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An excellent movie, action packed. Love how the audience go from supporting the hunters to supporting Ben Richards (Schwarzenegger) by the time he has taken out 2.


I live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine!




Classic quote, love hearing him say it! haha


Great film as well!

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Valentines Day


This made me happy. I didn't expect any of the twists at the end of the film, so that was a pleasant surprise. I loved the audiences reactions to them all too. There were so many "Oooo!" and "Awww!" moments from the entire cinema, I couldn't help but giggle to myself. Anyway, it was genuinely sweet in places but felt a little dragged out at times. Anne Hathaway was completely brilliant...as always.




Sex and the City


I sat there watching it and felt like the producers of the movie thought they had made some fantastically original movie with brilliant twists that the audience would never in a million years guess...when in actual fact, some of the characters decisions were almost so retarded, I couldn't help but scream at the screen. I loved some of the original series, but this felt so forced. Oh, and the sex scene with the bald man? Did I really want to see what looked like a giant baby have rampant sex? I think not.



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A Single Man


I'm so ambivalent towards this film.


It was an interesting portrayal of homosexuality; especially the generation gap between gay being an act, and gay being an identity.


I thought the film was incredibly misogynistic. The only female character in the film that wasn't monstrous was the neighbour, who filled 1960s stereotypical housewife role. I lovelovelove Julianne Moore, but it felt like her only reason for being in the film was to fill the role of the fag hag.


I hate Colin Firth and Nicholas Hoult.


Generally the film felt really irrelevant.


The cinematography, whilst far more interesting and well done than most films, felt a bit over the top. The music stunned, but could something in the major key have been too much to ask for?


I want to rate it 6/10, but that would imply that it's on the same level as a shite film. It's a great great film, but as I said, I'm so ambivalent.


I'll settle for 8.4/10

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The Incredible Hulk


While I like the first Hulk just for the fact it's such a joke, like lingering too long on the fact they're filming in a desert, and the intended disturbing bits about his childhood, this was still far more successful as a film adaptation of the Hulk.

I loved the settings, they felt interesting. I loved how it rained whenever anything dramatic happened. I prefer Jennifer Connely to Liv Tyler a million times as Betty Banner, Jen has the face of a scientist. But alas, Liv wasn't awful.

The film felt really concise, could almost have done with a bit more? But not really.

Hey Tony Stark.

Hey Leader in the next film/the Avengers movie.

I liked Abomination's origin, I was wondering how they'd do that. (Also related; I thought Captain America was meant to be referenced more in this film?)




The Abyss


Had my favourite thing in films ever; running screaming down tight industial hallways while klaxons blare and strobe lights flash.

It was good, but it felt like it was trying to marry 15 different things at once. I was so uninterested in the insane guys story when I was so interested in the Waterbabies lying beneath. But his story was done well to be fair.

I loved Slutty's plan. I was actually about to clap at the "death" scene, cause it was so long, and if she had just died, I would have reeled. It would have added so much. Alas, shite prevailed.

The Waterlezzies were less fun in the end. Typical "city", typical "benevolent really, we'll destroy the world cause you're doing it anyway" blah blah. I hated the fact the watercunts looked like cliche aliens wearing mantarays.

I hated the sentimentality. It was paced well though. As mentioned I was ready to clap at the "death", and then during the trench dive I was in awe.


But I'd prefer it were more like Alien underwater with those Donnie Darko wannabe's than what it is. It's good, but...I'm so eager to put it back on my shelf, not to dust it off again for 4 years.




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The Incredible Hulk


While I like the first Hulk just for the fact it's such a joke, like lingering too long on the fact they're filming in a desert, and the intended disturbing bits about his childhood, this was still far more successful as a film adaptation of the Hulk.

I loved the settings, they felt interesting. I loved how it rained whenever anything dramatic happened. I prefer Jennifer Connely to Liv Tyler a million times as Betty Banner, Jen has the face of a scientist. But alas, Liv wasn't awful.

The film felt really concise, could almost have done with a bit more? But not really.

Hey Tony Stark.

Hey Leader in the next film/the Avengers movie.

I liked Abomination's origin, I was wondering how they'd do that. (Also related; I thought Captain America was meant to be referenced more in this film?)




If I remember correctly there was supposed to be a scene that was cut out wherein the Hulk goes to the artic and somewere there your supposed to see Captain America frozen.


At least I think that was the thing


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A week's worth of films to raaate.




Watched this last night, after going out for a meal and a few drinks. This was the Anniversary Edition and Ine spotted that a few things were different, particularly with some scenes with ET being CGIed to help his lip movement when talking, and some additional scenes. This is a favourite of mine, and I think I prefer this edition to the original. Not sure if Ine does though, hehe.


