beautiful in so many aspects, definitely some of the best cinematography I have ever witnessed. The story has never really gripped me as much as i'd like to but it still earns an 8 for me, although i'm so tempted to give it a 9. I'm very strict with my ratings though.


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Planes, Trains and Automobiles


Poor Steve Martin. The guy just can't make a funny film anymore. Shame he doesn't do films like this anymore, which is probably his best film. Had quite a few laughs in it ("You can start by wiping that fucking smile off your face...!" to name one) and John Candy was excellent aswell. The ending was a bit cheesy, but, still...




28 Days Later


Wow! What a great movie. The best Zombie movie in decades, in fact. Always keeps you on edge, the plot is fantastic, as it goes beyond the general 'get-away-from-the-zombies-fast' story that are incorporated in most zombie films; and the shots London in broad daylight completely trashed & deserted are something special. Anyone who claims to be a fan of zombie films, nay, horror films should watch this.




Eddie Murphy: Delerious


Technically not a movie, but I thought I'd put it up anyway, because it's so freakin' hilarious. I didn't think I'd enjoy watching Murphy do stand-up, but Delerious had me on the floor gasping for air all the way through. "'AIDS?, but I never had sex with another man' [Change in voice] 'Sure you didn't'"




The Thing


My enjoyment was slightly fractured as the film mostly took place in dark settings, and it was so bright outside, even closing the curtains didn't help, which was a bitch, so I'll have to rent it again and watch it in the evening sometime. The beginning also was a bit slow, too, but I haven't seen a movie this suspenseful in a long time. The best part was a certain scene with a defibulator, but I won't spoil anything.



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Never saw so much testosterone in the same place. Simply... over nine thousand.

Battle Royale

I always had the feeling that this would be a stupid gore movie trying to be be philophical, but it actually rocks quite a lot.

Death Note

Very nice, good production values and they do a good work on shortening the story. Also, the actors are mostly good for japs.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Awesome. Fuck.

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Perfect Blue


Its too confusing, you can never tell if its a dream sequence, an acting sequence or a real sequence.

Although it is a good thriller movie, there are a few nudity scenes which is allways good in my book



*cough* it's a fucking cartoon! *cough*

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The Hills Have Eyes 2


Actually saw it last weekend but whatever. It was pretty damn poor, shit plot (even for a sequal to a remake of a Wes Craven film), pretty poor acting and not scary. The blonde female lead is super hot though, something about her eyes and face, couldnt keep my eyes off. Some pretty kool gore in the film plus sledgehammer shots to the nuts of a mutant.


overall 5.5/10

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