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Total smoking ban in pubs and clubs.

Guest Jordan

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In fact yes, FUCK SMOKING. I do not give a flying feck if people have freedom etc. Just because they want to kill themselves doesn't mean they have to drag us down too. I was at a rugby match the other week, a guy lights up in front blowing smoke back right in my face. I don't wanna die too y'know.


My Grandad dieed from cancer, because of smoking. my dad smokes and he doesn't seem to have the will to quit. I worry the same will happen to him sometimes. People shouldn't have to have their lungs and throats damaged because someone else wants pleasure.

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Well thats just fucking self centered. If someone did that in a cinema/bus that I was in I'd gladly "tell on them" because they're being a prick. I like you Rokhed, but thats just terrible.


Yes, it is self centered of me, but smoking in a cinema where the only other person is present is my wife I'm not hurting anyone, same as when I'm on a 5 hour plus train ride and I smoke in the toilets. Buses I don't do anymore as bus journeys aren't that long.

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just in time, i quit a few days ago..


this should help me out a bit.


and not assed about other pppl smoking, its not like i'll drop dead from it anytime soon, and with all the other shit we inhale, and all the shit we eat, we'r fucked anyway.


People just actin like bitch's

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Yes, it is self centered of me, but smoking in a cinema where the only other person is present is my wife I'm not hurting anyone, same as when I'm on a 5 hour plus train ride and I smoke in the toilets. Buses I don't do anymore as bus journeys aren't that long.


Thats a bit more acceptable, although you do leave behind that nasty smoke smell but I'd imagine by the time you're gone you don't care.

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I think its a fucking joke that they wish to ban smoking in all pubs/clubs. Why does it bother non-smokers so God-damn much? You can handle it, its just because of the media that you feel you can go 'aurgh, smoking yeuch', someone could smoke right behind you at a bus stop and youd probably not even notice becuase believe it or not most smokers are pretty considerate, we wont blow smoke in your direction if we can help it, we wont stand near people at bus stops etc.


Now, when it comes to pubs, i dont mind that theres a ban, smokers could go outside, fair enough. In a club, how the fuck are smokers going to cope? Im not that bad as im a 'social smoker' or whatever you wish to call someone who doesnt crave them but has them. I do know that when having alcohol, smoking is something that is very hard not to do for full out smokers, if they have no-where to go, they cant go outside cus the bouncers probably wont let them back in without paying. Theyre gonna be vexed, and it'll probably cause violence in the worst cases more so than drinking does.


Its just a bad bad idea in the interest of good health. If you want good health, sit in the non-smoking sections and you'll do just fine. Well at least that was the plan until this. Its stupid.


How about private mens clubs or what have you, where they pay, they pay to be there. They're not even allowed to smoke in their bars?! I stress, a bar they pay to attend?! Its ridiculous.


Sure im all for good health, but im also for fairness in our society, its not smokers faults the government is too greedy to ban selling cigarettes for the tax money they bring is it. Is it fair they wont do what they need to do but will do this just to look good to those who dont smoke?

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sit in the non-smoking sections and you'll do just fine.


Or not... smoke doesn't just stay in the smoking sections, it drifts to filll up the whole room, it doesn't suddenly stop and think "oh shit, theres an invisible barrier here that we can't cross, better not go any further!"

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Rokhed, there should be a smoking carrage on that kind of train journey, no?


I admit, I don't like being told what to do by Tony and his mates but there is a point to this. Smoking needs to become more and more socially unacceptable. End off. Most smokers want to give up and also wish they never started. It's a problem that needs to be dealt with properly, from the start. Just for instance, it's not like you would find it ok if you were in a pub and someone started snorting aerosols in front of you, would you?

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cigarettes dampen the experience for you smokers though. now, I had a plan that I think works well to counter this, give you guys a full experience, and solves the smoking debate problem.


first, they develop a liquid that works like a nicotine patch - ie if you are in contact with the liquid your body absorbs nicotine.

then all they do is get smokers, pop them in a vat of this liquid, with two tubes leading directly into the lungs.

tube one pumps tar into their lungs, and tube two pumps carbon monoxide into their lungs.

perhaps tube one should be optional.

obviously it would have to be charged appropriately.


anyway, it would solve the problem, smokers are dead, and full of nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar, just like they want to be.

non smokers are happy, because they get fresher air.

