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Total smoking ban in pubs and clubs.

Guest Jordan

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Well I guess your bad experience while reasoning with smokers could also be affected by your attitude. I normally don't have a problem if someone asks me in a normal way if I could stop smoking even though I could.


Meh as I see it to talk to them I have to remove my earphones. Would rather just move and carry on listening to music. Then again, some of the people at my bus stop were the kinds who were not to be gone near.

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What a load of shit. Pubs should just decide if they want to be smoking and non-smoking and that should be the end of it. Non-smokers can go to a place that is non-smoking, as can the non-smoking workers.


What makes this even more bullshit is banning smoking in PRIVATE clubs. Are people not even allowed to decide foir themselves?


What the fuck happened to choice?!


As you can probably tell, I don't smoke. Hate the stuff.

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Personally I think smoking is fuckin' horrible. And working in a pub means I have to put up with clouds of it hanging around my head all the time.


It's a social vice and sooner or later we'll get over it. It's hard to imagine a pub as being smoke free and even though I hate living in such a Nanny State I'm for it being banned.

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OK then. I'm gonna come roung to your house and kick the shit out of you.


Freedom of choice (aka Doing what the feck you want)



What the hey, give it a try if you really, really want to :grin: not like i could give a shit lol


im up for the ban, but this thread is getting a bit too much, sure you have strong feelings about this. But smoking is effectively an addiction for many people and many arent as strong willed or fuckin right all the time as some people, theres nothin i hate more than people ignorant to the fact that every arguement has two sides, sure smokers dont have any real arguement, but they're still there, smokin.


many of my extended family have died from cancer, some caused b passive, some by smoking themselves.But im not getting really riled up when the subjects raised. Society still works with the principle that yo either do something about it or shut the fuck up and deal with it, and ive helped alot of my mates quit. good thing with the ban is that many people have done something about it and thats great, but comments like yeah i'll come and kick the shit out of you, just make me laugh and remember that that there is a difference between fighting for something and fighting over something which this thread has basically turned into. as jav sed moan, moan, moan. Do somethin about it, then I'll listen to why you have a problem with something

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I'm 100% behind the smoking ban. For too long now I've been forced to sit in smokey pubs and have to wash my clothes straight after the evening is up.


If I was a smoker I would feel bad about smoking in an enclosed area, it's not a big ask to step outside.

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The ban is great.

Though I still have reservations over whether passive smoking can truely cause cancer. I've not seen quoted evidence used in any government documents.. it's just taken for granted if it goes in and it causes canceer it comes out and must cause cancer again.


It is very difficuilt science when you are dealing with passive smoke.. because ultimately to test it you have to monitor people who absorb passive smoke and people who don't remember that you can develop cancer without smoking or drinking.

It is very risky research and personally as a scientist I would not lend my name and reputation in the scientific community to something that could theoretically be so.. unsound.


I saw on Question Time last night the debate over private clubs.. I think it's great that they're banned too.. and I agree that prisons should be allowed to smoke still.


The idea was to have a vote in private clubs and bars that staff were allowed to vote in too, to make it 'fair' but everyone knows.. in any private club or bar there will be more members who smoke than staff who oppose it.


Thus the total ban is great, it improves quality of working environment for a large amount of people. and it is a valid point that the ban will hopefully allow many people to quit and not feel pressured into starting in the first place on a 'social' basis.


I can't see any flaws in it at all.. I only hope that more money goes into helping people quit and more taxes on them in the first place.


edit: to everyone playing the 'choice' card saying this is infringing upon your civil liberties it has been taken on board and the legislation will go no further.

If you want to smoke outside you can do so. It wont go any further.


One counter argument was that if you can't smoke at a pub that you'll go home and smoke around your kids.. this is a fucking joke and no parent should be so fucking lazy that they can't go out in the beer garden for 3 minutes.


The men in Ireland do it, it was said that the beer gardens are packed since the ban was introduced. Stop being pansies.


If you would like to take it further how about I take a dump on your office desk and show you a little bit about pleasant working environments.

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Moan moan moan moan moan. You know what you are arn't you? The elderly at bus stops... you know what im talking about!


How annoying is it when you cant drink or eat a bag of crisps or something on the bus? If those laws were as tight as smoking that is, as lets face it, everyone does it but it is against the law technically. What if you were dying of thirst but, ooh no cant drink in public areas. Im just trying to think of people that have been sucked into the smoking fad and are addicted, wheres the fairness to them? Fact is, we dont know the population that smokes aginst the population that doesnt. Id guess its closer than you think.


