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Rate the last film you saw


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Blair Witch Project


Aaah! :P Home alone in the dark... The ending still gets me. I mean, I know it's all fake but the fact that the directors fucked about with the actors through the film makes it believable.


It made something like a 1,000,000% return (ok my math sounds wrong here.. every dollar invested they got 10,000 back. one dollar back is 100%, 10 is 1,000%, 100 is 10,000%... I think it works out), and I consider it a classic in horror :P



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The Blair Witch Project


This always creeps me out. It starts off slow but gets better as it goes along. Though the ending freaks me out big time, I love it. Watching it on my own at 1am probably wasn't a good thing:heh:



Final Destination 3


I love this movie. Infact I love the series. It's just on those gross out movies that you have to watch just to see people cover their eyes and go "ewwww!". Also, the way it plays on your fears at the start, i.e a rollercoaster is great. Obviouslt not the best acted movie, or a movie with the best script, but it's alot of fun to watch. The "There is someone, walking behind you" song that plays always puts a chill down my spine.




Oceans 13


I expected crap, and thats exactly what I got. There were a few OK moments, but it was just all abit "meh". It was like I was watching Oceans 11 - except a crappy version of it.



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American Gangster...


Awesome film. Not all guns and fighting like all the gangster and crime films fill themselves with. Very thought provoking and all round classy film. I'm not good at reviewing anything... basically good. Really good performances in it too.



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Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle Of Life


Better than the first film, since she's actually doing somehing interesting, and I like the plot generally. However, it's kina cliche, and Angelina Jolie just isn't Lara Croft.




I actually found it worst than the 1st.

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children of men: fucking awesome movie with some of my favourite direction and cinematography of all time. it's great.


i remember watching this while semi-hung over and the part where the

baby starts to cry and everything goes sort of eerie quiet and then it all kicks off again and everyone's like "oops forgot! we're in the middle of something"


made me feel SOOOOO ill, but it was a really amazing bit of directing - horrific and beautiful all at once. phew.


Hmmm, Ive got it on HD DVD, I do really need to get round to seeing it. :)


*drool* ooh. thats. gunna. look. NICE! :awesome:


last film i saw was hot fuzz

i give it a 10/11!

i'm sure you've all seen it and know what its about so i wont waste your time with my humble opinion of it all, but let me just say that my mum liked it - and thats a big test for a film to pass :heh:

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About Children of Men:


I found the plot to be... really crappy. Sure the film was fantastic as was the acting, but the full story of how and why it all happend wasn't even mentioned.

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Pokemon The First Movie.


Embarassing story of the week


So before the film came out, I was reading a review in a magazine I think it was...It cited that when Ash came out of the smoke the cinema errupted in applause. So when the film came out over here, and of course at that point in the film, I decided to...well clap...start an applause...(If you've ever seen Not Another Teen Movie you will probably see where this is going) well I was clapping, and no one else joined in...(There were about 10 other people in the cinema) so yeah...I felt pretty foolish and slowly sinked down in my seat. So young...so foolish.

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Embarassing story of the week


So before the film came out, I was reading a review in a magazine I think it was...It cited that when Ash came out of the smoke the cinema errupted in applause. So when the film came out over here, and of course at that point in the film, I decided to...well clap...start an applause...(If you've ever seen Not Another Teen Movie you will probably see where this is going) well I was clapping, and no one else joined in...(There were about 10 other people in the cinema) so yeah...I felt pretty foolish and slowly sinked down in my seat. So young...so foolish.


Haha! that is embarrassingly great! :awesome: :bowdown:

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