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Super Smash Bros. Revolution


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I'd want Nintendo to include characters from other companies...


Like Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil, or Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue.


I'd allso like it if Nintendo'd add a special mode that behaves like a regular fighter:

You jump, like half a metre up at the most, and theres one button for kick, another for punch and a last for blocks... And of course, your damage drops when you get hurt, so you die once your health reaches 0...

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As for the number of characters from franchises I'd say in general two is enough, more from Mario but perhaps less from others. It'd be cool though in some cases to have a good guy and a bad guy for the two main charactesr (i.e. Samus and Ripley)


What I don't want is something like this :heh:

heh. i like the 8p idea... but some of those characters are pretty funny!!! seeing 'Moon' and 'Super Giga Tera Koopa' in there cracked me up!!!


some of the ideas i REALLY like from that are:



-megaman!!! imagine if you gained the power of the foe that you lasted KO'd!!! that would be a superb idea! just give him a charge up shot similar to Samus, and if he ko's someone with it, it gets replaced by a skill of the victim! BRILLIANT!!!

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Captain Olimar has to be in there, a tiny Pikmin throwing badass is exactly my type of character.


Also Krystal would be great as a martial artist. Hope she gets rid of all them people who pick Fox and Falco ALL THE TIME.


And what about Majora's Mask as an item that reverses your controls?


Or Navi that screams "HEY HEY LISTEN HEY HEY HEY LINK" in your online headset. That would be awesome.



Whats wrong with Falco? Haha. :D


Anywho, more F-Zero characters would be a good thing, in my opinion. It would open up the franchise to more people, just like Roy and Marth did for Fire Emblem. People are really missing out on F-Zero.


Matter of fact, I'm gonna play some F-Zero now...

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never saw the glory of Super Smash Brothers. As the title says, it was just useless button smashing with little tactic in a fun Nintendo jacket


I know its a deeper game than i give it credit for but at the end of a match i tend to feel the same way.


Id like to see the game go in a totally different direction this time. Like really fluid and detailed sprites instead of plastic looking polygons (Street Fighter 3-style!)

Also less clutter and items on the screen. I hated when the screen zoomed out and i could barely see what was going on.

Id also like to see the Call Team Member mode from the Marvel vs Capcom games where you can call in a team member when your struggling, for a quick attack.

And yes i own the cube version so i can criticize it

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I said this in a old Thread about it bt I'll say it in here,There needs to be a Tetris Level of some kind, say it can be 3 characters the 4th is the Tetris blocks and you try to crush them with the blocks, and the 4th personuis always chosen randomly (iftheres less than 4 then the computer will be the blocks) but there needs to be a Tetris level >> or a Tetris block as an item.


and Pikimin.

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I know its a deeper game than i give it credit for but at the end of a match i tend to feel the same way.


Id like to see the game go in a totally different direction this time. Like really fluid and detailed sprites instead of plastic looking polygons (Street Fighter 3-style!)

Also less clutter and items on the screen. I hated when the screen zoomed out and i could barely see what was going on.

Id also like to see the Call Team Member mode from the Marvel vs Capcom games where you can call in a team member when your struggling, for a quick attack.

And yes i own the cube version so i can criticize it


That would suck, because for 1 Marvel VS Capcom isn't that good.

2. Team calling just sucks

3. You're trying to turn it into a Capcom fighter, which it isn't. This is SUPER SMASH BROS.!!!!!


And if you thought it was cluttery and you could barely see what was going on, you need your eyes tested!!...The Zooming made it easier to see what was going on MOST of the time.

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Like really fluid and detailed sprites instead of plastic looking polygons (Street Fighter 3-style!)


Also less clutter and items on the screen. I hated when the screen zoomed out and i could barely see what was going on.

That would be a terrible idea!

The charcters don't look plastic, they look like they do in their relevant games; and in the case of mario, slightly better!


Also, the screen zooming out is great, because the whole point of the game is constant fighting! The screen zooming out encourages you to charge back into the battle (zooming the screen in) and fight!!

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How about Ditto as a character/item?


As a character he can't attack on his own but he can morph into any character, except unlike Kirby he is an exact duplicate - Either that or as an item where he appears and turns into the character that goes nearest to him and then attacks before disappearing.

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So, another F-Zero character should be added. I really like Beastman, but hes not really a good or bad guy...hes not even popular.


I'd say thrown in Black Shadow (or whatever his name is) but he's too similar to Ganondorf. I'd also thrown in Blood Falcon (or whatever his name is) but he's too similar to Captain Falcon.


So Samurai Goroh or Pico?

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That would be a terrible idea!

The charcters don't look plastic, they look like they do in their relevant games; and in the case of mario, slightly better!


Also, the screen zooming out is great, because the whole point of the game is constant fighting! The screen zooming out encourages you to charge back into the battle (zooming the screen in) and fight!!


But theres not much difference between the 64 version and the cube version. It just sounds like most of you guys want the Cube version on the Rev with extra characters. Yawn.

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But theres not much difference between the 64 version and the cube version. It just sounds like most of you guys want the Cube version on the Rev with extra characters. Yawn.

well, funnily enough i will say 'yes'. that is what i would like.

i am still playing the game and enjoying it heaps. i think that a lot of people think the same, and wanna extend their challenge beyond their living room!

how many people in this forum think themselves unbeatable at melee?


i know i do!!! *grins*

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I'm certainly expecting an Isle Delfino-themed level in the new Smash Bros, not that I particularly want one. I imagine it would be a lot like the Power Tennis one, with slippery gunk on the floor.


And I don't really know what their gimmicks would be, but a Wind Waker and a Paper Mario level would look great, as would an MP2:Echoes level which changed from light world to dark world every so often. Or how about a randomly generated Animal Crossing level?

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But theres not much difference between the 64 version and the cube version. It just sounds like most of you guys want the Cube version on the Rev with extra characters. Yawn.


Not much difference?

Have you even attempted to play the single player modes on melee? Collected trophies? The single player itself is immense, and probably the best ever to grace a fighting game. The single player is a huge improvement from the first game!

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