Ine's score: 9.5/10

Jim's score: 9.5/10



Rocky II


I've seen this millions of times, but this was Ine's first time after we watched the first film last time around. I think we both agreed that the part where he runs up the steps with the kids in the training montage is definitely a lot cheesier than the first film, when it didn't need to be. Still, there are so many memorable lines and scenes, and the film is worth seeing just for the finale, in my opinion.


Ine's score: 8/10

Jim's score: 9/10 - slightly prefer this to the first, but only just...they're both great.




This was randomly on telly, so we just sat back and watched it. We're both big fans of Robin Williams, and he steals every scene that he is in. I was a bit shocked to see Jennifer Lopez in this, but her performance isn't too distracting in this. A very sweet film, but sad at the same time.


Ine's score: 7/10

Jim's score 7.5/10


Alien Versus Predator


This is definitely in a different league than the first three Alien films, and both Predator films. In fact, it doesn't even compare. The action scenes are few and far between, and when they do occur the camera moves far too quickly for you to properly see what is going on - especially the first encounter between the Alien and the Predator.


I quite like the story, and the dialogue isn't too bad at all. But, the running time is so short that you hardly get to know the characters before the film is over. A longer running time, more character development and better choreographed fight scenes would have done this the world of good. It's not a bad film at all, just very, very ordinary and average. The world isn't better off with this film, nor would it be worse off without it. It just exists.


Ine's score: 5.5/10

Jim's score: 6/10 - but only because I still quite like this film, despite its flaws.


Cool Runnings


Sankaaaaa, you dead?



Love this. Second time we've seen it together, although we missed the ending because of some recording problem with the telly. But, we knew what happens, although it would have been nicer to follow the film right through until the end.


It's a great film that you can just watch at any time. Very funny, very sweet, and so many, many lines worth remembering. I love every scene with John Candy. :)


Ine's score: 7.5/10

Jim's score: 8/10


Up in the Air


We went into the cinema expecting a comedy. I don't think we got a comedy exactly. Yeah, there are quite a few times where you do laugh, but the film is surprisingly a bit more thought-provoking and deeper than that. I don't know what I'd class it as, but I'm glad we went to see it, as it is most definitely worth watching. I quite like George Clooney (I have forgiven him for being a shocking Batman) and he was pretty good in this. Very smooth, but troubled at the same time.


Ine's score: 7.5/10

Jim's score: 7.5/10

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Wait...you prefer AVP to Alien: Resurrection?





Course I do. It's a horrible, horrible film. AvP isn't a bad film, but it is one without a soul. Alien: Resurrection is awful. I consider that to be a bad film. Even on repeated viewings in double figures, each time hoping it'll suddenly turn good, it is still as awful as the first time.


I really hate that film. Sorry, Paj.

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But.. but at least it has Ripley (and Ron frikkin Pearlman for that matter!) AVP has... an ageing Lance Henrikson. Without her I would totally agree with you.


I know it's not a great film but on frequent occasions I am defending it. It's Jean Puet-Jenuet, a great French visonary and his first Hollywood outing which to be fair, considering 20th Fox are very controlling (it is their cash baby after all) he did a brilliant job in the direction front.


OK the film looked incredibly horrid in places (the newborn and alien designs were boring and uninspired) but the overall feel was pleasing to the eyes, the film had a nice golden warmth to it (ie everything looked yellow, like in Amelie)


The characters weren't that great but again... Ripley, she's like an old friend that stays with you when you move on to a new school. She's embodied Ripley's clone character with alot of tongue-in-cheek and great one liners.


AVP was just a cold, lifeless, by-the-numbers fair. No blood or guts either!


EDIT: I should give some credit for Joss Whedon too, he didn't do a bad job in bringing a seemingly closed franchise back to life.

Edited by Solo
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It's such an enjoyable film. It's not a patch/shouldn't be considered quality-wise with the other 3 films, but I have such a great time watching it.


It's a nicely directed film, maybe not very Alien-esque, but I just love. Ripley. Winona. How shite it really is but so much fun is had.


AVP was just a cold, lifeless, by-the-numbers fair. No blood or guts either!


EDIT: I should give some credit for Joss Whedon too, he didn't do a bad job in bringing a seemingly closed franchise back to life.



I actually preferred AVP Requiem to AVP. At least it had some sort of...urgency to it and like...mild horror. It's way worse, but more enjoyable.

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Haha, noooo. Requiem is the worst film I've seen in the cinema. It doesn't succeed in any department. It's a shame, as the trailer showed so much promise, but it didn't come off at all in the full movie.


As for Resurrection, it's an abomination. The LAST thing you should be doing is giving Joss Whedon any credit at all...the script wouldn't even cut it in an average action film, let alone an Alien film. It's too corny for its own good.


Sigourney Weaver is a great actress, but even she couldn't save that film. Some of her lines are very, very cringeworthy. Admittedly, the film gets off to a decent start, but it slowly and slowly gets worse. The look of the CGIed Alien (bar maybe one or two shots underwater) is horrible to say the least. The climax of the film is with the newborn, where the film I think rightfully gains its status as a bad film.


