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Rate the last film you saw


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Dammit- Mel Gibson is actually a brilliant director. I'd rather hate him for being a complete bastard, but hey- this is amazing. One of the most atmospheric, intense, savage and fascinating films I've seen in years. You have to give credit when the entire 2nd half of the film is basically one scene. An amazing one, at that.

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see, im fine with ott action, hell i gave shoot em up an 9/10 a few months ago, i just found wanted too stupid, i mean they made a guy jump between sky scrapers.


maybe i did watch it with the wrong person, and i might have liked it more if i was drunk, i just found that logic and reason were abandoned.


and the wet arse was great, i'll yeild that.

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see, im fine with ott action, hell i gave shoot em up an 9/10 a few months ago, i just found wanted too stupid, i mean they made a guy jump between sky scrapers.


maybe i did watch it with the wrong person, and i might have liked it more if i was drunk, i just found that logic and reason were abandoned.


and the wet arse was great, i'll yeild that.


It was based off a comic book. :indeed:

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Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs


Picking up where Bender's Big Score left off certainly was a good idea and the first 30 minutes are absolutely great but then the story declines. There are some smaller plot holes and I kept wondering what exactly they wanted to tell with the beast. At some point I felt like they were going to make it God like, at the next I felt like they were mocking religion and then again I thought it didn't have any intention in either direction. There are still a few good laughs throughout the whole movie but it becomes a bit predictable and then quite stupid actually.



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So, you say a very smart thing, and then say two of the dumbest things I've ever heard anyone say in all my life.


You need to get out more then :heh:


My opinion is my opinion. If I liked a film because of any reason, I'm not going to lie about it. God, lighten up a little!




Resident Evil: Extinction


I found this to be quite good but it wasn't as good as the other two Resident Evils. However, I found that the ending was more than mediocre and I thought the storyline was alright but it wasn't disastrous. So, from me, it gets...





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Aeon Flux


The theme for my Art class next year at school will be Utopia, so my teacher has encouraged us to look to films and books to see examples of utopia and dystopia to fuel our brain.


While a blandly acted and generally stodgy film, it's very beautiful, and the city is gorgeous. The fertility thing isn't original, but I felt it was handled fairly originally.




Cool action flick...style over substance though.

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You need to get out more then :heh:


My opinion is my opinion. If I liked a film because of any reason, I'm not going to lie about it. God, lighten up a little!




Resident Evil: Extinction


I found this to be quite good but it wasn't as good as the other two Resident Evils. However, I found that the ending was more than mediocre and I thought the storyline was alright but it wasn't disastrous. So, from me, it gets...






Dear god, you just added insult to injury. If RE: Extinction wasn't as good as the other two and it deserves a 7/10, I'm dying to see what the other two are worth in your chart.




As for the whole Wanted discussion, I haven't seen the movie yet, but from the trailer, it looks like the worst thing that's ever existed...

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The end is a little better in the book I think. Marla was kind of forgotten towards the end of the film but she is better flushed out in the book.


But it really is a judgement call, I only narrowly choose the book.


Ahh fair do. Well I havn't finished the book yet so i might end up agreeing with you. That said, the end of the film... with the Pixies playing it out... perfection.


So 2 films that I watched with friends yesterday and that I really need to watch again as the volume was up way too low...


The Prestige


Holy cack what a piece of brilliance!! The various twists were superb and the acting flawless. Bit long, and was abit meh at the start, but the plot was incredibly clever and came together perfectly by the end.


9.5 / 10




A little overhyped but it was still most enjoyable. I actually had the soundrack before watching so Im pretty sure I did a good job of annoying everyone I was watching with by singing along lol. Soundtrack is still fantasmic though.


8 / 10

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If the Malaysians made a comedy about the assassination of the president of the United States because of his opposition to slavery, it would seem approximately as funny to us as Zoolander would seem to them.




11/10 - Funniest film ever, even though Ben Stiller is in it.

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Prince Casper in Banana. Returning to Narnia etc...


Enjoyable 2hr 45min romp back to Narnia where everything is different and kids are still awesome at wielding swords/bows/magiks. Better performances than previously and some awesome effects round it off. Story not as strong as previous iteration but still a nice jaunt with some twisty bits thrown in for the craic. Lovely juxtapositional beginning, stodgy middle with fighty-fighty bits and rounded off with an exciting yet suddenly abrupt ending.


