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Rate the last film you saw


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I've only seen the last 15 minutes.


I knew nothing about the story/characters at all, and I was crying. It's so amazing how they can get so much emotion in with so little dialogue.


Aww thank god other people cried at this film because I thought it was just me, and that there was something seriously wrong at me crying at machines!


Saw The Mummy 3 today, and I'm quite frankly appauled. Hated every minute of it.



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Mamma Mia!

My cousin came back from seeing the movie, telling me it was fantastic and that she'd see it again. So, I went to see it and I thought it was...alright. Not good, not bad, just...so-so. I never was a fan of Abba, rofl.




Big Stan

Now this movie ROCKS! This is a really good comedy that I can see myself watching again. Not to be taken seriously, of course, but a good laugh.





Seriously one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Will Ferrell and everyone was brilliant. Hilarious scenes, funny jokes, great storyline, definitely going to watch again.




I wanna watch the new Mummy but the second one put me off a little and so are the reviews, lol. I might wait for DVD release, but if it wasn't for the fact that Jet Li is in it, I would probably never watch it, lol.

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WALL-E made me cry about 8 times.


While the little kids were laughing at him stealing the dead robots wheels, I was sobbing into my shirt.


This is what I found so amazing about Wall-E, you can watch it almost any way you want to, it's just so captivating. I looked at it as a spoof of Blade Runner myself.

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Not been in this thread for a while then? This is a serious thread. :(




Seriously though, that's false, have you ever seen me taking another poster's opinion seriously in this thread? No! Then I'm not that serious. :heh:


And let's be honest, this isn't that serious.

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But Oxigen it is fact that those two scenes in The Matrix Reloaded feature some of the most overblown, meaningless, bullshit dialogue in any feature film. You could have the opinion that maybe they were poking fun at philosophy a bit, or you could just have the opinion that they were good scenes, but it is an undisputable fact that they are rubbish, and would be among the worst scenes in the film is the MEROVINGIANANANANANA scene didn't have the Boob's Galore of Monica Belluci.


And I have personally always taken this thread seriously, like a huge chin fight to the death.

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South Park The Movie

The first act is marvellous, but the second isn't that great. Songs are good throughout!



The Mummy

Years since I last saw this, and was pretty suprised to find it just as good as I remembered it to be. Great modern action adventure flick with plenty of suspense, great characters, fantastic action, impressive CGI and many humourous moments.



The Mummy Returns

Starts off well, but once they reach Egypt it fails in most departments. Still somewhat enjoyable.



Force 10 from Navarone

Robert Shaw and Harrison Ford team up to blow up a dam in this 70's WW2 flick.Good stuff!


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I have had a film day today.

The Machinist

good film, but the ending was pretty inevitable. Great work by Christian Bale though. 8/10



I was watching this feeling like i'd read or seen if before. It was a combination of 1984, Brazil, The Matrix and any number of things on a similar theme. The martial arts and fight sequences were pretty cool though. Plus Bale was good. I am loving him at the moment. 6.5/10


Good Will Hunting

Can't believe it took me this long to see this film! I loved it. I'm really starting to admire Matt Damons work (previously most memorable for the abuse poured on him in Team America), and Robin Williams is usually very good too. Plus I really enjoy the concept of genius, like in A Beautifull Mind or Rainman. 9/10


Lars and the Real Girl

Not sure about this one. It was well made, decent acting, and I think it made the point well enough. Maybe it was just a bit too unconfortable for me. 6/10

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The Dark Knight


Structurally it was a mess.


Gotham was basically a non-entity, it had no presence at all. Might as well have been set in New York.


It was too long.


Acting was fantastic though (Except maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal).


All in all, not as good as the first.



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The Dark Knight


Structurally it was a mess.


Gotham was basically a non-entity, it had no presence at all. Might as well have been set in New York.


It was too long.


Acting was fantastic though (Except maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal).


All in all, not as good as the first.





Oy. :blank:

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Oy. :blank:


What an insightful comment... :indeed:


I think that's a pretty fair analysis of the film. I was going to give it a 7 but I couldn't justify doing that considering I started to look at my watch just past the 90 minute mark.

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Wow, this movie just gets worse and worse the more I see it. Not that it was ever that great to begin with, but now it was just so bad in certain places it made me and my sister laugh. Silly movie. Only reason I watched it is because I had nothing else to keep me entertained.