The only aspect of the film that I like is the direction that they took with Winona Ryder's character, but even then it was something that we already had seen in Aliens to a certain extent. But, as an actress, I like her, and her character is one of the things I don't hate about this film. I hate the un-urgency, the hideously bad script, the newborn...even the need to construct such a film in the first place. It doesn't need to exist. The series ended with Alien3.

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The cgi aliens looked way better in Resurrection than in 3 :hmm:. 3's cgi aliens were horrific. The tunnel-run scene :woops:. I'd rather they just hadn't shown us anything.


They were too slimey in Resurrection, like they were dripped in KY Jelly. I thought the one in Alien3 was more down to the design of the Alien, due to it:


having been a dog/ox burster, rather than human born.

It moved differently, but I quite liked that. The tunnel run wasn't that bad, imo. I thought they filmed the Alien pretty decently, but my favourite scene in that film is where:


The Alien kills Boggs and Rains and looks down at Golic with a huge and bloodied grin. I loved that shot. I thought the Alien looked pretty terrifying then.



To be honest, the CGI alien look just doesn't work for me. In fact, the only design I truely love is Giger's six-fingered Alien from the first film. Cameron's Alien was ok, but the design from the original is by far the best.

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I just remember the alien being yellow in one bit, as though the yellow was meant to be light or something, it just looked awful.


I dunno. I'm not too keen on the design, but I really like the fact it's different because of how it was "born". Maybe me not liking the design influenced my viewing.


This has got me wanting to watch Resurrection again. :D

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I like the Cameron ones: it's all explained (if you look in to it, not in film) that they're soldier bugs, whereas the original is a proto queen/ young female. It makes sense that they're different. Same with Alien 3.


If you have the DVD of Alienwith the cut scenes, the captain isn't killed, he's the first host for a new batch of eggs to start a new hive. Helps establish all the caste stuff.

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The Abyss


Had my favourite thing in films ever; running screaming down tight industial hallways while klaxons blare and strobe lights flash.

It was good, but it felt like it was trying to marry 15 different things at once. I was so uninterested in the insane guys story when I was so interested in the Waterbabies lying beneath. But his story was done well to be fair.

I loved Slutty's plan. I was actually about to clap at the "death" scene, cause it was so long, and if she had just died, I would have reeled. It would have added so much. Alas, shite prevailed.

The Waterlezzies were less fun in the end. Typical "city", typical "benevolent really, we'll destroy the world cause you're doing it anyway" blah blah. I hated the fact the watercunts looked like cliche aliens wearing mantarays.

I hated the sentimentality. It was paced well though. As mentioned I was ready to clap at the "death", and then during the trench dive I was in awe.


But I'd prefer it were more like Alien underwater with those Donnie Darko wannabe's than what it is. It's good, but...I'm so eager to put it back on my shelf, not to dust it off again for 4 years.







The Abyss has Michael Biehn in it, and therefore should receive a minimum +5 boost to its score as standard. Did you take that into account when scoring?

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Paranormal Activity


I really did not know what to think of this film, it was very good, yet at the same time...very boring...as a matter of fact it was really boring. Although on a side note...

Glad Micah died, fuck head deserved to die for what he did, perhaps one more point more for the movie





It was original and fresh, But still an average film for me, but gave it another point just for that spoiler I mentioned :heh:

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The last movie I saw was:


Shinjuku Incident (2009)


It's not a regular action comedy you're so used to seeing Jackie Chan in. This is a serious movie about the immigration of Chinese into Japan. This is also Jackie Chan's first dramatic character and I think he did very well.


My rating: 7/10

Edited by mattdavies2011
forgot rating it
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Haha, noooo. Requiem is the worst film I've seen in the cinema. It doesn't succeed in any department. It's a shame, as the trailer showed so much promise, but it didn't come off at all in the full movie.


Thought you meant For a Dream for a split second there, nearly had to unleash hell on yo ass.




Watched a bit of Hitchikers Guide the other day. Zooey Desh, Martin Freeman and Sam Rockwell? Surely the best cast ever. I actually quite like it in any case.

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the mummy returns


weeeeeeeell, it was an event i guess. most of the movie was seemingly made for clips to stick in the trailer, had a very dissjointed feel to it. and hollywood, if your reading this, please stop adding kids into films to "liven it up" nobody likes kids and it makes the female lead less attractive as you know shes given birth and her fanny will never be the same.


the film itself is camp but enjoyable enough, it has a light hearted famly feel to it that you dont see to much thses days.


oh, and i have a slight man crush on brenden fraisure now. he seems like a nice fellow.


also, the scorpion king himself is hilarious. id not like to fight the rock, id not like to fight a scorpion, so why is a half the rock half a scorpion monster so funny?

6/10 better then it should be.

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