Paj! Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Final Destination 3 Worse than the second one. But I mostly have a non-opinion of it.
Dan_Dare Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Lost In Translation is one everyone but me has seen. And I can tell I'd like it. I like Sofia Coppola's other stuff (even Marie Atoinette, to a degree). I tried watching with once but my friends' retarded, bovine grade fucksack of a sister was in the room and, instead of leaving, voiced her dislike of the film constantly like a baying moose throughout. Film. Ruined.
Beast Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus I change my previous score since I was with mates last time, this time I watched it by myself. I was so bored, it's rubbish. Some of the visuals were nice though. 3/10
welsh_gamer Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 What??????????? Are you aware of what you just said? A movie whose whole plot is an allegoric reintepretation of opression, freedom, reason and blind emotion, plus the whole "individual and the corporate state" idea and which was released as PG-13 is aimed at children? What the hell where you on when you saw it? That said, I too was expecting better. But it's a solid 7, imo. What I meant was that I expected a childrens/family film before putting it on, but was suprised with the adult result I got Kick Ass Enjoyed the scenes where Hit Girl and Big Daddy were on-screen, but didn't particulary care for any of the other characters. First hour was very slow and a bit boring at times, and there wasn't much humour for a film labelled an action-comedy. Things did pick up towards the end, but it was rather disappointing for me. 5.5/10 Clash of the Titans Wasn't very epic, the action scenes were 'meh', and a very anti-climatix ending. Had some fun looking out for the scenes that where shot in North Wales though. 2/10
ReZourceman Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Kick Ass Enjoyed the scenes where Hit Girl and Big Daddy were on-screen, but didn't particulary care for any of the other characters. First hour was very slow and a bit boring at times, and there wasn't much humour for a film labelled an action-comedy. Things did pick up towards the end, but it was rather disappointing for me. 5.5/10 Wheres my beatin' stick.
welsh_gamer Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 lol I hate a lot of N-E favourites....Star Trek, The Hurt Locker and now Kick Ass
Ashley Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Please say you hate Anchorman, or at least find it mediocre.
Beast Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 lol I hate a lot of N-E favourites....Star Trek, The Hurt Locker and now Kick Ass I agree with The Hurt Locker, I thought it was overrated myself. I'm not a fan of the previous Star Trek shows or movies but the latest one I did enjoy and I haven't seen Kick-ass yet, looks awesome though.
ipaul Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Please say you hate Anchorman, or at least find it mediocre. That smells like pure gasoline.
Happenstance Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Kick Ass Twas very awesome. Loved the action, the comedy, the music, the acting. Great "superhero" movie. Hit girl was done really well which was one of the things when I originally heard the comic was gonna be made into a movie that I worried about but she was excellent. Probably the best character in the movie. Nick Cage was good as were the other actors. Oh and the comic montage in the middle of the movie being drawn by John Romita Jr was great as well. Felt like it should have kept a few of the scenes from the book in the movie like: The proper fire scene where its Kick Ass whos the one who convinces Red Mist to go in and they actually save a cat. As ReZ already said, Hit Girls line about wanting a hug as her dad just died. Brilliant line and I cant believe they didnt use it! Some of the changes though I didnt really like and if I think about one in particular too much, it could taint the movie for me: Kick Ass getting the girl isnt right, it was such a nice twist in the book and stuck well with the more "realistic" tone. .......The jetpack.....I hated it! For a movie that is marketed around what if a real kid decided to become a superhero it was such a stupid addition and just wasnt needed. Im sure there are more but I cant remember them now, im gonna read the trade again tonight so we'll see. 8.5/10 (Would have gotten a higher score but with the things it left out and some it added I felt it lowered it a bit)
Paj! Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 New Moon For the...3rd time...promised my sister I'd watch it with her again (saw it twice in the cinema against my better judgement too). Ugh. It's better than the first, if only because Edward Cullen isn't in half of it. It's just sickeningly horrific. Her and fuckface's relationship isn't based on anything, when they're together they just make constipated faces at each other and speak in ridiculous hyperbole, like "WITHOUT YOU I COULDN'T BREATHE". UM... Eff you. Pretty sure you left for half the film easily. I'm team Jacob. Actually a person capable of a normal conversation, and doesn't look like he might keel over and faint any moment. The whole thing about her wanting to be turned into a Vampire is ridiculous...the characters go against everything they say earlier, except the blonde one from Thirteen, I actually reall like her line, it's my favourite thing in the film except the soundtrack; "I wish there was someone to say "no" for me". etc poignant But still shit. Ugh. I hate crap. But yeah, the soundtrack's good. -- Breakfast with Scot *shrug* Fine, has really good messages behind it, and It felt like it was executed..correctly. At it's heart it was just a fairly typical film though.
