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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Avatar - Wicked. I love the expression. Avatars with figures in them are the best, I find.




Sig - I like it but Spidey is already in you awesome av so I'm going to deduct a few points in regards to balance. Also the scene I feel needs it's context. (Not really sure what I'm on about tbh :heh: )



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I finally got a new signature and avatar! Hurrah! My old masterpiece is gone. We shall miss you squiggles. AGGGH.png


I was thinking of using an old signature that I used a long time ago:



I like your sig and avatar Ashley, despite not liking Pokemon at all. Although it looks like your avatar man doesn't have any hands.


sig 7/10

Av. 6/10

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Where are these Nintendo avatars from? Like cubes, Nintendohnuts, etc.




9/10 Avatar


5/10 Sig

Too similar to the avvie, but worse, and I hate the writing.


Mine's pretty shit. Carnivine is intentionally blurry, like he's pressing against the screen, bit i dont think it translates.

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Avatar - I'm not really a fan. It's cool how it links up with your sig but it's just a bit forgettable. Sorry.




Sig - I love the sig and how it has depth. Might be cool if the background wasn't just white but otherwise it is ace!




(I only just read your comment about the focus. I think it works well.)

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Where are these Nintendo avatars from? Like cubes, Nintendohnuts, etc.


NeoGaf, there's a thread there with loads of characters in the Scribblenauts style.




Avatar. It's you (as in I identify that picture with you, not that it's a picture of you). Not much else to say, really.




Signature. Not sure who it is, but the red is striking and contrasts the character well.



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AV: 8/10

Like the blue shadow bit, subtle but nice.

Sig: 8.5/10

Like it, but the chain chomp lets it down a bit. Really doesn't fit in with the rest of it IMHO. The rest reminds me of old Saturn games for some reason, particularly Baku Baku Animal and Clockwork Night.


Edit: Not sure if it's just on my computer or not, but the background behind the Facebook is a different colour to the Tumblr and Twitter.



I couldn't sleep, so I done made another sig. Still not sure what colour to make the text, so I settled with a colour that's a mixture of the other two. Also ditched the wanted list and Backloggery text from the sig since the wanted list was pointless and I haven't been on Backloggery for ages.

Edited by Goafer
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You bastard.

Avvie: 5

I like the concept, but I dislike the fact it's just a photo of a statue. A drawing of the same scene would work better.


Sig: 7


Would get more if the Mickey was the original "no whites in eyes" Mickey.

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Mickey has always had a smidgen of white in his eyes, even if it was triangular (proof...actually sorry just looked at Steamboat and he lost it then. Ah well as I go on to say...). I think this one is just a fan drawing as it has a tail which was dropped in 1940 but eyebrows which were developed in the 50's (and later dropped as well). I just like how happy he is :)


And if I could be bothered I might have drawn the avatar but as it in itself does not exist as a drawing (as far as I'm aware) it shall remain a statue.


Anywho RATE PAJ'S OR BE FORCED TO HEAR HIM CITE BJORK. Wouldn't want that now would we ;):heh:

Edited by Ashley
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