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I love it.


Just incase, watch the spoilers. :wink:


Yeah, there were some great bits in it but I just felt sloppy editing and some really poor structure really let it down.


Also I have a massive problem with Gotham City. In the first film it has a real identity. In this, like I said, it might as well have been New York or just 'generic metropolis'.

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The Dark Knight


Structurally it was a mess.


Gotham was basically a non-entity, it had no presence at all. Might as well have been set in New York.


It was too long.


Acting was fantastic though (Except maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal).


All in all, not as good as the first.




I don't think i've ever read such a comment that reads so much into a film :)

In all fairness just sit down and enjoy the film don't worry about it's structure and oh well the city(god forbid) is performing in the movie.


and I'm pretty sure the first movie was longer if not about the same.

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True, but it's hardly something that ruins the film.


And yeah, the end was crap.


It kind of did ruin the film for me. I felt it took away some of Batman's reason d'être. I didn't really care for genero-city, unlike in Begins, and so I got a bit bored.

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True, but it's hardly something that ruins the film.


And yeah, the end was crap.


and why was it crap? because the good guys didn't win ?


This seems to happen everytime that sort of thing happens in a film. I remember the revenge of the sith complaints, the no country for old men complaints,I am legend and a crap load of other movies.


I happened to think it was a great ending but whatever :)


It kind of did ruin the film for me. I felt it took away some of Batman's reason d'être. I didn't really care for genero-city, unlike in Begins, and so I got a bit bored.


ok that is youe opinion and i have strange complaints when it comes to movies too..


Soemtimes the music in a movie can ruin it for me a little :)


but that complaint is similiar to the "crowd reaction" complaint in tranformers.. I can't understand it.

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I don't think i've ever read such a comment that reads so much into a film :)

In all fairness just sit down and enjoy the film don't worry about it's structure and oh well the city(god forbid) is performing in the movie.


and I'm pretty sure the first movie was longer if not about the same.


It isn't really a sit down and enjoy film, per se. Batman has a lot of mythology and background to it. As a film that is meant to be based on the comic Gotham is vital to it. Setting is vital in movies in general. Why do you think most disaster movies are set in New York? Because it has the highest concentration of recognizable landmarks in the world.


Structure is important because the film just stuttered along, which really broke the experience for me.


Th first film might have been longer but it speaks to just how much better done it is that I didn't notice it's length.

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The Dark Knight


Gotham was basically a non-entity, it had no presence at all. Might as well have been set in New York.



Acting was fantastic though (Except maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal).


All in all, not as good as the first.




I agree with these points! (Although I still thought it was amazing)


Its good to see someone agrees with my Gotham City opinion instead of people disagreeing saying "Gothams not all narrows" :indeed:

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I agree with these points! (Although I still thought it was amazing)


Its good to see someone agrees with my Gotham City opinion instead of people disagreeing saying "Gothams not all narrows" :indeed:


Agreed. Loved the Dark Knight but I did feel that Gotham was just another NYC or other city.:heh:

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I agree with these points! (Although I still thought it was amazing)


Its good to see someone agrees with my Gotham City opinion instead of people disagreeing saying "Gothams not all narrows" :indeed:

oh it;s a very agreeable point but well. I just don't think it;s big enough to taint a film.. for me anyway :)

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There is a reason Gotham was like that IMO. It was Dent's Gotham, on the mend from the corruption inflicted during Begins.


It was a strange change though, I'll give you that.




To reply to ReZ, Gotham isn't all narrows. The Dark Knight is one chapter of Batman's career, set over a relatively short time (a few days, isn't it?). So trailing the Joker doesn't reach the Narrows? So what?


I've already said what I think of the city change, similar to Dan's analysis.


Remember last time they tried to make Gotham City (the main part of it) unique? In Batman + Robin, there were impossibly huge statues intertwining with buildings. :indeed:


Frankly, I might have died of claustrophobia and blindness had most of The Dark Knight taken place in the Narrow at night. Joker as a metaphor isn't claustrophobic...his plans were for all of Gotham. Sure Ra's/Scarecrows were too, but they never reached Wayne Tower, remember.


But yeah, the fact it's set during the day represents Dent, as Dan said, in essence. Remember that it ended at night...?

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