Coolness Bears Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Accepted Poor. Jonah Hill won the film. He amused on several occasions but that's about it. Also Blake Lively. Big Momma's House 2. Watched this earlier while playing my DS with my nephew. Equally as bad as Accepted but at least it was funnier, somewhat stupidly. So bad but a segway chase scene is always welcome. oddly Hit Girl actress was in this. The Mask Cool. Jim Carey always amuses and I hadn't watch this since I was like 8! Still held up. Cameron Diaz was at her most alluring as well.
Ashley Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 Panda! Go Panda! Full of pandas, and full of fun. And a smidgen of bad (grand)parenting.
Paj! Posted April 5, 2010 Posted April 5, 2010 Southland Tales Second viewing. Only partially helped me figure out what the hell is going on. It's so unrelentingly convulted that nothing really makes much sense. There's some very good stuff going on underneath...but it's hard to see. I like elements, and I enjoy the cinemaography, and a lot of it is funny. especially Sarah Michelle Gellar's political-talk show host porn star. And her music. :p Amy Poehler is funny too. It's a parallel to Revelations (from the Bible), but that's obvious. It felt like it was trying to be Lynchian...or maybe it just turned out that way. Superficially it's like a dream, you don't realise it doesn't quite make sense until it's happened. And it's all quite nice at the time. Also the inclusion of Rebekah Del Rio (she sang the song in the club in Mulholland Drive) in almost the same role (her singing acts as a crux to the events) as she had in ..Drive must be a nod to Lynch. Either way, she stuns. (Another musical bit we all love is Justin Timberlake + dancers miming to The Killers) Apparently there's a graphic novel prequel that explains it better or something. Someone on IMDB said this of it, which I felt was appropriate; "Watch it knowing it's an investment, or not at all". I agree. A highlight we can all enjoy though;
Babooo Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 How To Train Your Dragon Enjoyed this movie alot! Watched it in 3D and thought the animation was awesome! I liked the story line and the characters were funny. 8/10 Liked it more than....... Kick-Ass Wasn't hilarious. I don't understand why people were laughing at this so much in the it was funny but there was one moment when one guy just literally burst out laughing....everyone in the cinema just looked at him. Lol. But yeh was a good film, don't wanna be too negative but it just wasn't as good as I thought it would be. 7/10
chairdriver Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Kick-Ass Wasn't hilarious. It was though. Funniest movie I've seen in the cinema in a longlong time.
Dyson Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Left 4 Dead Zombieland I liked it! It wasn't what I was expecting actually, from the way I perceived it before watching I thought it was going to be an awful spoof. But it was more than that and then some. I enjoyed how the film (arguably ironically) broke some of the zombie film cliches and that kept it interesting throughout. I genuinely enjoyed watching the film and think I could happily watch it again. Good stuff. 7/10
Shorty Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I don't understand why people think Kick-Ass is meant to be a comedy. Was it marketed that way? Is it because it has McLovin in? The comic certainly wasn't very funny. It was dark and gory and awesome.
Dan_Dare Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 well it's a black comedy. I wouldn't say it's slapstick but the whole thing is just so darkly absurd that you can't help but laugh.
Happenstance Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Yeah id call it more of a black comedy as tunk!
ReZourceman Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Yeah. It is funny. But its also a .....serious story. Like...its not a comedy story, its a storyline, but it is hilarious. If
Paj! Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 It's a funny film. It's not a "comedy". --- Whip It Fairly standard/predictabe big dreams crossed with discovering a sport film, you know the dril, but saved by some good casting. Ellen Page is nice, bu Alia Shawkat from Arrested Development is the best. AND SHE'S CALLED PASH IN IT. (ReZ/Chair will know what this means to me) Juliette Lewis adds of course. I loved when they played Chair's favourite song. In it for a split second, coming from someone's car radio. I loved all the codenames they all had. Some great superhero ideas in there. (Eva Destruction, Babe Ruthless, Iron Maven etc) But yeah, apart from little touches, it was a fine, enjoyable way to while away an afternoon. Nothing special.
nightwolf Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Clash of the titans I've never watched the original, I'm slightly glad after watching this that I hadn't otherwise I would have been slightly angry. Its an alright film, one of those ones were if you get it on a cheap dvd from Tesco its nice to sit in and watch. But in the cinema it was pretty crap. I liked the cast, some of it was quite entertaining, but a lot of it seemed to drift. One thing that annoyed me.. The clock work owl in the original apprently is a gift from the Gods, just like the horse and sword, but this wasn't explained in this movie, only shunted as a joke. This annoys me more than it should. It could have been so much better than it was, they had the cast down, the area, even the cgi was pretty good, but they blew it and left story bits out. If you can see this for cheap I'd advise it, otherwise leave it for a quiet night and a dvd. 6/10
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