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3DS and Wii U eShop purchases to end March 2023


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51 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

In terms of pure DLC? Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations can only be bought via DLC unless you own the single rarest and most expensive 3DS game cartridge in existence.

The NSMB 2 DLC is also the best part of the whole game.  Theatrhythm Curtain Call also has a buttload of DLC with perhaps the best songs available.

There's loads more, but those should be your priority I reckon.

As for digital only games? Absolutely tons.  Basically every Atlus game on 3DS was digital only here in Europe; while basically every single Nintendo published eShop game is well worth owning (but ESPECIALLY Pocket Card Jockey!).  Then you have Ace Attorney Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice (digital only outside of Japan); NES Remix 1 & 2, the list goes on and on!

Wow I actually have that Fire Emblem Fates Limited Edition, didn't even realise.  I have the New Super Mario Bros. 2: Gold Edition, which I think has the DLC.

Theatrhythm DLC is definitely one for me to look into.

I think I have most of the Atlus games and Nintendo eShop only games.  I have some of the Ace Attorneys so I'll double check on that.

On the VC Front

Going to hide this in spoilers as the info comes from data mining.



  1. NES
  2. SNES
  3. N64
  4. ??
  5. Mega Drive

I know this doesn't mean much but it does mean we're likely to get another platform.  Problem is that both the GB/GBC and Master System would fit into that slot nicely, so it doesn't really help.

N64 Game List


What I think is missing from that list:

  1. 1080 Snowboarding (Available on Wii U)
  2. Banjo Kazooie (Already added)
  3. Banjo Tooie (Due to Banjo inclusion)
  4. Bomberman 64 (Available on Wii U) OR Blast Corps (Due to Banjo inclusion)
  5. Diddy Kong Racing (Due to Banjo inclusion) OR Custom Robo
  6. Donkey Kong 64 (Available on Wii U)
  7. Dr Mario 64 (Already added)
  8. Excitebike 64 (Available on Wii U)
  9. F-Zero X (Available on Wii U)
  10. Harvest Moon 64 (Available on Wii U) OR GoldenEye (Rumoured)
  11. Kirby 64 (Available on Wii U)
  12. Mario Golf (Available on Wii U)
  13. Mario Kart 64 (Already added)
  14. Mario Party (No other mario games would fit)
  15. Mario Party 2 (Available on Wii U)
  16. Mario Party 3 (No other mario games would fit)
  17. Mario Tennis (Already added)
  18. Ogre Battle 64 (Available on Wii U)
  19. Paper Mario (Available on Wii U)
  20. Perfect Dark (Due to Banjo)
  21. Pilotwings 64
  22. Pokemon Snap (Available on Wii U)
  23. Pokemon Puzzle League (Available on Wii U)
  24. ???
  25. ???
  26. ???
  27. ???
  28. ???
  29. Sin & Punishment (Already added)
  30. Star Fox 64 (Already added)
  31. Super Mario 64 (Already added)
  32. Super Smash Bros (Available on Wii U)
  33. Wave Race (Available on Wii U)
  34. Win Back (Already added)
  35. There are ten N64 games that could fit in this gap based on their English spelling (when these are actually ordered by their Japanese spelling) and out of those ten, four are wrestling games (no chance), five are EA/Midway/SE (no chance), which leaves just Worms Armageddon but that franchise hasn't been on any of the other Switch Online consoles.
  36. Yoshi's Story (Available on Wii U)
  37. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (Already added)
  38. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Already added)

There's a big ol' gap between Mario Tennis and Sin & Punishment.  Maybe Pokemon Staidum games but there's not a huge point with no connectivity.  There's not even many publishers who have supported NSO who released games that could fit.  Maybe Resident Evil 2, but that's really doubtful when Capcom didn't even bring Final Fight to the NSO.  Again this could be massively flawed if the Japanese spelling of games fit better.

Mega Drive Game List




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2 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Digital is great for games that would otherwise have no chance at a physical release.

I do agree with this. I have bought a few indie games on the Switch that I don't think have ever gotten a digital release. But these are far and few between for me to ever consider a full game digitally. The only time I have done that is with Let's Go and that was only cause I had around £50 in eShop vouchers that I had gotten one Christmas. 

