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Rate the last film you saw


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I think a better way of putting it is that Marvel do so many films that a lot of them are duff. A lot are good too.




Didn't go in expecting much. Dissapointed, but not really.

Gambit was a bit shit. His powers looked alright (scared they'd be crap), but without any sort of explanation of what they actually were, I can imagine it coming across as rubbish. Obviously I know, so it's ok. I even know natural enhanced agility is a power of his, so he can justify flying about the place, but a punter won't get that.


Doesn't he charge objects with electrostatic energy? It seemed pretty obvious from the film.

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almost. It's Kinetic energy.


Yeah. Average film. It was better than X-3 by a considerable margin but the script never touched on anything in the X-Men's scope of alienation, persecution and such. Going back to the flat after to catch a few scenes of X-Men 2 was a reminder that the script was just lacking the brains a bit.

Action was pretty cool, and I liked how all the mutants in it were done well. Umm, yes.

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Doesn't he charge objects with electrostatic energy? It seemed pretty obvious from the film.




To me, it looked he could make cards float, and then they randomly turned a bit pink and flew at people. Then his stick could cause shockwaves.


I don't think it was explained enough/at all for outsiders. Maybe I'm wrong.

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To me, it looked he could make cards float, and then they randomly turned a bit pink and flew at people. Then his stick could cause shockwaves.


I don't think it was explained enough/at all for outsiders. Maybe I'm wrong.


I would say you're not giving Joe Public enough credit/not using common sense tbh.


Cards don't usually make people get thrown through a wall....

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I would say you're not giving Joe Public enough credit/not using common sense tbh.


Cards don't usually make people get thrown through a wall....


Well whatever. It just seemed to me that it looked like control cards, and have a generic shockwave inducing power. They could have expanded on it and therefore make it 100 times less shiteous for all involved.

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Hannah Montana: The Movie.


Luckily I shaved as I must've looked under 15 as I got in on a child ticket, no questions asked! :)


I loved the movie. Twas light hearted good fun! I enjoyed all the songs (particularly Butterfly fly away) and laughed out loud several times, Miley's dad was hilarious in the film. It felt a bit rushed at the end but everything was wrapped up nicely.


Only complaint is that it needed more Emiy Osment, not nearly enough! her chemistry with Miley is great when on screen. I also almost had tears in my eyes at one point. :p (end of revolving door scene)


Is much better than I expected! :grin: Lovely and relaxing on a Saturday afternoon!


6 Bears out of 7. :D

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Hannah Montana: The Movie.


Luckily I shaved as I must've looked under 15 as I got in on a child ticket, no questions asked! :)


I loved the movie. Twas light hearted good fun! I enjoyed all the songs (particularly Butterfly fly away) and laughed out loud several times, Miley's dad was hilarious in the film. It felt a bit rushed at the end but everything was wrapped up nicely.


Only complaint is that it needed more Emiy Osment, not nearly enough! her chemistry with Miley is great when on screen. I also almost had tears in my eyes at one point. :p (end of revolving door scene)


Is much better than I expected! :grin: Lovely and relaxing on a Saturday afternoon!


6 Bears out of 7. :D


I don't like HM (I like Miley Cyrus when she's herself) but for some reason, I thought the movie looked good. I'll have to check it out.


Crank 2: High Voltage


Not as good as the original but it's still a little fun. I don't think they should have made a sequel as I thought the end to Crank was very good. Love Amy Smart though :P



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Well whatever. It just seemed to me that it looked like control cards, and have a generic shockwave inducing power. They could have expanded on it and therefore make it 100 times less shiteous for all involved.


I think/hope that Gambit gets his own movie one day :P Any lack of explanation is likely to resolve in more in future moveis. I doubt X-Men: Origins will stop at wolfie.

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I can't see Gambit carrying his own movie.


I want X-Men Origins:Magneto, which is the only other "confirmed" one. I'd be a lot more interested in that than anyone else, really. Could have Sabertooth in too.

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I can't really imagine it working personally. He wasn't particularly funny in this film. Granted he had...0 screen time, but still.


I dunno.


Chair made us leave before the credit scenes, and he said after that it was a shit one with Wolverine in a bar. Turns out there's different ones, and one is Deadpool picking up his head and going "Shhhhh".

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A Deadpool movie starring proper Ryan Reynolds Deadpool would be >>>>> All other films ever.



Literally add a few Z-list Marvel characters, as major characters, and it would be guaranteed win.


It would be the definition of something great.

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I was thinking about that in the shower this morning.




carrying on:

It would be awesome if they made it like...the most comic book movie ever. I'm talking thought bubbles, 'panel' screen transitions, captions and, of course, a totally bulldozer approach to the fourth wall. As Shorty mentioned last night- there needs to be a scene in which he comments on how unrealistic a big CGI scene looks while big fuck off explosions kick off in the background.

Hell, make it a 3D film and have him punch though the paper screen.

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I was thinking about that in the shower this morning.




carrying on:

It would be awesome if they made it like...the most comic book movie ever. I'm talking thought bubbles, 'panel' screen transitions, captions and, of course, a totally bulldozer approach to the fourth wall. As Shorty mentioned last night- there needs to be a scene in which he comments on how unrealistic a big CGI scene looks while big fuck off explosions kick off in the background.

Hell, make it a 3D film and have him punch though the paper screen.


I´m glad I´m not the only one who thinks about Deadpool in the shower.


Jokes aside what you described is something I would really want.

Have him face off someone like The Taskmaster or someone obscure because that is something the Deadpool comics do a lot of.

Pick up obscure (forgotten) character and put him a bit on the spotlight.


Also a Squirrel girl cameo would be hilarious.

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They ruined deadpool =( I could forgo a lot of the other things that annoyed my movie-going comrades and actually found the movie silly-but-enjoyable. But deadpool... :nono: it was so right at first, so sucky by the end, if they'd just never referred to weapon XI as 'deadpool' there wouldn't have been so much of a problem.

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They ruined deadpool =( I could forgo a lot of the other things that annoyed my movie-going comrades and actually found the movie silly-but-enjoyable. But deadpool... :nono: it was so right at first, so sucky by the end, if they'd just never referred to weapon XI as 'deadpool' there wouldn't have been so much of a problem.


Agreed 100%. I would have been fine with the (stupid flaws) of the film but the ruining of one of my all time favourite characters....




I'm convinced the writer/writers are spastics/s.

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I´m glad I´m not the only one who thinks about Deadpool in the shower.


Jokes aside what you described is something I would really want.

Have him face off someone like The Taskmaster or someone obscure because that is something the Deadpool comics do a lot of.

Pick up obscure (forgotten) character and put him a bit on the spotlight.


Also a Squirrel girl cameo would be hilarious.


Taskmaster isn't really obscure though, since he's involved with so many characters.


They could just do the Deadpool and Bob Agent Of Hydra fight an Exiles team from a different universe, with guest appearances from Jessica Jones, Cloak & Dagger and Dr. Doom.

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Went to cinema and watched *looks for un-memorable title of film* ah yeah, State of Play. Was a very good film and kind of a half mystery/half thriller type thing. Was brilliant actually. It's ripe on rotten tomatoes.

Glad my friends convinced me to watch it instead of Wolverine because it actually made me think a bit, but I guess you can't go wrong with Hugh Jackman. What a guy.

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