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Rate the last film you saw


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Der Untergang/Downfall


Finally got to see this! At first it all seemed to move a bit too fast, and I didn't feel like I had enough time to get to know some people in the film, but then after a while it seemed to slow down. Yeah that doesn't make sense haha. But I mean that you get more involved during the film. It was good, a bit disturbing in places maybe, because it just feels like half of the people there are just crazy/brainwashed and you feel like slapping some sense into them.


But yes, good film, definitely worth watching.

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I loved. In general.


It feels less polished or "complete" than some of his works, but then in the extras everyone said Von Trier was having "mental issues" or something. Slightly meandering, but enjoyable in a twisted way.


I covered my eyes several times. But when my eyes were open, it's a visual stunner. Charlotte, you're good. I just loved "Bastard!".


The fox. = Yes.


I liked how in the Bonus Interviews they singled out the idiotic douchebag from the Daily Mail at the Cannes Press Conference, who was really rude and demanded Von Trier "justify the film being made", and like shouted at him for no reason.

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It's Complicated


I didn't think it would be any good. I thought it would be a bit of fun though. It wasn't even that. I was bored through out. Alec Baldwin should keep his genius contained within 30 Rock. :)






500 something something something 600 minutes or whatever. That song was good. :D The whole thing was a lot of fun and generally a good story though ultimately it just faded at the end...




500 Days Of Summer


Squeeeeee. I love this film. :grin: There were little touches that made it so good the first time round that I hadnt remembered and where a pleasant surprise this time. :yay:



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Oh come on, it's a fuckin masterpiece, give it an 8 (at least)!!! :D


It was very late when I watched it. The deadpanness of it all made me even more tired...


I really did admire it though. I know already that my opinion of it will grow even more with time. That seems to happen a lot with me. I only really conceded Drag Me To Hell as a great movie about 2 weeks after I saw it. Ask me tomorrow and I'll give it an 8.


Need to watch Sonatine next.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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Toy Story 2 3D


"I'm packing your angry eyes, just in case."




Sherlock Holmes


Okay. As expected, something that was alright to watch once but probably wont again.




Again, what I expected. Just a bit of fun. Although the mixture of 3D and painted elements was interesting.

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500 Days Of Summer


Squeeeeee. I love this film. :grin: There were little touches that made it so good the first time round that I hadnt remembered and where a pleasant surprise this time. :yay:




Cracking film.

Discussion point: one of my friends and I were debating whether Summer had done anything wrong the way she acted. I think she was messing Tom around and should have been aware of his feelings. She thinks it's easy to get in too deep and not realize such things and it wasn't her fault. Thoughts?

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Cracking film.

Discussion point: one of my friends and I were debating whether Summer had done anything wrong the way she acted. I think she was messing Tom around and should have been aware of his feelings. She thinks it's easy to get in too deep and not realize such things and it wasn't her fault. Thoughts?


Zoe Deschanel has defended the character in numerous ways.


I can sympathise with her thought. I have a similar kind of "I'm not in the mood for relationships...hmm I like this person, lets see what happens...okay this is just fun yes?...hmm no you're okay I suppose...oh wait for SRS? *run*" mentality at times.


"The only two things she loved were her long black hair, and how easily she can cut it off without feeling a thing." The clue's at the start. She can love something, but she needs to have the control to get rid of it if she chooses. That power is taken from her because the 'thing' in this instance is a human being with their own will/agenda/issues.


Its not 'nice', but it certainly is human (and arguably being not-nice (as opposed to cruel) is human).

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I hate the fact that without seeing the film I know that Summer is a bitch.




Spoilers. Can a movie still be enjoyable when you know about it? Is there a line between blurb material and twist-destroying info?


The books I've enjoyed the most are the ones I've not read the back of. Similarly, the best movie experiences have been when I was utterly unaware of what I was about to experience, be it a friend saying "just shut up and watch this (Waking Life, Primer, Cannibal Holocaust) or a £notmany film that I got because the cover looked cool (Koyaanisqatsi, Shoot-em-up... That's it, really) -- I genuinely cannot think of a movie that I knew even with brevity about the ongoings of plot/whatever and managed to be blown away by it. It may be the late night/drunk things that affect this, but I've just always preferred my entertainment, like an eel, shocking me out of the blue.


Personally I think (tangent) that any post commenting on a part of a film specifically should be spoilered. As a mod I have to take credit as being One More Annoyed Than Most because I 'have' to scan threads even when I don't have an aim to post... So uh... yeah... Whatever. Shh now james.

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Its not 'nice', but it certainly is human (and arguably being not-nice (as opposed to cruel) is human).


I agree. That is all.


I hate the fact that without seeing the film I know that Summer is a bitch.




Spoilers. Can a movie still be enjoyable when you know about it? Is there a line between blurb material and twist-destroying info?


Yeah, watching a film 'blind' is nearly always a far better experience than having read up on it. Nonetheless, the concept of a 'spoiler' can be pretty interesting in itself - knowing, or thinking you know the outcome of a film can make you watch in totally different and interesting ways. It's particularly good when you think you've been spoiled and then you work out that either the event in question isn't as big a plot point as you thought, or if it occurs and plays out in a different way than you were expecting.


Say for instance you knew a character dies, but you didn't know how. Potentially it removes the element of surprise, but also potentially it adds an entirely new dynamic to the viewing.


That said, there are some spoilers that you just never want. Like the Fight Club spoiler. Or the Usual Suspects spoiler. And It's far too easy to be spoiled in these days of internet.


Edit: as for 500DoS, Summer being a bitch is both arguable and not a spoiler - you find out that you could view her as such about 5 minutes into the film.

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Films are meant to be watched blind.


I get actively angry when trailers are too exposing, though the worst are usually DVD blurbs. I cite it a lot, but thank FUCK I didn't read the blurb on the back of the Rosemary's Baby DVD. Tells you the literaly climax/twist/POINT of the film. UGH. UGH.


In regards to posts saying ANYTHING about a film...with things like Avatar, it's kinda unavoidable. Everyone knows there's blue people, everyone knows it's like Pocahontas etc. It's hugely exposed. So in that respect, it's unfortunately unavoidable.

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Films are meant to be watched blind.


Lies/near on impossible. Even a title can give away a film plot (except White Men Can't Jump, there was clearly some crackers jumping).


(perhaps 'partially sighted' would be a better term :p)

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I said meant. I don't believe for a second that most serious film-makers would want details about the plot of their film to be revealed/known about before it's seen, in reality.


Of course this is impossible. They need promotion, and the public need to be drawn in with trailers etc.

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Well Paj was saying you should go into a movie blind, the title opens your eyes. I think we'd have to go back to the days of Kinteoscope to think of examples when people went in knowing nothing :heh:


(yes, I was being pedantic)

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The first half was alright then it got a tad boring but the end had me a little confused and it left me asking questions. Still, quite a good movie even if it has plotholes.



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Well Paj was saying you should go into a movie blind, the title opens your eyes. I think we'd have to go back to the days of Kinteoscope to think of examples when people went in knowing nothing :heh:


(yes, I was being pedantic)


Well the title doesn't have to be purely functional. "Movie in which a woman and a man fall in love" etc etc


Titles are part of the whole thing, as Jay said. In ones in which there're "Spoilers" like The Virgin Suicides, it's intended.

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