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Rate the last film you saw


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Spielberg went out of his way to say that Mutt wasn't Indy's son. But he did play a really good character, the ending pleased me (when Indy nicked his hat
:heh:). And the aliens were dodgy in retrospect, I don't really think the bit where the 13 skulls were combined to make a life form was necessary, they could have left it stationary then let the vortex go 'Ark of the Covenant' on her.


Your completely right! the alien being was not needed, leaving it at them all filling her mind with knowledge and she overloading would have been better.


Notice the ark ;)




Revised to an 8.8/indyness

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Indian Jones


Nothing was ever going to top The Last Crusade, it had Nazis and everything.


Aliens? They can fuck right off, how fucking lame.



George Lucas has become the movie version of AIDS.



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Indian Jones


Nothing was ever going to top The Last Crusade, it had Nazis and everything.


Aliens? They can fuck right off, how fucking lame.



George Lucas has become the movie version of AIDS.




And an army of face melting ghosts lying dormant in a magical box is more convincing?

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No, it's Indiana Jones, it was perfectly acceptable.


Forbidden Kingdom


It was good when Jet Li and Jackie Chan were on screen, but oh boy it was bad when I had to put up with the Shia Labouf-alike urgghh.



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And an army of face melting ghosts lying dormant in a magical box is more convincing?


He didn't say it was unconvincing, he said it was lame. Which it was.


What Bananagrabber said. Also there is a difference between doing a film about something which has hundreds of years of mythology/legend/whatever behind it, like the Ark and the Grail, and just crowbaring aliens into the plot so we can have some over the top visual eye candy at the end.



Right, because Lucas didn't work on the new ones and Spielberg didn't work on this one either.


Spielberg didn't pen the incredibly crap story. He's an idiot for not pointing that out but then he didn't rape the Star Wars franchise.

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Indiana Jones and the KOTCS

I was dissapointed but still enjoyed it very much and think I'll enjoy it more on my second viewing, but I just wasn't wowed. Overall it was a fun Indy movie, kind of a combination of all previous three movies, with many little references to those movies, but the whole ending with the aliens and all didn't really sit well with me. I would've preferred another mythological/religious (earth based) artefact. I guess this is what happens when you wait to see the long delayed return of your favourite screen character. The 'Die Another Day' of the Indy franchise.



Great thriller in which we have Harrison Ford looking for his lost wife in Paris, with the help of a prostitue, who he must not fall for.


Mosquito Coast

Harrison Ford play's a Robin Williams type character who's an inventor. He decides that America is no longer the place to bring up his family and goes in search of a dream on the Mosquito Coast. Very enjoyable with a great performance from the late River Phoenix.


Batman Begins

Batman is my least favourite superhero, but this film is fantastic.


First Knight

Exciting first half, but it get pretty boring fast.

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Die Another Day was like 3/4 years after The World Is Not Enough, I don't see how the new Indy is like it at all.


I don't think I did rate it though I would give it 6/10. The plot takes away 3 points and THE jungle scene with Shia takes another point away. Seems fair to me.

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I like Batman the most of any DC character, because he feels the most realistic. Actually planning ahead incase any of the other superheros go crazy and start killing people, like having files on everyone and stuff.


Also, he has the best villains.



Die Another Day was like 3/4 years after The World Is Not Enough, I don't see how the new Indy is like it at all.


I love both DAD and TWINE just because of their theme songs, by Madonna and Garbage respectively.

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For once I agree with ReZourceman, but we certainly do not read from the same dictionary.


The Dictionary of Whin? Don't leave home without it.


My favourite DC is Green Lantern (Hal...Kyle is okay, but Hal) closely followed by Batman.


I actually can't wait to get my mits on this




[/Mildly Off Topic]

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Capricorn One

A fantastic premise let down by a fairly lousy script and some poor acting from a few members of the principal cast. There are some moments that are truly inspired, the thrilling chase sequence towards the end to name just one, but some lacklustre cinematography in parts lets it down.


For those who don't know the plot, it covers a hoax manned mission to Mars in which, at first, even the astronauts don't know what's happening. They are yanked out of the command module just minutes before launch and thrown onto a plane. When the film came out it's highly realistic vision of a manned landing on Mars sparked rumours that Nasa had infact staged the Moon landings in a similar way. But the film instead appears to celebrate the achievements of Nasa and its astronauts, damning the public for shunning the efforts of Nasa after the initial moon landing.


Overall it's an enjoyable film but it never quite follows through on the promise of its fantastic premise.



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Die Another Day was like 3/4 years after The World Is Not Enough, I don't see how the new Indy is like it at all.



DAD had many nod's to past Bond films, had an old man in the lead and the CGI caused a lot controversy among Bond fans.


Edit : Just remembered that the character of Jinx from DAD was meant to have her own spin-off movie, and Mutt is rumoured to be the lead of the next IJ more or have his own film.

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I'm not defending Bond films here, that's probably the last thing i'd ever do, but don't all Bond movies (modern one's anyway) make various nod's to previous films in the series? I assumed it was a major convention of the Bond franchise.

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Quoted for truth. Literally the truth. The truest thing i've ever quoted because I think it's true.


It's anoying, cause realistically Spidey and Batman are the best comic character wise to like, despite that being cliched. Sometimes cliches can be good though.

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Quoted for truth. Literally the truth. The truest thing i've ever quoted because I think it's true.


It's anoying, cause realistically Spidey and Batman are the best comic character wise to like, despite that being cliched. Sometimes cliches can be good though.


Aye, Spider-Man and Batman are emotionally intresting, unique powers to each, and undoubtedly the strongest two rogue galleries.

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Death at a Funeral


Went into the cinema literally not knowing what to expect and found myself seeing a very funny movie. Of course it has a sad tone because of the whole funeral stuff and at first I wasn't sure whether it was supposed to be funny or not but as the minutes passes it became really funny.

There's not much of a story to it but the dialogue and characters can make up for that and it really is hilarious.



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In attempt to look artsy-fartsy...


Koyaamisqatsi. Purchased at random, and utterly blown away by it. I reckon it's a true test of a movie-lover. If you watch it and get bored, then clearly you know nothing about films at all. Very thought-provoking, very smartly made. However, Powaqqatsi Felt a bit more hashed together. Too much third-world stuff which the audience struggles to relate to in any way besides pity or guilt. Both are worth a watch. Not sure whether I should bother with the third in the trilogy or not. Opinions?

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