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  The3rdChildren said:
Almost instantly.


that just brings a new twist to this tale. for someone to rate a movie of a particular genre, you should of had at least some experience with other films of that same genre to compare it to. are we finally cracking open guys nuts...?

  dabookerman said:
that just brings a new twist to this tale. for someone to rate a movie of a particular genre, you should of had at least some experience with other films of that same genre to compare it to. are we finally cracking open guys nuts...?


The only other gay porn I have seen is as follows:


Robocock 2

Twenty Whore Gay 4: 18:00-19:00

The Lord of the Ringpieces: The Two Towers

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Semen


And those were the ones that I could think of titles for in my boredom. Let's clean this thread up starting now.




Watched the extended editions and I was surprise by how good it was. I actually thought there would be no story and only killing vampires but it has lots of action sequences and while the vampire society resembles Blade, the fight against the Werewolfs makes it unique enough that I didn't compare it a lot. However, I think Kate Beckinsale looks too "fragile" for the role.






I dont have much to say about this film other than i had and still have no idea what happend in it or why it seemed to end... without an end!?

Very strange film




Brokeback Mountain

Its a really heartbreaking movie. Really really good. I even cried a little at the end lol, definatly dont be put off by the whole gay issue alot of RE'ers seem to have. 9/10


Last film I saw was The Proposition


Very brutal in places John Hillcoat film set in Australian outback during 19th century. About an irish outlaw (guy pearce) given an ultimatum, kill his one brother to save the other. Excellent film, atmospheric and well shot. Pearce is alike to the man with no name, aka Eastwood. 8/10


Got a few films to add, with very contrasting opinions!


Ocean's 12 - Not as good as the first one and could be a little confusing for some, but generally a good film.




Syriana - Quite possibly, neigh definately, the WORST film I have ever seen, I was told by my friend who I went with (as well as some others) that it was a political 'thriller', well it wasn't AT ALL thrilling, infact it was so boring that I found myslef constantly looking at my watch thinking about 30 - 45 mins had gone by only to find it was more like 5! In the end I got fed up of having to constantly get up and read the subtitles (there was a lot of foreign speak), seeing as I had got comfy in a position whereby the bottom of the screen was cut off so couldn't see them, and with about half an hour left I, as well as another friend next to me, fell asleep! Trust me this film is complete bollocks, nothing of any remote interest happened (well a couple of cars blew up, but they weren't even that impressive) and as far as I can tell the meaning behind the film is that big American corporations will do anything to line their own pockets - well I knew that already and so wasted 2 hours of my life being told this in the most boring and tedious way possible.


0/10 (yes thats right it gets a big fat ZERO)!


Anchorman - Saw this the day after Syriana and although they are completely different genres I am still comparing them... This is how a film should be, by that I mean something actually happens! Great performance from Will Ferel and the rest of the news team (especially Brick Tamblin [sp?]) and funny throughout, infact I've seen it three times since Wednesday!




To sum things up, see Anchorman, give Oceans 12 a go and for the love of god, avoid Syriana like the plague!


V for Vendetta


I really liked this comic book adaption. The storyline is a complicated mix of freeing a country from an 1984'esque grip that enpowers the whole of the UK. Then then a whole lot of revenge thrown in for good measure. Check it out 9/10.




Saw it in media. Not something i'd usually watch. I'd seen parts of it before but was kinda distracted at the time. I really have no idea what it was that kept my interest, but something did. Basically, some girl wants to be cool, becomes friends with some girl who is a bad influence, shit happens. It's worth watching just for the chicken, which the class skipped the film backwards to watch again :P The film also got nominated for an Oscar btw.


Film: 8/10

Chicken: 10/10


Me and my flatmate watch a film just about every night. Here's a lowdown of the weeks films:


Howl's Moving Castle:

Absolute wank, stuff happened for no general reason and was never explained, we laughed at the witch becoming a vegetable and regularly quote "Ooh what a lovely fire...". Visually spectacular no doubt but Very Dissapointed after the magic that was Spirited Away. 2/10


The Terminal:

We like The Hanks in the flat, found some lovely moments, like the Indian [Apologies, Native American] plate spinning etc, the minimal usage of Zeta Jones was a blessing, 6/10


The Polar Express:

Hanks, legend. 6/10


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels:

I forced my flatmate to watch this, after forcing him to watch Snatch last week, he said Snatch was better however I'm torn on them both. But I think Lock Stock wins it for me, 8/10


Keeping Mum:

About as bad as Howl's Moving Castle, nay, worse. We actually fully watched Howl's. We gave up on this film after 40 minutes. Nothing actually happened. The daughter was fit as you like but even that couldn't keep our interest. 1/10


The Mummy:

Quality film, 7-8/10


-Battle Royale II-

3/10 Poor directing, too long, a few nice ideas.


-King Kong 2005-

1/10 A 200 milion B movie, an absolute terrible film, avoid at all cost.


