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Rate the last film you saw


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Ah, this has been bumped again. Well, I've seen quite a few movies in that time, so here you are then...



Do the Right thing


Excellant film. I thought it was going to be one of those fuul on balck power films etc., but actually turned out to be a well explored theme of racism. Very good, Mr. Lee.





Donnie Brasco


Pretty good romp about an undrecover agent code named (you guessed it) Donnie Brasco, trying to infiltrate the mob. Decent scenes, but on the whole a tad boring.


If you enjoyed this film, though, you may want to check out a book called 'Born to the Mob'. It's about this gangster (surprisingly!) who worked for all 5 NY mafia families; but the important thing is that it parralells this film, or, at least the start of it. It is a pretty good read.







Watched this the other week, and I thought it was one of the best ever. Well scripted, very brutal (woodchipper, anyone?), and just an all out great film. And scandinavian accents too! I'm always facinated by them.







DeNiro, Pacino, awesome opener, better ending and the infamous shootout in downtown L.A. One of the best action movies I've seen to date.





Live and Let Die


Very good, depite some daft deaths. I love Bond films and this is no exception. The snake in the bathroom escapade is a scene to watch out for.







Small indie film which is one of the biggest mind-fucks out there, but I just didn't get it. I either just got so bored I became confused and got lost in the polt, or I got so confused I became so bored and just switched off from the film. Either way I did not enjoy this film. Some nice directional stuff and all, but I wouldn't recommend it.





Seven Samurai


A long film, but I'd rather have that than a rushed one just to fit the wider audiance. Engrossing plot, and pretty exciting too towrads the end. I like how far they fully explore the theme of honour and sacredness of the samurai (e.g. when one of them [can't remember names, ha, sorry] cuts off a knot at the back of their hair, which is apparantly a symbolism of sacredness to the samurai and cutting it off would be showing disrespect, but he did so to help a small boy, and so shows this samurai reads deeper into the the samurai's code of honour). Anyway, if you're interested in this sort of thing, I fully recommend it.





The Sting


Rented it. I thought I would love this considering these sort of films tend to be my bag. It was pretty good, but I was a tad dissapointed with it. The end was very good though.





Walk the Line


Wasn't sure about this at first, as I only really listen to Cash's 'American albums (not saying his earlier stuff wasn't bad though), but I watched it anyway, and I'm glad I did. Turned out to be one of the best biopics I've seen. Joquain Pheonix was brilliant as Johnny Cash, and was generally a well told account of his life at the top.

I must say, aswell, it was pretty sad, Johnny's life as a child, though.



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Everything is Illuminated:


I followed it progress through empire mag a few months back but i never got round to watching it. Its wierd at the start, with a really starange jew who collects EVERYTHING, paired up with a modern day "wigger" from ukraine and his blind taxi-driver grandad. Sounds absolutely ridiculous but it goes really deep, about the Ukrainian revloution and the Nazi extermination camps set up there. Its the first film (besides return of the king) that actually made me cry.


9.6/10 HIGHLY RECCOMENDED (soundtrack was excellent, all done by Gogol Bordello, the singer actually acts in thsi aswell)

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You've been busy Monopolyman. I watched Gremlins the other night, I'm looking forward to watching 2 next. I could hardly remember any of it from when I was younger but Gizmo is so cute. The evil Gremlins gambling/drinking went on a bit long for me though.

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Re-Animator- This was a very good horror movie. It had all the things I like in a horror movie. It had zombies, great female nude scenes, and lots of gore. I give this film a 9/10.


When it comes to horror movies I am a perv/gore hound.

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Drunken Master II


The sequel to the original Drunken Master. To fully get this film, you must watch the first one. Really good film, some good comedy parts in. 8/10


The Man with the Golden Gun


Good Bond film, Roger Moores second outing as 007. Contains the usual 007 humour. e.g. I'm letting him hang around (camera moves out to see someone hanging in a crab catcher on a ship) 9/10


Die Hard with a Vengeance


The final film in the Die Hard trilogy (not the last, i've heard there is another in the works). Contains moderate language, blood and a couple explosions here and there. 8/10

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Spirited Away


It was very enchanting for sure, but I thought it was too much like an 'Alice In Wonderland' that had been re-hashed a bit. Also, I think the little thing that Chihiro and Hakou had going on should have been touched upon a lot more than it was. That would've made the film too long though.


But the animation was fantastic.

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Last films I was were...


Torque 3/5

it's allright as far as biker movies go the train scene was excelent though.


The One 4/5

Pure action from start to finish think The terminator meets The matrix.


I'll probably watch Underworld Evolution when I get round to it.

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Rollerball - Great film this. A heartwarming story of one man's struggle against a post-apocalyptic Corperation controlled world through the medium of Rollerball, a sport so unnescerily violent it was probably first concieved by Wayne Rooney. Consisting of two teams of big burley men on rollersaktes and motorbikes which seem deliberatly designed to ignite at any given moment, our hero Johnathan D. must fight to rise above the carnage and defeat the controlling mascinations of the corperation. A rollicking tale of lost love, deception, control, personal triumph and angry men knocking seven shades of what-have-you out of each other. Brilliance.



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The Wind That Shakes The Barley


(Apologies to all the Brits on this forum)


What a BRILLIANT FILM. This film shows exactly what the Irish people went through when we were occupied by the British. The (original) IRA fighting for Independence. The Struggle to become a Free State. Then when it was all so close, just within grasp, it was snatched away from us again by the Free Staters who basically continued on from where the Brits left off - pillaging, bullying and murdering.


It is a very politically charged film, but one that show how one country can overcome the most powerful Empire on the planet (early 1900's) only to descend into self destruction, political stalemate and civil war.


Well worth a watch.



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Guest Jordan

Superman Returns


Best super hero movie i've ever ever seen and Spacey is awesome in it.




A couple of weeks ago I saw Jet Li's Fearless.

Quite possibly his best movie, even better than House of Flying Daggers. A great way to see this master of the martial arts off.




Yeah, two tens. I loved them both.

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I watched the Terminator yesterday.


It's got to be one of the finest film ever. The dialogue IS excellent.


Listen. And understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.



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Superman Returns


Best super hero movie i've ever ever seen and Spacey is awesome in it.




A couple of weeks ago I saw Jet Li's Fearless.

Quite possibly his best movie, even better than House of Flying Daggers. A great way to see this master of the martial arts off.




Yeah, two tens. I loved them both.


Hell yes, i will give it a 9/10 for now, regarding superman

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I watched the Terminator yesterday.


It's got to be one of the finest film ever. The dialogue IS excellent.


Listen. And understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.




I'm watching it tomorrow just so that I can see that line again.


it's a great movie. for my money it's a better film than 2, and of course 3 is just off the radar shit.

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I'm watching it tomorrow just so that I can see that line again.


it's a great movie. for my money it's a better film than 2, and of course 3 is just off the radar shit.


I was talking to ViPeR about this earlier, about which Terminator film i like best.


Although i don't 'hate' Terminator 3, i feel that it just doesn't compare with the quality of T1 and T2. For me, the script in the first two films just blows the third out of the water.


At this moment in time, i think i slightly prefer The Terminator to Terminator 2, purely because of Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese. An excellent saviour.


One thing that puzzles me is this: Arnie made a truely terrifying bad guy. So, why in God's name don't they give him more parts as a villain?!

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