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Rate the last film you saw


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Who the hell are you at exactly? Take off your blinkers and realise me + Oxigen add to threads much more then taking away from them and stop trying so hard to oppose me...


Just like you've added to this thread and the football thread? Face it wherever you go you cause arguments for no reason that's not adding to a thread that's just being a dick!


I love it when people try to be funny about something and end up making the same mistake the people they make of fun did. Nice going.


I realise that what I was saying was hypocritical (and still is since I'm continuing it now) but to be honest I don't care, just thought I'd add my two cents...

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Well, since Oxygen is my friend I won't say anything, he migh seems like an elitist bastard in here (you do :P), but you can watch any kind of movie with him and he won't complain all the time.

Hobbiznio, you think too highly of yourself though, you need to realise everyone has different tastes and isn't overcritical like you. In fact, it's your problem, since you will be enjoying a lot less movies because you want to be elitist. Your loss.

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Well, since Oxygen is my friend I won't say anything, he migh seems like an elitist bastard in here (you do :P), but you can watch any kind of movie with him and he won't complain all the time.


I'm an online bitch! :yay:

The reason I don't complain is because I have no reason to. :D Just because the movie I'm watching isn't the best thing I've ever seen, it doesn't mean I should bitch about it. It's about enjoying things for what they are. Complaining comes afterwards. :D lol

Unless we're talking about Open Water. That's unbearably bad, boring, etc etc etc...

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Elitist my ass, if anything thats Oxigen. I just dont like Harry Potter...


And the football thread is hardly ruined, if anything it is actually buzzing with discussion rather then a bunch of people posting up a news story and 1 person commenting on it. Me and Ants debates have led to discussion and got the thread moving. Your just way too quick to throw up the fuckin conflict card Eddage and pussy out of any debate that has some edge to it, then sit on the sidelines and be like "your ruining it!!!" lol... The fact you think I have ruined this thread, shows you have not been reading...


Good Night ;)


No, it's buzzing with you and Ant flinging shit at each other (most of which seems to be initiated by yourself) over the most retarded things over and over again. The trouble is you don't seem to know the difference between a debate and launching abuse at someone just because they feel differently to you. I'm all up for people disagreeing with my opinions but when you decide to hurl abuse just for the sake of it then it proves that you're the one who's immature, which incidentally seems to be your prime ammunition against the likes of Haggis simply because they're a few years younger than you (although on the basis of this thread I'd excuse anyone who thought you were the 16 year old).


To be honest I would actually like to apologise... to oxigen_waste that is, should never have compared you to hobbzinio, you're no where near as bad.

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I'm an online bitch! :yay:

The reason I don't complain is because I have no reason to. :D Just because the movie I'm watching isn't the best thing I've ever seen, it doesn't mean I should bitch about it. It's about enjoying things for what they are. Complaining comes afterwards. :D lol

Unless we're talking about Open Water. That's unbearably bad, boring, etc etc etc...


Oh God why did you bring that movie up? OH God the memories!!


Die Hard 4.0

Explosions everywhere, cheesy jokes, hot chicks, total disregard of physics and probablity laws and people that are incredibly resistant. In other words, awesome stuff.

God, I miss the 90s.

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ROFL direct the hate at me man, It's cool. Opposing everything you have just said, would be way too easy.


The bandwagon needs another follower...


If it's so easy then why don't you go for it?


Also, I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, you've annoyed me since the day you started posting.

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ohhhh nasty boy lol...


Look man, its quite easy for you to sit there and blame the state of a thread on me, on an internet forum. Look closer into me and Ants debates, and your see alot of sarcasm and wit. The fact you feel they are damaging is pretty fuckin sad, when they have triggered pages of debate and input from people. The majority just dont like to embrace the concept of two passionate, but equally as petty united and liverpool fans bickering, actually having an under the surface positive attached to it...


I do not pick on Haggis because of his age in any way or form. There is plenty of people on these boards the same age or less who I treat with respect. Haggis just says alot of things I disagree with and conducts himself in a way I find funny, in the way he backs up his points. Him overreacting to me saying he values Paul Ross's reviews, is him and OBVIOUSLY YOU not getting my sense of humour. Never will you find me saying "HAGGIS EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS RETARDED JUST COS UR YOUNG" or however, you are trying to make out... I will not delve into Ageism, I will delve into disagreement with the lad - thats it!


The fact I am usually quick to cut down something I disagree with, has seemingly given you the wrong idea of me and put this image in your head of a somebody who is vicious and what not. I find it fuckin funny, stop reading my posts thinking "hes trynna be a dickhead" and maybe ur eyes will open... I know alot of people found me attacking Takeo over his claim of rap music being about guns and bitches vicious, but thats how I respond to ignorance...


If I annoy you that badly, you could also block me and go the same route as Gaykeo...


Now man I dont want to get banned from this thread, you have drawn a off topic in depth reply from me - so from this point on, please talk your (mostly) bollocks in a pm, so this thread can go back to some sort of normality and not a "big bad" hobbzinio, harry potter hating freakshow...


Thanks :)



fair do's, but btw it was "jonathon ross" :)

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Die Hard with a Vengance


Not as good as I remembered it. Nothing much happens in the middle, and the last 10minutes is awfully rushed and cut together in a mish mash. I also belive, the main villan is quite camp.




5/10 for one of the best films i've ever seen? Not cool!


Samuel L and Jeromy irons were amazing in that film!

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And that's why I've decided not to see Die Hard Four-Point-Zero.


Also applicable to how I felt about 300.


Look man, let go of those feelings. Enjoy life! Enjoy a movie! Who cares if those things aren't possible? that's the beauty of it? Like Gabe said, it's a stupid action movie.

Also 300 has nothing to do with this subject. It's an historically accurate movie with stylized battles and one or two monsters.

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The original ending was sooooo much better in Die Hard 3 Goron ^






I can see why they used the helicopter scene, as it kepted with the action theme. But this ending is so much more intelligent, dark and adds alot more to the character of Mcclane...


Yeah i've seen it before and always thought it was better :D

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Lucky # Slevin


My second time watching it. Made some little details a bit clearer but it's not that exciting once you know how everything plays out. Still the dialogue is brilliant and it has many memorable characters. But sadly it isn't that fascinating when watching it a second time.



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Stir Crazy.


Absolute comedy classic. No matter how many times I watch it, it always has me in stitches




On a side note, what would happen if you broke out of prison and were later found to be not guilty of the crime you were jailed for? Would you be sent back to jail for the crime of breaking out, or would you be let off?


An interesting one...

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if any of you actualy read the news with the latest penny arcade comic youd realise they didn't actualy disslike the film at all, thought it was entertaining.




also, loads of you are complaining about a lack of realism in films, I find this funny to be honest, if you watch a film and its exactly like real life, chances are it would be boring. I mean even films like saving private ryan have big physical flaws in them, such as the soilders helmet stopping a bullet, which they simply woulden't do. shrapnel yes, a bullet, no.


Movies are a chance to get away from real life, just because it couldent happen dosen't mean it isn't entertaining. come on, ahlf of you have anime sigs, how can you complain about lack of realism if your enjoying anime?


i think people should stop taking films so seriously, if die hard was ment to be belivable, it would suck, plain and simple.


oh and this brings back memories of almost getting banned from a sword forum for dissagreeing with the admin about spider-man 3. apparently it was my fault i didn't enjoy it, apparently i didn't like the previous two films (don't know how he decided that, i actualy thought they were good)

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