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Rate the last film you saw


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Watched the trailer for Sex Drive out of interest...it was indeed fairly dire. Not funny, or even cute/quirky, which can save films like that.


I hate not having libraries of DVD's to watch like some of friends, since I love just watching films. I might start rewatching Sarah Connor Chronicles Series 1...




Looking through my personal DVD's, I realised I haven't watched Back To The Future since I was 11. I'll watch it now. Only seen it once, don't remember much...

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Just finished watching Futurma: Into the Wild Green Yonder.


Much better than I thought it would be. Favourite Futurama movie for me, so many funny parts to it and the ending they done since they didn't think there would be more Futurama was pretty good, good despite there being a cliffhanger. Now I just want more Futurama :(


I think i'll give ti a 9/10.

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Rise: Blood Hunter


Lucy Liu on a muderous rampage against vampires? CHECK :grin:


But it is not as awesome as it sounds!


It's not a bad little low budget movie made in 30 days and I have to watch everything with Lucy Liu in it. :p


3 Bears out of 7.




Great. I was very impressed with the movie as I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it. I liked all the characters and the animation was great. I like how Pixar creates this whole world of cars and I think it is very clever. The story is predictable but it is still a very entertaining movie.


Also I had happy tears in my eyes at the end of the final race! :heh:


5 Bears out of 7.


Kill Bill Volume 2


Awesome. :awesome: Not as good as the first movie but I felt it had a different focus. I enjoyed the backstory of Bill and B. and what there relationship between them was like. It was a great way to wrap up the story and I it contained the most hilarious thing I've seen in awhile when she takes out the eye. :D


5 and a half Bears out of 7.

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Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder


Another good Futurama feature. Much better than Bender's Game but perhaps not as good as either of the first two. The ending has left it open for more and in a completely new place/part of the universe/dimension but whether there will be anymore is yet to be seen. I really hope they do make more Futurama because it really was and still is a great show and in my opinion is the superior of the Groening programmes, what with Simpsons just being so strung out and far from its roots now.

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Billy West said that Fox have been talking about a potential 6th season due to DVD sales. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more. Wonder were they would end up...


Fox needs to die. It'll be great if they do bring back Futurama, but they shouldn't have cancelled it in the first place the cunts.

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Yeah. They drop it due to bad ratings, but they were the ones that caused it to do bad in the first place by screwing up the airdates...


And now with strong DVD sales they should bring it back and treat it properly. This is much better than The Simpsons in my opinion.

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Back To The Future


Only seen this once before, 6 years ago.


I think it's a bit overrated nowadays, or at least looked at with rose-tinted glasses. It's very patchy in it's pace and plot, with some bits being genuinely fun, and the rest being a bit "Hmmm...no thanks".


Basically all the good stuff was the 50's stuff, except the terrible climax to that section. Doc Brown was ridiculously overrated, to the point of inefficiency and stupidity, which annoyed me almost as much as Michael J Fox's physical appearance, which isn't dissimilar to a quite short lesbian woman.


But the high points were good. I might look up the next one if it's better.



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Great. I was very impressed with the movie as I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it. I liked all the characters and the animation was great. I like how Pixar creates this whole world of cars and I think it is very clever. The story is predictable but it is still a very entertaining movie.


Also I had happy tears in my eyes at the end of the final race! :heh:


5 Bears out of 7.

You are wrong in every sense of the word.

Back To The Future


Only seen this once before, 6 years ago.


I think it's a bit overrated nowadays, or at least looked at with rose-tinted glasses. It's very patchy in it's pace and plot, with some bits being genuinely fun, and the rest being a bit "Hmmm...no thanks".


Basically all the good stuff was the 50's stuff, except the terrible climax to that section. Doc Brown was ridiculously overrated, to the point of inefficiency and stupidity, which annoyed me almost as much as Michael J Fox's physical appearance, which isn't dissimilar to a quite short lesbian woman.


But the high points were good. I might look up the next one if it's better.



I think I speak for everyone when I say:


"One of us is in DEEP Trouble"

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The Dark Kniggit On Bloo-Ray


Still pretty good. I don't find it as great as everyone else (ie watch it 6 times in theaters). Towards the end I had an odd thought for the third movie, they go something similar to Batman Beyond (?) the animated one where Bruce is aging and some punk kid basically becomes an apprentice. I know it won't happen and would most likely be really stupid, especially since this trilogy would end up skipping so much of the batman lore. It just randomly struck me though.

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Back To The Future


Only seen this once before, 6 years ago.


I think it's a bit overrated nowadays, or at least looked at with rose-tinted glasses. It's very patchy in it's pace and plot, with some bits being genuinely fun, and the rest being a bit "Hmmm...no thanks".


Basically all the good stuff was the 50's stuff, except the terrible climax to that section. Doc Brown was ridiculously overrated, to the point of inefficiency and stupidity, which annoyed me almost as much as Michael J Fox's physical appearance, which isn't dissimilar to a quite short lesbian woman.


But the high points were good. I might look up the next one if it's better.




..........Im just so upset right now!

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"One of us is in DEEP Trouble"


..........Im just so upset right now!


It's fine, as a film. That's why I gave it a 6. It was enjoyable on the whole, but I see nothing classic in it, or at least nothing that still resonates today.


And the 2 main characters annoyed me immensely, which is sure to tarnish any film.

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The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button


First of all, wow at the animation/make-up was amazing.


The story i found was a bit far fetched, but that didn't matter, it made it seem so possible and real.


My favourite scene by far was the taxi scene, I was in awe as I was watching it, so well done.


I cried three times in the movie, didn't expect it to be that moving D=


And seriously, how long is this film?


Anyway, amazing film, and Brad Pitt was just....phwoarrrrrr.





The Dark Knight


A little hard to follow I thought, best thing about the film was Heath Ledger, such an amazing performance.


I'm still a bit confused on the happenings, but I really really enjoyed it, some of the Jokers games were sick and so entertaining :D


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The Notebook


Not really into romantic gushy films (I'm a man raawrrr etc). But this story was uplifting, ending was a little blergh but then I don't really know how they could end it. Very moving and sad at some parts, definitely felt a lump in my throat.



Wedding Crashers

Watched this film so many times, my most watched film. Love it, funny, romantic and some great dialogue in places.



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James McAvoy's whining throughout the earlier scenes got a bit annoying, and the whole 'mystical lume' thing was plain rediculous, as were the sniper bullets that seemingly cross entire cities and on no real path!

but other than that it was an alright watch with a couple of good plot twists!







"I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."


Great film! good story, good acting, great action, Liam Neeson & Famke Janssen!

My only criticisms was that it was perhaps a little short meaning in felt a bit rushed throughout and I would have liked to have seen some parts have more depth to them.



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Really? why?


It doesn't seem to flow well, like the order of vehicles and where everyone is at, going to, coming from. I've seen the scene probably 5 or 6 times, once in HD, but I still only have a basic grasp of that scene. I can generally pick out all the events of a high paced scene with a few views, but this one...

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Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder


I agree with most of you on here. By far the best Futurama movie for me. Watched it twice now




Extreme Movie


Seriously funny and I don't care what you guys think of me, it just made me laugh so much.



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It doesn't seem to flow well, like the order of vehicles and where everyone is at, going to, coming from. I've seen the scene probably 5 or 6 times, once in HD, but I still only have a basic grasp of that scene. I can generally pick out all the events of a high paced scene with a few views, but this one...


Yeah that's the only confusing one for me after enough watchings. But then it doesn't affect the story or anything, so it's ok.

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