Drinking alcohol makes you smell too. Drinking alcohol makes you socially annoying in some cases, it can make you aggressive, why dont we just ban the fuck out of that too? Why were at it, lets ban having any kind of individuality and stress relief possible. Why? Because people's health is in jeopardy.. yeah right. Breath it in for 10 mins, half an hour, an hour, 2, 3, its not going to alter your life expectancy. Try moaning to LEDC countries who actually do have health issues.


Well, I never minded smoking in pubs or clubs either when it was in, i just never really thought about it, and never really have thought about it since the ban came in, because.. i dont smoke. Now when i go to the UK or some foriegn country, i am fucking glad that we have the ban, and i will have the popcorn and a big smile on my face when i watch what happens over there when the ban comes in. :D



Also alcohol kills a lot of people - and even more innocent people than smoke does. So away with booze too.


If you eat too much CocoPops, you'd die too. Ban them aswell i say.

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Sometimes I wonder wether pubs in the UK are really that small and crowded or if some of you are just cry babies. I don't want to insult anyone here but if I go out including heavy smoking (20 cigarettes) and a few beer with a few friends neither my clothes nor my hair or anything else except my fingers smell like smoke.

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Sometimes I wonder wether pubs in the UK are really that small and crowded or if some of you are just cry babies. I don't want to insult anyone here but if I go out including heavy smoking (20 cigarettes) and a few beer with a few friends neither my clothes nor my hair or anything else except my fingers smell like smoke.


How strange...


No matter where i go be it a small local pub, a larger wetherspoon type pub, a trendy bar up town or a club i ALWAYS come out with my clothes stinking of smoke.


Yes sometimes i dont notice it as im far too drunk to care but in the morning when i pick my clothes up off the floor they stink.

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Maybe because you are a smoker you don't realise/can't smell how much you stink? A night out as you describe would end up in reekiness.


Some smokers either don't notice or don't care. Had a customer at work today who reaked of smoke and I was just like "eww get away!". Not the first person either.

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there are two people who make me physically sick, they STINK of stale smoke.

they have laptops, and we have to physically clean the tar of them before we attempt to fix them. we don't clean it all off but we do our best. even the laptops being in the room makes the room smell rank (windows open even if its freezing).

people like that, probably have mega bad hygiene, otherwise they must breathe in more fag smoke than oxygen.

those people I can't stand. most smokers I can tolerate their habit.

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Why do so many people complain about the smell of smoke anyway. My Dad smokes quite heavily, and I occasionally have to sit next to him with smoke blowing directly in my face, yet my dad doesn't smell of smoke, and I haven't had any complaints, either. Maybe I'm just under differant circumstances for me.


What a load of shit. Pubs should just decide if they want to be smoking and non-smoking and that should be the end of it. Non-smokers can go to a place that is non-smoking, as can the non-smoking workers.


What makes this even more bullshit is banning smoking in PRIVATE clubs. Are people not even allowed to decide foir themselves?


What the fuck happened to choice?!


As you can probably tell, I don't smoke. Hate the stuff.


I couldn't have put it better myself really. I understand banning it in most public areas, but, like I said before, some pubs and clubs are designed to fit smokers, and should be allowed to say if they can smoke inside or not.

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I think an outright ban on all pubs is wrong, and it does go against the freedom of choice.

However, i'm going to be careful and will try not to start the "is it alright to smoke in the first place?" argument. It is irrelevant to this argument, which is "Should people be allowed to smoke in pubs and clubs?"


The way i see it is that it is a bit hypocritical to live in a country that allows you to freely buy cigarettes, but then declares that you cannot smoke in a certain places.


Firstly, i am a non-smoker and a non-drinker. But, i do enjoy going out to pubs and clubs with my friends and girlfriend. Now, i do admit that some places (usually nightclubs) are hideous when it comes to smokers and smoke.

A lot of pubs are also like this.

However, while venturing into a pub called "O'neills" a few days ago, i was happy to see that there was a smoking section, and a non-smoking section. I believe that this is the way to go.


Should we take precautions so that non-smokers do not inhale smoke? Absolutely.


Should we force smokers not to smoke in pubs? I do not think so.

I believe that it is possible to cater for both crowds. A smoking section and a non-smoking section is completely within reason and makes sense. It's even been implemented in a lot of places. If there was some way to implement this into nightclubs, then i can see no reason why this ban should be called for.

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Freedom of choice is a myth. We haven't been free for years. Social, legal and moral barriers have prevented us from many things over the years.


True stuff.


I can't have sex in a pub in front of everyone. What's the deal with that? Where's my freedom of choice? Some people think it's a bit gross, but I don't and they could always not look.

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