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5 hours ago, Dcubed said:

As for digital only games? Absolutely tons.  Basically every Atlus game on 3DS was digital only here in Europe; while basically every single Nintendo published eShop game is well worth owning (but ESPECIALLY Pocket Card Jockey!).  Then you have Ace Attorney Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice (digital only outside of Japan); NES Remix 1 & 2, the list goes on and on!

That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it? There were quite a few Atlus games that were released on cart. All the Etrian Odyssey games, a few ST games, Persona Q games, Radiant Historia...the issue is that they were all low print runs. Etrian Odyssey Nexus and V go for a pretty penny these days. They usually go on sale on the eShop on a regular basis for around £6. Whether or not they will go on sale again after this announcement is another matter.

Also, didn't NES Remix get a cart release on the 3DS over here. Granted, the Wii U version is stuck in digital form. Amazing game though and well worth picking up.

6 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

And this is why the whole move to digital games is a bad idea. I know you can still play all the games you have already bought, but the fact is digital is starting to be the desired mode. Even worse is some games are being released as "cloud" games meaning when they get taken down you can't even play the game you paid for.

I will always take a physical game over a digital one. that was I have the item I paid for. It's similar to all the streaming sites now. You pay your fee but they decide what you can watch when they decide they no longer want that program on their service (or lose the rights). I know it's slightly different but I feel it is a similar thing.

Maybe I've got it all wrong in the way I see it but it won't be long before a games company goes full digital only games and cloud based gaming, then what happens? Do you even own the games you purchase that are cloud based? All that money you pay for them when the service goes, you won't get that money back.

Ownership is slowly but surely being taken away. Things like Game Pass have really kicked this initiative into full gear now. People may sing the praises of such services but they also can't complain when this kind of thing is happening. On the one hand you have gamers thinking it's fantastic getting games for dirt cheap but not actually owning them and then in the same breath they complain when ownership is stripped away. They can't have it both ways. 

Anyway, here are my stats. No surprise what games took the crown.



Good times were had playing CoD with the N-E crew back in the day. Zechs screaming down the microphone like a child every time his character got killed will always be hilarious to me.

I've no idea what Jett Rocket is doing on the 3DS action/adventure section. I think I played it a total of 1 hour. :D 

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5 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Also, didn't NES Remix get a cart release on the 3DS over here. Granted, the Wii U version is stuck in digital form. Amazing game though and well worth picking up.

It did, as Ultimate NES Remix.  It doesn't have everything from NES Remix 1 & 2 though...

That being said, there WAS a retail version of NES Remix 1 & 2 for Wii U... but it was US exclusive.

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Guess I'll stick my memories now I found where to see them.



Neither of these are surprising to me. MK8 is up there because of the NE League. And yes AC New Leaf by a million miles on 3DS. Played the heck out of that game and had many evenings playing online with friends for hours at a time. The island mini games really made that great.

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I'm still floored by how many hours I put into Awakening, didn't feel that long. But since when is Ace Attorney an RPG? Also, why did they put Puzzle&Dragons in there? I barely played one hour of that.


Anyway, this is sad news for sure. I still play on my 3DS, dammit! Guess I need to make a plan for purchasing the most vital parts of my digital wishlist...

  • Fire Emblem Fates is the most obvious one. I bought Conquest physical, but the cartridge got lost. Anyway, as pricey as all 3 games will be, it'll need to happen;
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV is an odd one for me. I haven't tried the series yet, and truth be told, SMTIII is the one that calls to me the most... but SMTIV isn't getting rereleased anywhere else soon, I bet;
  • Dragon Quest VII and VIII exist in physical form, right...? (But if any of these games are getting rereleased anywhere else soon, it's the DQ ones.Par for the series, really);
  • Various VC games, for GB, GBC, and Game Gear. There's 10 on my wishlist right now;
  • Finally, there's a handful of first party games that I'll probably search for in physical form: Metroid: SR, Luigi's Mansion, Kirby Robobot, etc. These are unlikely to go too rare.

And of course, a lot of indie games that are available in plenty of other places, like Shovel Knight. Those I can skip for sure.

