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Rate the last film you saw


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To make things clear, I'm not comparing 3 Ninjas movies with Butterfly Effect, but although the movie is kinda ok and has some value, it'll never be a "10/10" type of movie, ok? The movie is good, no doubt, but not great, and much less is it masterful. No matter what your opinion on the subject is, that's a fact.

Now try and convince me that I'm wrong.


All I mean is, someone may think that the butterlfy effect is a 10/10 movie, whereas you think it's just above average. Thats all. In your opinion it is not a perfect movie, but to someone else, it is.


Thats it, simple as surely?

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All I mean is, someone may think that the butterlfy effect is a 10/10 movie, whereas you think it's just above average. Thats all. In your opinion it is not a perfect movie, but to someone else, it is.


Thats it, simple as surely?


God damn it, how can a movie with obvious technicall flaws ever be perfect??? Sure, the content is optional, to each his own, but the technical part is not something wich opinion can improve.


What I find amusing is that your whole "there is no such thing as bad or good movies" fell to silence... where's the reply?

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God damn it, how can a movie with obvious technicall flaws ever be perfect??? Sure, the content is optional, to each his own, but the technical part is not something wich opinion can improve.


What I find amusing is that your whole "there is no such thing as bad or good movies" fell to silence... where's the reply?


No lol, I will do a longer reply, I'm just stuck doing an ICT essay and don't have time now.


But "God damn it, how can a movie with obvious technicall flaws ever be perfect???" is again an opinion. You many think it has flaws whereas someone who loves it to death doesn't.


(this is all going to go nowhere lol)

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God damn it, how can a movie with obvious technicall flaws ever be perfect??? Sure, the content is optional, to each his own, but the technical part is not something wich opinion can improve.


What I find amusing is that your whole "there is no such thing as bad or good movies" fell to silence... where's the reply?


But 10/10 doesn't necessarily mean it is technically perfect! 10/10 is a rating on how much we liked the film, and how much we enjoyed it, not how technically perfect I thought it was. I'm perfectly entitled to give a film considered rubbish by many critics 10/10 if I liked it and enjoyed it more than other films that I had seen. For example, many would say Titanic is a 10/10 film, but I never enjoyed it, so I would not give it a 10/10.

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Hawk the Slayer- 11/10


This is beyond a perfect movie, it is sublime and perhaps the greatest achievement of mankind. Yes, you may laugh and say "but there are gaping holes in the narrative, the special effects are dire, the acting atrocious" but those people are fools who cannot see that flaws merely add to it's perfection.

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But 10/10 doesn't necessarily mean it is technically perfect! 10/10 is a rating on how much we liked the film, and how much we enjoyed it, not how technically perfect I thought it was. I'm perfectly entitled to give a film considered rubbish by many critics 10/10 if I liked it and enjoyed it more than other films that I had seen. For example, many would say Titanic is a 10/10 film, but I never enjoyed it, so I would not give it a 10/10.


We agree on alot of things. You make perfect sense.

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But 10/10 doesn't necessarily mean it is technically perfect! 10/10 is a rating on how much we liked the film, and how much we enjoyed it, not how technically perfect I thought it was. I'm perfectly entitled to give a film considered rubbish by many critics 10/10 if I liked it and enjoyed it more than other films that I had seen. For example, many would say Titanic is a 10/10 film, but I never enjoyed it, so I would not give it a 10/10.


Only middle aged women would give Titanic 10/10 tbh.

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But 10/10 doesn't necessarily mean it is technically perfect! 10/10 is a rating on how much we liked the film, and how much we enjoyed it, not how technically perfect I thought it was. I'm perfectly entitled to give a film considered rubbish by many critics 10/10 if I liked it and enjoyed it more than other films that I had seen. For example, many would say Titanic is a 10/10 film, but I never enjoyed it, so I would not give it a 10/10.


That's rubbish. This isn't the "rate how much you liked the last movie you saw thread", your rating the movie, not how much you enjoyed it. I enjoyed Superbad 9.5, but the film is an 8. How much you like something does not translante into how good it is.


And fuck Titanic.



Come on Oxigen thats not a very fair comment, I really like Butterfly Effect but just because I like a certain movie that you may not means nothing.


Darn, I like Butterfly Effect too, but rating it 10/10 clearly means your uninformed about the movie industry!! I'm not attacking the movie godamnit, I'm just saying that it's no masterpiece!! No matter what you may think. If you rate BE 10/10, it's basically like your saying "I don't know shit about movies". C'mon, let's get real, if you give BE a perfect score, it's obvious that you haven't been around much.


That doens't mean you can't like it, though. I like it.

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That's rubbish. This isn't the "rate how much you liked the last movie you saw thread", your rating the movie, not how much you enjoyed it. I enjoyed Superbad 9.5, but the film is an 8. How much you like something does not translante into how good it is.


Umm, what?


Thats exactly what it is. We're not rating how "technically good" a movie is. We're rating how much we like and enjoyed watching the movie. It is a "rate the last film you saw" thread after all.

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Umm, what?


Thats exactly what it is. We're not rating how "technically good" a movie is. we're rating how much we like and enjoyed watching the movie. It is a "rate the last film you saw" thread after all.


Exactly, you're rating the film, not how much you liked it!!!


I'm not talking about technicall quality, I'm talking about quality in general. One thing is how much something is worth, and how much you think it is worth. Another one is how much you like it. Different things, kido.

Can't you appraise something without the "how much I liked it" part.

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Exactly, you're rating the film, not how much you liked it!!!


I'm not talking about technicall quality, I'm talking about quality in general. One thing is how much something is worth, and how much you think it is worth. Another one is how much you like it. Different things, kido.

Can't you appraise something without the "how much I liked it" part.


You're mental. :p


Yes, I know rating how much you liked a movie and rating how much you "think the movie is worth" are different things. But rating "how much you think the movie is worth" is bollocks. Rating how much you enjoyed the movie isn't.


If I said I enjoyed watching Knocked up so much that I don't think I've ever laughed that much at a movie and I gave it, say, a 9/10. Is there something wrong with that? Surely not. Same if I watched it, didn't laugh once and fell asleep half way through and ended up giving it a 2/10. Again, is there anything wrong with that? Surely not.

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That's rubbish. This isn't the "rate how much you liked the last movie you saw thread", your rating the movie, not how much you enjoyed it.


No. That's just you. All my ratings in this are based on how much I like it, not what you're on about. I see this thread as my personal opinions, not a review thread


If I did a proper review, the score would be different. For example, in a thread like this I'd rate Excite Truck 10/10. In a review I'd rate it 8/10. (for contrast, I'd rate Alien 2/10 in this thread, but I know it's a better film).


Most others see the thread with the same reasons as me. The thread title is just made simpler - "Rate How Much You Liked The Last Movie You Saw Thread" is pointlessly long.

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I agree with OW. Just because you didn't like a film doesn't mean it's crap. We know that Gladiator is a great film, but not everyone will like it. A person who hates action movies would not like the film at all, that doesn't mean they'd say it's a bad film. A critic would rate it the 10/10 is rightly deserves, but if we were to go by the whole "rate by how much you like" approach then we'd get scores of 0. The same could be said about games. I really don't like WoW, I'm not the biggest MMO fan, but you won't here me saying "it's a shit game, 0/1000". Of course though, it is possibly the best game in it's genre and there's no denying it's quality.


You can rate games however you want though, and no-one should have a go at anyone else about their scoring systems. However if we all aspire to be decent film critics, then we should rate like critics.

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