Sets the next film up nicely then. Kinda what sequels usually do.



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I'm rewatching all the Disney movies, to see if my maturity has made them better or worse.





As a child, I never liked this film. I thought it was boring, and I didn't understand why the "baddie" was evil.


Rewatching it, I loved it and I thought it was genuinely entertaining. The storyline is very adult, especially for a Disney movie, and I would have prefered they had handled it as an adult movie (less comedy with the stupid animals and more interaction between Pocahontas and John Smith). I liked how there wasn't a happy ending either. John Smith is shot, and it's ambiguous whether he lives or dies, and the last thing you see is the ship sailing away and Pocahontas desperately running after it. It felt a nice change to the stereotypical happy ending.


I loved the music (the song which was left out of the original cinema edit is actually the best of the movie). Colours Of The Wind is a good song too.


There's bits I never realised before aswell - the necklace she wears represents the society she lives in. When the warrior-dude dies, he rips the necklace off her neck, breaking it - Symbolism for her community being ripped apart by the settlers. Aslo, the leaves that swirl in the wind are supposed to be her mother's spirit, but I think that's too subtle to pick up when you watch the film.


I also love the scene where John Smith and Pocahontas meet for the first time - because it's all visual. There's no dialogue for about 5 minutes of the film, it's all in their actions and facial expressions. And that's really hard to achieve with animation, so props to the director/producer/animators. Also, I love how Pocahontas is genuinely beautiful (I imagine someone like Devon Akoi playing her in the live-action movie).


The film is ruined however by the stupid racoon and the dog. I hate them. I hate them so much. Literally taking a good movie and diluting it with crap comedic animals. But then it is a kid's film, so its expected. But still, I hate shite.


All-in-all, a good movie.



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Also, I love how Pocahontas is genuinely beautiful (I imagine someone like Devon Akoi playing her in the live-action movie).




Devon Aoki isn't typically beautiful enough, and looks nothing like her. Too short as well. But yeah, shes definitely the most aesthetically attractive Disney "princess".


I have a massive semi-nostalgic, semi-current Disney fetish.

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The Prestige


Holy cack what a piece of brilliance!! The various twists were superb and the acting flawless. Bit long, and was abit meh at the start, but the plot was incredibly clever and came together perfectly by the end.




8 / 10


See, I thought this was a pretty good film up untill the end. The final twist was a poor fit for the film- it had no grounding in the sleight of hand motif and just felt odd and misplaced. Otherwise a good film it's just a shame they took it that way at the end.

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See, I thought this was a pretty good film up untill the end. The final twist was a poor fit for the film- it had no grounding in the sleight of hand motif and just felt odd and misplaced. Otherwise a good film it's just a shame they took it that way at the end.


Odd, yes, misplaced, never. I mean, the whole movie I kept thinking to myself, that's obviously the ending. And there it was. :heh:


Great flick, nonetheless.

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Odd, yes, misplaced, never. I mean, the whole movie I kept thinking to myself, that's obviously the ending. And there it was. :heh:


Great flick, nonetheless.


It's funny, I don't remember seeing a film where I couldn't predict the ending and I didn't see it coming in this one and it's bloody obvious. Bad day I guess lol. But yeah, was a good movie.

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The Weatherman

Not the schlock that I thought it was going to be. It's very depressing, but not depressing enough, Hope Davis and Nic Cage are fantastic, Michael Caine is just Michael Caine and there are a few really terrible performances, but otherwise it's surprisingly quite a pleasant experience.


Surprising that it was produced by a major studio and had such a high profile upon its release as it is one of the most pessimistic American films of recent years.



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I don't know, perhaps I might go to a 9, but it was by no means perfect. 8 is a damn good score anyway; though people never seem to use them, there are numbers all the way down to 1...


Like most people know, the formula that calculates how much you liked the movie dictates that you are not allowed to go under 6 or over 10.

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I don't know, perhaps I might go to a 9, but it was by no means perfect. 8 is a damn good score anyway; though people never seem to use them, there are numbers all the way down to 1...


I actually use them a lot.


As for the movie, you've got to be fucking kidding me. It has the best script ever conceived by humans!

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