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Rate the last film you saw


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Flushed Away

Great humour, voice acting (apart from Shayne Ritchie) and the animation is pretty good for Aardman's first CGI film.


Spike: Danger is my middle name!

Whitey: I thougth it was Lesley.


Always make me 'lol', along with spotting the rat version of Han Solo in the freezer.



The Bourne Supremacy

Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. Very disappointing, considering I enjoyed the first. I was realy looking forward to watching Ultimatum, but now I'm not too sure. Hopefully it will be able to impress me as a standalone film.



Planet Terror

Awesome! Great acting, dialogue, action, directing, everything! All men will enjoy something about this film, but I doubt women would enjoy it very much.


I also want Machette to be made into a real film!


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Exactly the score I predicted from thee, meister killthenet. :heh:






Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?

Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercial and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour.

In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.

*Oxigen_Waste bashes Jimbob in the head with an axe, and blood splatters over him*


Seriously... he had it coming, the heretic...




Awesome reference there, love that film :)

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The Bourne Supremacy

Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. Very disappointing, considering I enjoyed the first. I was realy looking forward to watching Ultimatum, but now I'm not too sure. Hopefully it will be able to impress me as a standalone film.




Don't worry, I thought 1 and 2 were mediocore, but Ultimatum is EASIILLLYYYY the best. Easily. Literally no contest.

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[quote name='welsh_gamer;699020


Planet Terror

Awesome! Great acting' date=' dialogue, action, directing, everything! All men will enjoy something about this film, but I doubt women would enjoy it very much.


I also want Machette to be made into a real film! [/u]

9/10It is. Although it was originally going to be filmed as a pack-in for Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez announced a few months back that it was now going to be released in cinemas. I can't remember when it'll be out... Check the Wikipedia or IMDB or something.

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Just to add to theCrash debate, I watched for the first time last night, and I couldn't believe how underdeveloped the script was, including the story, the characters and the themes. It all ended too fast, with really very little character resloutions, and the underlying racism message fell flat.


I didn't hate it, though. Hell, I'd give it about 5 or maybe 6 out of 10. I like the acting and photography, and I also liked how Haggis tried to reach different areas in the films overall theme, e.g. whether racism is unavoidable, responsibilities for your own actions, affirmative action etc. If Paul Haggis just nailed one or two of these, I perhaps would have liked it more.


Also, I really hated the score.









I'm in the mood for a long review now, so bear with me.


I suppose the common theme in Michael Mann's films is people who are good at what they do and their toll. Ali is the bets example, which is the hardships the worlds greatest boxer had to go through; and also Heat, where the two main characters fell from grace due to their dedication. Collateral is no different. A skilled taxi driver (Max) picks up a seemingly invincible hit-man(Vincent), and because of his skill, Vincent holds Max hostage to carry out his hits 'because he's good'. I suppose similarly, Vincent found his mission more difficult than usual because he convinced Max too much about the Darwinian adaption to the surroundings, pitting himself against Max.


I won't spoil much, but this leads to an overall exciting movie. Well built characters, a plot, helped with an well written screenplay, where you don't know where exactly it is going (but in a good way, if that makes sense), and all this leads up to a well executed climax, which is, again, tense, due to the direction, in particular Mann's use of light and space (something else which is common throughout his films). A couple of things harboured the experience for me though. For example, there were too many daft decisions made by characters to move the plot along. I mean, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not only run away from a hit-man with his briefcase, but to throw it onto the fucking highway. Surely just trying to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible should be the only thing on your mind. Also, the soundtrack. I might just be me, but I felt that the songs used were just placed in random places with no particular significnace.


I know these are just nit picks, but I still find them rather distracting. Having said that, it's still a great film. I would recommend it, and I might even watch it again in future months.



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The Bourne Supremacy

Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. Very disappointing, considering I enjoyed the first. I was realy looking forward to watching Ultimatum, but now I'm not too sure. Hopefully it will be able to impress me as a standalone film.



Grantes, Supremacy and Identity aren't that great, but a 3? And saying it's disappointing considering the first, when it really isn't (it's actually superior)... that just shows how much you rock.

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Y tu mamá también


Wow, amazing movie. I really like roadtrip aspect in films, such as what's present in this and The Motorcycle Diaries. Thought this film was powerful and enjoyed the script and the contrasting emotions throughout greatly.



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Saw Blood Diamond again. Doesn't have the same impact when you know whats going to happen, so 8/10.


Also: Superbad, finally got round to watching it. There are some fairly cringeworthy moments ("well, the funny thing about my back is, it's on my cock") Still, was pretty fuckin entertaining 7.5/10

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I don't see how Crash is overly stereotyped, I mean the whole point was to point out the stereotyping we do, and the fact that even though we don't think we're racists, we all are inside.


Made me think, and overall was a great film. Sandra Bullock's character was a bit unbeleivable, but she wasn't a mainie, so I'm over it.


Crash gets 10/10 for me.

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Into The Wild : Such a fucking awesome film, best film ive seen that was released this decade. Emile Hirsch continues rising up my awesome actors list. Brilliant performance, brilliant script, brilliance all round. My affection with this film may be because I would love to have the balls to do what the main character does however. still 9.5/10 and if you get the chance watch it.

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