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Rate the last film you saw


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My guess is There Will Be Blood is gonna win.


Rewatched Once Upon A Time In America.


Remains brilliant. It still amazes me how the dream theory only came about in the 90s. The 80s viewers must've been quite dumb. It's quite obvious that it is a pipe dream.



How so? In fact, I pretty much doubt it was a dream, unless Noodles for-told televisual media, The Vietnam War and the melody of The Beatles's Yesterday

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How so? In fact, I pretty much doubt it was a dream, unless Noodles for-told televisual media, The Vietnam War and the melody of The Beatles's Yesterday

Like Leone himself as hinted at many times, that was for illusionary purposes, who was he going to fool if he just made the future hollow?


Now that that's established, here we go for the pros:

The fact that Leone himself pretty much said that it was a dream;

The significance of the opium scenes, especially the smile;

The fact that Deborah had barely aged a single day in 30 years;

The fact that David Bailey looks EXACTLY like Max;

The fact that Max/Bailey betrayed Noodles too, indicating a transference of guilt.

And most importantly, the fact that the movie begins with a rendition of 'God Bless America' and in the corresponding end scene has people riding in 1930s-era cars singing the same song.


Then there's the garbage truck scene (with the 35 written ostentatiously on the truck), Noodles never having seen the well-known senator's face on the news or the paper in all those years.


Oh, and again, as for the foretelling of history by Noodles, I don't think his pipe dream came with a soundtrack. Or with visions of new car models. That stuff is incidental, it's supposed to enhance the illusion of reality.


Plus, there's always the fact that Deborah marrying Max makes no sense whatsoever. Or for that matter, the movie itself... If it indeed is not a dream, then I tell you this: this movie sucks.


But when the director himself pretty much confirms that it is, indeed, a pipe dream, I have no worries.



Oh, and also, "Yesterday", the song is for us, the audience, and not a part of reality within the movie.

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Sweeny Todd


Great acting and singing, but Alan Rickman was under-used in my opinion. Most of the songs were not very memorable, some scene's dragged on a bit and they could have made a few more diffrent deaths instead of the same style of killing each time, but it had it's moments.


The 'piss' scene with Sacha Baron Cohen characters was hillarious.



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Knocked Up


Perhaps it was the crushing phonecall I got part way into the film that put me in a sour mood but it was just average. Not even a nice distraction film. Jason Segal was awesome though.


Best part was my housemates' reactions to the crowning shot. I said "What did you think happened?" (plus was I the only one who saw that sex ed vid...compared to that KU's shot was tame).



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What Women Want

Mel Gibson is an advertising executive that pretends to be a woman. Becomes infatuated with Helen Hunt but is afraid that making a move on her will lose him his job. The best moment in this film is when Mel Gibson cries about a woman who used to be fat. Best false crying in cinemas.



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Supprisingly amazing. I actually enjoyed every second of it, some great directing and acting. It felt quite true to real life... if there was a 144 foot monster in New York i mean.



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Early 80s hacker flick starring Matthew Broderick. Loved this film when I was a kid, but it hasn't aged too well. Still worth a watch though






This is the most ridiculous film I've ever seen, though it still makes me giggle every time I see it. Strange "plot", stranger characters but excellent music. I love the inane chatter that's so obviously dubbed in.


This film reminds you of a more innocent time and is worth seeing just to see Ringo covered in red paint!



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The atmosphere and acting was ace. Everything regarding the monster was well done and the camera was very well done.

But alas, i hated the beginning and didn´t really care much about the main characters, especially the guy holding the camera he annoyed at parts.



Marlena´s death was very well done and i mean emotionally not as in gore. But i didn´t really like that they killed her off because she was the only likable character in the movie. But later on i realized that killing her at that point made her more memorable.

Also i hated the ending




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Like Leone himself as hinted at many times, that was for illusionary purposes, who was he going to fool if he just made the future hollow?


Now that that's established, here we go for the pros:

The fact that Leone himself pretty much said that it was a dream;

The significance of the opium scenes, especially the smile;

The fact that Deborah had barely aged a single day in 30 years;

The fact that David Bailey looks EXACTLY like Max;

The fact that Max/Bailey betrayed Noodles too, indicating a transference of guilt.

And most importantly, the fact that the movie begins with a rendition of 'God Bless America' and in the corresponding end scene has people riding in 1930s-era cars singing the same song.


Then there's the garbage truck scene (with the 35 written ostentatiously on the truck), Noodles never having seen the well-known senator's face on the news or the paper in all those years.


Oh, and again, as for the foretelling of history by Noodles, I don't think his pipe dream came with a soundtrack. Or with visions of new car models. That stuff is incidental, it's supposed to enhance the illusion of reality.


Plus, there's always the fact that Deborah marrying Max makes no sense whatsoever. Or for that matter, the movie itself... If it indeed is not a dream, then I tell you this: this movie sucks.


But when the director himself pretty much confirms that it is, indeed, a pipe dream, I have no worries.



Oh, and also, "Yesterday", the song is for us, the audience, and not a part of reality within the movie.


Meh, I still don't buy it. Filmmakers often do things like what you listed in other films, and you could still drive 30's cars in 1968 if you wanted. But whatever.


Fight Club


Love this film. A voice of a generation. I get something from it everytime I watch it.



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Meh, I still don't buy it. Filmmakers often do things like what you listed in other films, and you could still drive 30's cars in 1968 if you wanted. But whatever.


Fight Club


Love this film. A voice of a generation. I get something from it everytime I watch it.





Aww, c'mon... admit it, it's so much better if it is indeed a dream!


Tyler Durden five. :yay:

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Aw, c'mon... it's as bit as good as everyone says... you're just too hyped!


I really don't think I was hyped. I was expecting it to be good, and some parts had me close to tears but I just felt it went on a bit too long. I wouldn't be surprised if it grew on me and I'd definitely watch it again.


I saw Knocked Up yesterday and I really enjoyed that. I'd probably give that 8/10.

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I really don't think I was hyped. I was expecting it to be good, and some parts had me close to tears but I just felt it went on a bit too long. I wouldn't be surprised if it grew on me and I'd definitely watch it again.


I saw Knocked Up yesterday and I really enjoyed that. I'd probably give that 8/10.


[shame]I haven't seen Knocked Up yet... but I'm looking forward to.[/shame]




Hot Fuzz

So we got Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, joining efforts yet again. What else could it be, except perfect?


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