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at bloody last!!! *im non-smoker*


when i goto pub theres only me, my bro and my best mate that dont smoke then theres bout 10 other mates who all smoke around me and i have to breathe in 2nd hand smoke all the time im there :(:(:(:(:(:(:(


why is this taking until middle of 2007 to be put forward thou :/


cant wait to goto pub and my mates will be moaning that they cant smoke unless at home

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Just split every pub/club in half with a nice brick wall. Room A is for smokers and their not so militant non-smoking friends and Room B is for the others. I bet 5€ that Room A is more crowded and there is more fun. Not because of cigarettes but because of the peoples personality.


Now Flame me! (or better light me up hehe)

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well, personally I don't go to pubs anymore because of the effect smoke has on me

1)feel rubbish, seriously, why purposely expose yourself to that simply for the sake of exposing yourself to it??

2)dry eyes

3)dry throat

4)unpleasant smell


I enjoy the pub, but the smoke just makes me feel sick. the wall idea, Is good, but the reason its not been done is they would need to predict fairly accurately how many customers would enjoy a smoking area.


the non smoking area would be for all non smokers (75%)

smoking area for smokers (25%)

but the smoking area can be for non smokers (75%) who don't mind/can put up with smoke (?%)


the fact non smokers can go into the smoking area makes the idea difficult in practise, and even if they get an average idea say during a day 60% go into area A, 40% in area B, they'd have to account (possibly) that at hour x 90% go into area A, and at hour y 70% go into area B.


so really, even the smoking/non smoking area's are not really ideal.


the only reason there were smoking areas was because pre war thinking, really this is a progressive law.

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Moan moan moan moan moan. You know what you are arn't you? The elderly at bus stops... you know what im talking about!


How annoying is it when you cant drink or eat a bag of crisps or something on the bus? If those laws were as tight as smoking that is, as lets face it, everyone does it but it is against the law technically. What if you were dying of thirst but, ooh no cant drink in public areas. Im just trying to think of people that have been sucked into the smoking fad and are addicted, wheres the fairness to them? Fact is, we dont know the population that smokes aginst the population that doesnt. Id guess its closer than you think.


Drinking alcohol makes you smell too. Drinking alcohol makes you socially annoying in some cases, it can make you aggressive, why dont we just ban the fuck out of that too? Why were at it, lets ban having any kind of individuality and stress relief possible. Why? Because people's health is in jeopardy.. yeah right. Breath it in for 10 mins, half an hour, an hour, 2, 3, its not going to alter your life expectancy. Try moaning to LEDC countries who actually do have health issues.

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How annoying is it when you cant drink or eat a bag of crisps or something on the bus? If those laws were as tight as smoking that is, as lets face it, everyone does it but it is against the law technically. What if you were dying of thirst but, ooh no cant drink in public areas. Im just trying to think of people that have been sucked into the smoking fad and are addicted, wheres the fairness to them? Fact is, we dont know the population that smokes aginst the population that doesnt. Id guess its closer than you think.


You'd have more of a point if when someone eats a bag of crisps on a bus they force feed some to everyone else.


(I make a habit of doing that, but I'm guessing it's not the norm).

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Rokhed, there should be a smoking carrage on that kind of train journey, no?



No, unfortunately not, that's what the toilets are for.

It might leave the smell of smoke behind, but that's nothing compared to some of the things I've seen (and smelt) in british rail toilets.

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I think its a fucking joke that they wish to ban smoking in all pubs/clubs. Why does it bother non-smokers so God-damn much? You can handle it, its just because of the media that you feel you can go 'aurgh, smoking yeuch', someone could smoke right behind you at a bus stop and youd probably not even notice becuase believe it or not most smokers are pretty considerate, we wont blow smoke in your direction if we can help it, we wont stand near people at bus stops etc.


Actually I've been complaining to my dad and grandparents to stop smoking since I could utter the words pretty much. And it bothers non smokers so damn much because the smell does cling onto them, even if people are being considerate its still there, on your clothes, in your hair and in your lungs (well the smell aint in your lungs but the rest is).


I think you're being too generous on smoker's behalf. In my five years of regular bus-catching experience smokers (well im thinking the elder smokers here, 30+) tend to not care. Its the same attitude they apply to everything really "we're older so we know better." In fairness, if someone was smoking near me at a bus stop I'd move, don't want to cause a hassle casue I know most smokers are unreasonable to discuss with.

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In fairness, if someone was smoking near me at a bus stop I'd move, don't want to cause a hassle casue I know most smokers are unreasonable to discuss with.


Well I guess your bad experience while reasoning with smokers could also be affected by your attitude. I normally don't have a problem if someone asks me in a normal way if I could stop smoking even though I could.


In a crowded train wagon where smoking is allowed I am the last person to tell a mother and her baby that if she doesn't like the smoke she can f**k off!

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