Finally, here's some personal recommendations for anybody else looking to make a digital plan for 3DS:

  • Severed is easily my strongest recommendation. Excellent game from Drinkbox, is only available for Vita, 3DS, and Wii U, and is very unlikely to come out anywhere else (not until we get some other system with a touch screen and a practical stylus);
  • Hydroventure: Spin Cycle is one of the best, most charming puzzle games on the system, and can pretty much only exist on 3DS. Secure it;
  • Pocket Card Jockey is a really fun one. I kinda fell off it, but it's totally worth checking out on creativity alone (it's also another one unlikely to get off the 3DS);
  • There are a lot of GB/GBC games to recommend, but if I'm going to mention one, it better be the criminally underrated Wario Land Trilogy (especially WL3! Don't skip);
    • But also, Mole Mania. That game needs all the love;
  • One particular NES title you're unlikely to see again anytime soon: The Mysterious Murasame Castle. Ever played a twin-stick shooter from the NES era? Ridiculously difficult, but quite fun;
  • Finally, a reminder the Apollo Justice Trilogy (and respective DLC) from the Ace Attorney series is currently only available on 3DS.

Yeah, end of an era, and it feels too soon.

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13 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@Jonnas you can buy Severed on the Switch. I originally played on the Vita when it was first released but also played it on the Switch just last October. I think it's now on mobile devices as well.

Wow, I didn't know this. The Switch lacks a free stylus, and for mobile devices, I can only see it working well with fingers on a tablet... But it's good to know that the game will live on.

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Interesting piece by NintendoLife regarding the closure of the online stores. A former NOA employee gives some insight into the process. Some of the things they say doesn't paint a good picture of what's to come in terms of preserving what we've bought. :( 


In other news, as expected, the price of Fire Emblem Fates: SE looks to have skyrocketed on eBay. I imagine it will go even higher once the store actually closes.

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50 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Wow, I didn't know this. The Switch lacks a free stylus, and for mobile devices, I can only see it working well with fingers on a tablet... But it's good to know that the game will live on.

You can now get Apple Pencil esc Active Stylus' (which have fine tips, not thick rubber or disc-based junk) that work with Switch! I have this one in particular and it is excellent!  Strongly recommended that you get one if you don't have one already, it literally completely transforms the experience of using the Switch's touchscreen and makes it resemble the DS/3DS/Wii U experience much more closely :D

Looks like this one seems to be a newer version of the one I have.  If it's as good as the one I've got? I can't recommend it enough, it's easily the single biggest upgrade you can buy for your Switch! I couldn't imagine playing Mario Maker 2 without it!

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On 16/02/2022 at 10:50 PM, Jonnas said:

But also, Mole Mania. That game needs all the love;

O rly? Why'd you wait until now to mention it! :p 

I got a cheap stylus (extendable) when Super Mario Maker 2 came out--does the job for drawing levels in handheld. I always look at that Severed game when I check the 3DS eShop as it's invariably on sale. In fact, I was looking at it again the other evening as it is still on sale/ on sale again. It's good? I'll have to look it up. If nothing else, it stands out amongst the dross in the sale section.

On 17/02/2022 at 8:49 AM, V. Amoleo said:

This could prove useful. Have you come across a definitive list of 3DS stuff?

12 hours ago, Ashley said:

Been meaning to post my thoughts but not had the time to do so but this sums it up in a snarky way



Nationalism Is Dumb - R0110

:sad: :blank::cry:  

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11 hours ago, darksnowman said:

O rly? Why'd you wait until now to mention it! :p

Because there's the chance that, in our midst, there might be a... mole.

11 hours ago, darksnowman said:

I always look at that Severed game when I check the 3DS eShop as it's invariably on sale. In fact, I was looking at it again the other evening as it is still on sale/ on sale again. It's good? I'll have to look it up. If nothing else, it stands out amongst the dross in the sale section.

It is really good. I never enjoyed first-person dungeon crawlers, but this one hit all the right spots for me. It's probably due to the fact that the combat is really engaging. It's basically first-person swordplay, and your sword is your stylus. There's a variety of enemies that need to be fought in certain ways (like deflecting their attacks, or cutting off some tentacles first), and if they attack you in groups, you need to pay attention to each enemy's behaviour and think properly about which one to attack first...

In fact, let's ask past me. These are my thoughts on it, from way back in 2019:


Finally, this is a game I had in my 3DS for a long time. I had heard good things about it ever since it was a Vita exclusive, so I got it at a discount a while back.

Much like Necrodancer, Severed is part of a genre I usually dislike: first-person dungeon crawler. And also like Necrodancer, I actually like this one. There are two clear reasons for this: First, there's a visible map on the top screen at all times, so I don't need to get dizzy/noxious looking at the protagonist's POV. Second, combat is super interesting.

