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Rate the last film you saw


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The Wayward Cloud


The Guardian described it as "high comedy, high camp musical numbers and a vast amount of hardcore porn" which was kinda right. It wasn't 'high' comedy. There were comical (bizarre comedy and absurd comedy) moments, and the musical numbers were pretty camp. Wouldn't really say there was vast amounts of hardcore porn, but there was a fair bit of weird nudity. And some really suspect imagery.


Im not really sure what I think... But certainly unique...

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The Wayward Cloud


The Guardian described it as "high comedy, high camp musical numbers and a vast amount of hardcore porn" which was kinda right. It wasn't 'high' comedy. There were comical (bizarre comedy and absurd comedy) moments, and the musical numbers were pretty camp. Wouldn't really say there was vast amounts of hardcore porn, but there was a fair bit of weird nudity. And some really suspect imagery.


Im not really sure what I think... But certainly unique...

Could you explain more?

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Slumdog Millionaire


Very good. Kinda unique. Similar in ways to The Usual Suspects, (kinda) but yeah. I enjoyed it. Massively over hyped though, obviously. Also old people are a pain in the arse to watch films with. They're worse than chavs.

Like the cricket question, a couple ONE seats gap away from me started discussing the answer/cricket for a minute.




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The Goonies


Don't care what anyone else says, this film is ace. Still funny now (Chunk and the car chase and Chunk being interrogated by the Fratellis are just two of the funny bits). Brings back many memories from being younger and I'm still in awe now at the fact that the cavern with One-eyed Willie's ship was full scale: everything you see is real. I would love to have gone to see that set. Wanna watch it again now. Such a good film. Love the bit where Chunk breaks the statue in the house. Couldn't stop laughing.


Anyways, 10 out of 10. My only hope is that noone decides to take up the task of doing a remake somewhere down the line as they'd just ruin it by doing blue-screen and CGI.


Reading this makes me wanna watch it, lol. But yeah, The Goonies is truly great. HEEEY YOU GUUUUUYS! lol.


Jump In


Got bored so I decided to watch it, it's not that bad. I thought it was going to be crappy but it's really not that bad




Sex Drive


Bloody hilarious!!! Loved it! Gonna watch it again tonight and I'm trying to convince as many people as I can to watch it. It's too funny to miss.




Yes Man


Jim Carrey...that is all.



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Rubbish but fun. Awful script but entertainingly rubbish. I hate that Stratham knob but could somehow tolerate him. Maybe it was the whole Gears of War crossed with Mario Kart thing...




Final Destination


So I'd never seen any before so thought I'd rent one. What a load of crock. I knew it was meant to be absurd but still. Shit.


And Ali Larter's character was actually called 'Clear Rivers' how stupid. I presumed they were saying Claire but apparently not.


You're a bad man. Final Destination is sublime. The third is the weakest Haggis. I've warned you!! :heh:


Bring on the 3D!!!!

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It took itself way too seriously where clearly it was 90 minutes of camp carnage. I did find the plan of death (whatever they called it) interesting but between Ali Larter's bad wig and everyone's wooden acting I found myself unamused.

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It took itself way too seriously where clearly it was 90 minutes of camp carnage. I did find the plan of death (whatever they called it) interesting but between Ali Larter's bad wig and everyone's wooden acting I found myself unamused.


It would have been a far less funnier film if wasn't done in a really dead pan way. It's the clash of the absurd and the severe that make it what it is.


You probably have to watch it with a dose of humour. But that applies to all teen horror films.

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You're a bad man. Final Destination is sublime. The third is the weakest Haggis. I've warned you!! :heh:


Bring on the 3D!!!!


Lol, I think we'll have to disagree. I just feel the first takes itself way to seriously, like it thinks what it's saying is actually plausible. But meh, it's still good fun. :D


Yes! 3D! Hopefully there will be bits flying everywhere. (Ashley, don't you dare).

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The Tripper


Made by Courtney/David cox Arquette. Supposed to be a homage to Scream and such.


A guy dressed as Ronald Regan goes round killing all these hippies. Someone says "But...I'M A REPUBLICAN!" and then gets an axe in the chest.


Courtney Cox's cameo was brilliant. A pack of dogs had ravaged her friends, and she goes "No! Don't shoot them, these are Gods creatures. They're our friends!" before getting attacked by one of the dogs.


Pretty terrible as a movie, but it had a fair few good laughs in towards the end. Scary? No. Disgusting? Yes. Funny? Yeeees.





Paradise Lost


God, this was abysmal. A tragic excuse for a movie.



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Final Destination 3


Quite entertaining. I liked the ending. As I mentioned, the coupling of Amanda Crew and MEW....I just....I can't fathom that. It was practically a fantasy. Like my two new favourites, together before I even discovered them.




Dunno if anyone saw but the fourth is called "Final Destination: Death Trip 3D"

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Reign of Fire


Good film. Some really awesome scenes, especially the skydiving scene which was fantastic! Really great effects, apart from a couple of slightly dodgy fireballs. Filmed in a really good style. Thought Christian Bale was great. Story could have been a little better perhaps, though good enough for what it is really. And I thought the end fight was perhaps a bit easy, but makes sense if you assume the females keep well clear of the male. Enjoyed it!



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The Orphanage


I love that she had inadvertently killed her son.



The ending was a bit predictable but still good. Might have given it a higher mark but my mum came back from the cinema and decided to destroy the last 20 minutes by talking, no matter how often I told her to shut her trap. :indeed:



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