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Soooooooooooo anyone mentioned John Connor would never be born...............since Kyle Reese came from the future and then slept with Sarah Connor. So how could John Connor send Kyle back when John Connors dad is Kyle Rees,


sorry had to get that off my chest.


As soon as you time travel, the normal rules of the universe are broken down, so things which might seem impossible become plausible.

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Saw 5



I have no idea why I watched this on my own, because half the time I couldn't even look at the screen. The final test, with the guy and the girl and the blood thing had me actually squealing. I couldn't watch, I was turned away from the screan with a disgusted face making retarded noises about how horrific it was.


Other than that, it was kind of boring.




I love the movie, no idea why. It's not the weakest but it's not the best either. Can't wait for the sixth one (the last one ever) then I can buy the special boxset. Go boxsets! :bowdown:


Nightmare on Elm Street 3


I enjoyed it alot. This is my favourite Nightmare out of them all.



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Hamlet (A Royal College of Art Film, 1976)


With Helen Mirren, Quentin Crisp. Very Derek jarman, but not by him. Very surreal and misses out loads of vital bits in place of homoerotic wrestling.


It did add to my understanding of Gertrude though.

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Soooooooooooo anyone mentioned John Connor would never be born...............since Kyle Reese came from the future and then slept with Sarah Connor. So how could John Connor send Kyle back when John Connors dad is Kyle Rees,


sorry had to get that off my chest.


Welcome to one of the messiest "plot-lines" in cinema history. It's not simple, but as Chairdriver says, where time travel is concerned, and there might not even be an answer.


Also, maybe the storyline deals with the idea of an "alternate" reality. Think back to the storyline of Back to the Future Part II, where Biff goes into the past and creates an alternate future. We are never actually told that Kyle was intended to be the Father of John. So, what if he actually came from a future where John's Father had been someone else? It's an idea. So, by going to the past and becoming John's Father, he then creates this alternate reality.


I just thought of that eating a meat pie. :) (and after years of constant thought. I fucking Love the Terminator).

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So, I've seen Terminator Salvation today, and have had a chat with ViPeR/Joe about it. He saw it days ago and has been itching to chat to me about it. I'm just chuffed I've seen it now.


I'm shocked. It was actually much, much better than I thought it was going to be, and was frankly miles better than Terminator 3 in almost every way.


There were two standout performances from Anton Yelchin (Kyle Reese) and Sam Worthington (Marcus) and they really were the heart of the film. Anton really is convincing as Kyle, and I had to reassure myself a few times that he is no blood relation to Michael Biehn. The character of Marcus is well written and I wanted to cheer when he took on those three guys. Also, a nice thing, the way he tilted his head when he got smacked in the face with the bar...very Terminator-like. :)


This is very different to the first two films, but you still believe that it's in the Terminator Universe, albeit a very different one to the one we see during the flashbacks of the previous films. I also loved the little reference to "cattlecarts" when Kyle was being transported to Skynet. Of course, the events of the future are meant to mirror the holocaust that took place during World War II, so I liked that mention. But, I wanted to see more inside Skynet, like the camp, and what actually happened to the Prisoners. If there's one thing I'd like to change more than anything, it would really be more footage inside the camp.


I'm mixed about Christian Bale, and I have to say that I really didn't enjoy his scenes all that much. When he was on screen, I was itching for his scenes to be over so I could see more of Kyle or Marcus. To me, he didn't "sell" the role of John Connor well, kinda like how I never truly believed he made a great Bruce Wayne, but it could be because I'm just not a fan of him. Maybe in time...


I'm not sure about the overall ending of the film, particularly with Bale being given a second heart like that. Personally, what I would have done is gone back to that scene where John is setting up the explosives and Marcus looks over to see him doing that whilst The Terminator beats him to within an inch of his life. What I would've done is drawn that scene out a lot more, perhaps, so that Marcus looks over, John looks back, and Marcus loses his life so that John can blow the place up. It would still fit with the sacrificial/redemption theme, and it might've seemed a little less cheesy than Marcus giving his heart? I dunno, it's an idea.