This is a hack'n'slash controlled via stylus. It sounds very basic, but the geniuses behind this game managed to make it tricky, frantic, and deep enough to stay interesting the whole way. Every encounter has attacks that need to be countered, defences that need to be pierced, and targets that need to be prioritized. Plus, there's a skill tree that requires your own skill with the stylus in order to be filled. It's a blast.

The story is surprisingly good. It's mostly dependent on a sombre environment and aesthetic, achieved with an art style reminiscent of Samurai Jack, and beautiful ethnic-sounding music. It takes place in this alien, hostile, almost Lovecraftian world, in which every monster looks unique and grotesque. They don't seem to be inspired by real life myths or anything, it's all original monstrosities.

So yeah, after a playtime of 9 hours, I'm very pleasantly surprised. Didn't expect this game to be as good as it turned out to be.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Shin'en are doing a closing down sale


Nano Assault EX (3DS) $9.99 $1.99
Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! (3DS) $2.99 $1.99
Jett Rocket 2: The Wrath of Taikai (3DS) $8.99 $1.99
Art of Balance TOUCH! (3DS) $6.99 $1.99
Fast Racing Neo (Wii U) €14.99 €2.99
Art of Balance (Wii U) €8.99 €1.79
Nano Assault Neo (Wii U) €9.99 €1.99


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Thanks for the shout, @V. Amoleo I might get Nano Assault EX for that price.

Apropos, it's been a month since the announcement. Has this affected anybody's purchase plans, or otherwise raised your urgency in building your backlogs?

I found myself watching a few videos listing all the underrated 3DS gems they can think of (like GVG's, or this channel that split its recommendations into several videos), and increased my wishlist a bit more. It's kind of tragic that I'm hearing about some lesser known gems only now (that Aero Porter game sounds wild, and that demo for Stella Glow made me regret not knowing about it earlier). I'm also weighing the likelihood of these games making it into other systems.

And of course, I ended up buying four physical 3DS games in this past month alone (including a great deal for FE Fates for 20€), as well as all the VC titles I had on my wishlist (ten of them!). For the remainders, I'll be paying attention to the eShop, in case further sales pop up in this coming year. Hoping for an Atlus/SMT sale, especially.

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1 hour ago, Jonnas said:

Thanks for the shout, @V. Amoleo I might get Nano Assault EX for that price.

Apropos, it's been a month since the announcement. Has this affected anybody's purchase plans, or otherwise raised your urgency in building your backlogs?

I found myself watching a few videos listing all the underrated 3DS gems they can think of (like GVG's, or this channel that split its recommendations into several videos), and increased my wishlist a bit more. It's kind of tragic that I'm hearing about some lesser known gems only now (that Aero Porter game sounds wild, and that demo for Stella Glow made me regret not knowing about it earlier). I'm also weighing the likelihood of these games making it into other systems.

And of course, I ended up buying four physical 3DS games in this past month alone (including a great deal for FE Fates for 20€), as well as all the VC titles I had on my wishlist (ten of them!). For the remainders, I'll be paying attention to the eShop, in case further sales pop up in this coming year. Hoping for an Atlus/SMT sale, especially.

My 3DS & Wii U collections are already complete, I've got nothing left to buy; so it hasn't affected me in any way.

A friend of mine is currently scrambling to buy everything he can though :laughing:

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19 hours ago, V. Amoleo said:

Just to update with GBP prices:
Nano Assault EX (3DS) £1.69
Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! (3DS) £1.00
Jett Rocket 2: The Wrath of Taikai (3DS) £1.53
Art of Balance TOUCH! (3DS) £1.25

And a few other sale items on 3DS eShop:
Virtue's Last Reward £3.99
SteamWorld Dig £1.39
SteamWorld Dig 2 £4.49
SteamWorld Heist £2.19
Theatrhythm FF Curtain Call £14.99 (50% off)
FF Explorers £11.99 (60% off)

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14 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Apropos, it's been a month since the announcement. Has this affected anybody's purchase plans, or otherwise raised your urgency in building your backlogs?

I'm not scrambling to buy games but I am building up a list of games to buy in the last week of it being up.  Hopefully there'll be a few closing down sales, but I doubt there'll be many beyond what we usually see.

I do worry we'll have a sitaution like with the PSP/PS3 stores where games start to disappear well before the closing date.  Games that didn't return when it was announced they weren't closing.

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