-Old boy-

8/10 Disturbing Korean film, I quite liked it.



8/10 Politics is a very dirty bussiness. Very good film, though the plot is sometimes hard to follow. May be too confusing for some.


Lucky Number Slevin

Saw this today, and because it has been out for some time now, I was naturally the only person to attend it at that particular showing. I was a bit late to it aswell, and when I walked the film already started, so I guess that shows that even if no-one turns up tot the film, It plays anyway.


Anyway, back to the film. If you liked Snatch, you'd love this; it's sort of like that, but more serious. Very clever plot,rich cinematography and a well thought out script. An all round awesome flick. 9/10



Big Fish

Very Bizzare, yet heart warming, and as clichéd as it sounds, the script itself was almost magical. Well shot and emotional and all, but got a bit dull from time to time. 7/10

  MonkeyPunch said:
-Battle Royale II-

3/10 Poor directing, too long, a few nice ideas.




I hate that film with a passion. transforms what was a thought provoking film on the nature of violence, society and friendship into a mindless bloodbath of a film.

not just bad, but a perversion of greatness.



  Monopolyman said:

Big Fish

Very Bizzare, yet heart warming, and as clichéd as it sounds, the script itself was almost magical. Well shot and emotional and all, but got a bit dull from time to time. 7/10


I liked this, it was a nice film. I don't remember the details as it was a while ago that I saw it but it left a good taste.

Some of the other films mentioned that caught my attention were Oceans 12 (absolute crap after the fairly enjoyable remake) and Anchorman (soooo funny - the fight scene and aftermath is my favourite part).


Man on fire

Fantastic. Denzel Washington plays a broken man, Creasy, who has to be a bodyguard for a little girl, Lupita. The more he spends time with her, the more he feels there's a meaning to his life. He becomes a sort of father figure for her. Then she gets kidnapped and killed. Creasy decides to track every single person down who has to do anything with the abduction and kill them all.

Incredible film, great acting, good soundtrack, cool style, explosive and gory, and some nice plot twists. A must watch. 10/10

  Dan Dare said:
I hate that film with a passion. transforms what was a thought provoking film on the nature of violence, society and friendship into a mindless bloodbath of a film.

not just bad, but a perversion of greatness.




So true this movie if offal and nothing like the first, its just brain dead and oh so pointless and seemed to be created for purely taking a dig at America.



  MonkeyPunch said:

-King Kong 2005-

1/10 A 200 milion B movie, an absolute terrible film, avoid at all cost.



8/10 Politics is a very dirty bussiness. Very good film, though the plot is sometimes hard to follow. May be too confusing for some.


I know this is opinions and all that but how can you possibly rate Syriana over King Kong (like I said earlier I can't rate it over any other film I've ever seen let alone King Kong which is probably my 2nd fav of all time)! Some people say King Kong was too long (about 3 hours if I remember correctly), but at least something happend during that time, unlike the 2 hours I wasted seeing Syriana!


Oh well, I guess you and me are sewn from two very different seeds!




Spose I should chuck a couple more films I've seen recently on here rather then just attacking your opinion :heh:


Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King (Extended Version)

Watched all 4 hours of this on Sunday with my surround sound turned up to +5 volume (don't be fooled, it's usually on -25 so +5 is actually very loud) and loved every minute of it! As I mentioned above King Kong is my second favourite movie and this is the one that beats it! Kept me entertained for the whole duration and seeing as it's four hours long thats a great achievement (Syriana couldn't even do it for half that time, and no I don't plan on stopping my Syriana bashing any time soon - infact I'll probably mention it in every post I make in this topic :heh:)




Walking Tall

Starring The Rock and Johnny Knoxville this film is actually better than I thought it would be. Quite simply a nice enjoyable popcorn film, good fight scenes, especially at the end when they're in the forest.




Malcom X - 9/10 Great film and a must see.

The eye - 7/10 Decent horror movie, contains one scene which is very very scary but the rest is alrite, worth a watch.


Team America: World Police - 8.5/10

I love this film, anybody who's seen it will know why.

As for King Kong 2005, its ok but the 1st bit dragged so much my eyes were tired for the rest of the film. Wins points for the box labelled "Sumatran Rat Monkey: Watch for bite!" or something like that. Anyone else seen the film thats a refernce to?


King Kong was decent but the middle section was absurd. it just kept escalating and just got worse and worse.


Kong himself was, however, breathtaking. I loved the way he was done.

  MunKy said:
Team America: World Police - 8.5/10

I love this film, anybody who's seen it will know why.

As for King Kong 2005, its ok but the 1st bit dragged so much my eyes were tired for the rest of the film. Wins points for the box labelled "Sumatran Rat Monkey: Watch for bite!" or something like that. Anyone else seen the film thats a refernce to?


Braindead i guess, or one of other peter jacksons other films.

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