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Rate the last film you saw


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Well...a good film is a good film. And (imo) the fake-depression films put us in is hardly reason to not see a good film. Dancer In The Dark is one of my favourite films, but is really gut-wrenching/depressing too. But that feeling last for a negligible (sp?) amount of time in comparison to ACTUAL depression. And it's a great film, so worth watching (multiple times in my case).

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Some of my friends said the same thing. I thought the trailer looked good but one of my friends who is usually happy, said she came out feeling down and depressed. It's kind-of put me off watching it now, lol.


I can't stand this notion that the only reason to the cinema is to see something uplifting and 'fun'. It's a false notion cooked up to defend poor cinema when people say 'I'd rather be entertained than see something heavy' in a way that suggests that depth is somehow inconsolable with entertainment. Cinema has the potential to engage audiences with the full spectrum of emotions and stimulations but has somehow become all about Michael Bay movies. What the fuck happened to the 1970s spirit in Hollywood?

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I can't stand this notion that the only reason to the cinema is to see something uplifting and 'fun'. It's a false notion cooked up to defend poor cinema when people say 'I'd rather be entertained than see something heavy' in a way that suggests that depth is somehow inconsolable with entertainment. Cinema has the potential to engage audiences with the full spectrum of emotions and stimulations but has somehow become all about Michael Bay movies. What the fuck happened to the 1970s spirit in Hollywood?


I would thank, but I've run out because I thank anything and everything.

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To be fair, I knew what type of movie it was and so did my friend when she watched it but she just said almost all the way through the movie, they just talked about suicide (don't know if she's exaggerating tbh). Quite a few of my mates said it was either crap or seriously depressing so it's put me off watching it a little now but I'll probably see it sometime later for myself, I'd probably be the odd one who likes it, lmao.

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Speaking of depressing vs uplifting, I watched Little Miss Sunshine for the first time the other day. It was much less feel good and frothy than I was expecting, weird as and depressing at times. But good.


Big wtf - how the hell does Paul Danno go from playing a 16 year old in this to playing at 28 year old in Gigantic, whilst fitting both parts perfectly, in the space of only 2 years? It's utterly, utterly insane. O and he was awesome when he breaks down in this. Best scream I've ever heard.


Anyhow, back to the film, it was good, the pageant (sp?) was genuinely creepy to watch. Top stuff.


8.5 / 10


I need to watch The Road. Preferably at the cinema as well.


Though for some reason I'm currently acquiring 17 Again. I have no idea what's why / wrong with me.

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To be fair, I knew what type of movie it was and so did my friend when she watched it but she just said almost all the way through the movie, they just talked about suicide (don't know if she's exaggerating tbh). Quite a few of my mates said it was either crap or seriously depressing so it's put me off watching it a little now but I'll probably see it sometime later for myself, I'd probably be the odd one who likes it, lmao.



There's a whole theme in the book with The man carrying a gun loaded with two bullets. Given their situation, him killing his son then himself is often portrayed as an act of mercy and love, rather than evil. Interesting way of looking at love, certainly.


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Yes, I can?


It's a theme, a motif. It's neither the dramatic climax or the crux of the narrative. It's a means by which McCarthy establishes a new morality and a prism through which to view a burned world. One of a series of images that establishes the finality of his apocalypse.


You should read it. It's good.

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Funsies. Although through most of the film I was kinda hoping that they'd transform back and Naveen would still marry Lottie, but then I suppose it is The Princess and the Frog.


Also it confused me how Tiana is apparently BFF with Lottie but is still scrimping and saving to open the restaurant. Yes she was taught that she must work for what she wants in life and its admirable that she does, but surely Lottie, or even her father that seemed to like Tiana, would say "here's a bit of money to open your restaurant, pay me back when you can."





Overall fun, some amusing comedic moments and some good songs. All in all enjoyable :)


Oh and if a live action version ever came out Russel Brand would blatantly play Faciller:



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The Princess and the Frog


I loved it. I loved the 2D animation, loved the characters and I loved the music but as Ashley said, why didn't the rich bitch's dad give Tiana the money so she could open it herself (I suppose then there would be no message...). Facilier is definitely one of my top 5 Disney Villains now, just such an awesome film. I want the soundtrack, those songs were catchy.





Case 39


Nice to see Renee Zellwegger in a movie that isn't a terrible chick flick. Liked the movie and the cast but that girl was creepy. She's creepier than Esther (Orphan) which I loved.



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GI Joe


Completely crap and cheesy but suprisingly I still enjoyed it. Sometimes its fine for a movie to just embrace its crapness and I do think thats what this did. Yeah of course its not the best movie in the world but it did its job for me, kept me entertained while I was watching it.



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The Princess and the Frog


The songs were a bit forgetful but the characters were utterly brilliant. And while each character's story was interesting it never really seemed that they really suited each other other than the fact that everyone knows it should happen that way*. The animation was stunning, though.


Except for the you-know-what. That was actually quite shocking.





Edit: Also, I'm sure Mama Oatis (or whatever the doctorwitch is called) is from another film.

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Sherlock Holmes


Holmes was played pretty well, but I didn't really think much of the other roles.


Also, it was pretty damn obvious. Perhaps I've watched too many films/TV shows but there wasn't really anything surprising or suspenseful in the entire film.


Some of the fighting was entertaining and the did get the look of the film right.



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Ahhh, such a cute film! It's quite weird, but to be honest I guess that's what Studio Ghibli is all about eh? =P

I thought it was a nice film, and I just loved Ponyo haha. Such a cute girl. Though her in-between form is a bit scary but oh well. X3

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