I need to see it again. But, after seeing it once, I think it deserved an 8/10, or a very high 7, after first viewing. There's loads I didn't talk about, but will do after more viewings. I will be going to see this again, I hope.




I'd give it a 6, personally, but I too was rather pleaseantly surprised by it.

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I'd give it a 6, personally, but I too was rather pleaseantly surprised by it.


I found it very difficult to rate. When comparing it to the first two films, considering I'd give them 9s and 10s, then an 8 would probably be very generous. However, I know that it's part of a new line of Terminator films. For any Terminator film to be better than the first two...I don't think it can be done. First of all, Cameron would have to be on board, and I think you'd have to rewind 20 years when Arnie was in his prime and shape. I think I've just accepted now that these films are classics and cannot be touched, so I'm not really going to slate any of the newer films for not "being" like the older ones.

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That makes it sound as if it was boring and took your full concentration to stay watching. Which I stopped using some point into the film.


Might give it a second chance.


No it took all my concentration in a good way! :) If I didn't care about a film I'll only be half concentrating on it and doing other things!

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Welcome to one of the messiest "plot-lines" in cinema history. It's not simple, but as Chairdriver says, where time travel is concerned, and there might not even be an answer.


Also, maybe the storyline deals with the idea of an "alternate" reality. Think back to the storyline of Back to the Future Part II, where Biff goes into the past and creates an alternate future. We are never actually told that Kyle was intended to be the Father of John. So, what if he actually came from a future where John's Father had been someone else? It's an idea. So, by going to the past and becoming John's Father, he then creates this alternate reality.


I just thought of that eating a meat pie. :) (and after years of constant thought. I fucking Love the Terminator).


True, I keep telling myself not to think of it and just follow that insane plot line, but oh well, i enjoyed terminator salvation, although id did appear to be filmed with some sort of solar flare all over it.

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Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind - 8/10


Really cool film I thought, loved the concept and loved the editing of it. Thought the pacing was spot on and liked the ending. Nice to see Jim Carey do something a bit different with himself as well.

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Soooooooooooo anyone mentioned John Connor would never be born...............since Kyle Reese came from the future and then slept with Sarah Connor. So how could John Connor send Kyle back when John Connors dad is Kyle Rees,


sorry had to get that off my chest.


Having recently read Mostly Harmless I am very convinced that it is due to temporal reverse engineering.

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Soooooooooooo anyone mentioned John Connor would never be born...............since Kyle Reese came from the future and then slept with Sarah Connor. So how could John Connor send Kyle back when John Connors dad is Kyle Rees,


sorry had to get that off my chest.

It's slightly confusing, but it makes sense. Unless you're refering to something they've changed about it in Salvation, which I'm yet to see.
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American Psycho


Tries really, really hard to be intelligent and thought provoking with a very boring character/10.


Quite good though.


It's fantastic on one of it's premises. The satirization of such a lifestyle obsession.


The intro, the business card scene, wome philosophy... all completely brilliant.

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It's fantastic on one of it's premises. The satirization of such a lifestyle obsession.


The intro, the business card scene, wome philosophy... all completely brilliant.


It's great that you liked it.

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Slumdog Millionaire


Brilliant, I really enjoyed! Endearing characters and some shocking truths. But it had this... film 4 ickyness, which I can't describe too well; just felt like it was trying too hard on the cheap.



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It's great that you liked it.


I liked it, yes, but it's hardly a masterpiece. It's ok. What I'm saying is that it really shines when addressing the hollowness of these characters, which are supposed to be society's cream of the crop. It's quite astonishing, in that sense. Those scenes were very well executed.


And it's not trying to be thought provoking, all of it is pretty self-explanatory. It is, however, inteligent enough.

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REALLY!! I thought the presentation was fantastic, beautifully shot!

Hmm less the presentation and more the strength of acting being able to hold some of the darker themes perhaps, something just didn't feel quite right.

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I must've been the last person not to have seen Slumdog Millionaire. I'm not even interested anymore.


I haven't been to the cinema since...erm...since I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


I didn't even go to see Order of the Phoenix! Or The Dark Knight! And there are still some recent blockbuster films I haven't seen.



I just don't go to the flicks anymore. :blank:

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