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Ring Fit Adventure


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13 hours ago, RedShell said:

I had a nice surprise when I booted the game up yesterday, a gift had arrived from Stevo (aka darksnowman)! Some Exp, and smoothie ingredients. :) I wasn’t even aware of this feature, but luckily the game then mentioned that I could also send gifts to people on my friends list via the Multitask Mode, so I checked that out and returned the favour.

Interesting. Once I fire the game back up i'll have to add you so I can send you some gifts.

Yeah, Steve messaged me over on Era at the start on the year saying he had got a Switch and wanted to add me. I didn't bother as the friend list is pretty much useless on the thing. I should really fire him a message on Era and tell him to get his butt back over here. :D 

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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This is so entertaining. :D They really did get the balance between fitness tool and video game just right. In fact, they may have even gone a bit too far with the game side! :heh: Great stuff. I can definitely see this holding my attention for longer than Wii Fit, which will be good. Hell, I might even get in decent shape! :laughing: 

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  • 1 month later...
Would this be interesting for kids (7 years old)? It looks fun to me, but I exercises a lot, this could be to much (can I play it without actually exercising :D)

Got a few students I teach that play this a lot, they vary in age from 8 to 13. There’s a lot to the main adventure mode, and 12 mini games. The mini games won’t last long, but are fun for an introduction to the mechanics. It’s all about the exercise though, you won’t get any use out of it if you’re not moving.
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2 hours ago, londragon said:

Got a few students I teach that play this a lot, they vary in age from 8 to 13. There’s a lot to the main adventure mode, and 12 mini games. The mini games won’t last long, but are fun for an introduction to the mechanics. It’s all about the exercise though, you won’t get any use out of it if you’re not moving.

Thx, then maybe later, for now even the Mario Party movement is sometimes to much for me :D.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

15 minutes is all it took to wear me out. Squats are not my forte...

Wanted to give it another go yesterday but my thigh muscles are in agony :laughing:

This is exactly what I need, and even though I paid full price, I hope I see some results over the coming weeks. 

Boss battles are pretty long so you might want to save them for the next session.

I could only do 30 minutes. I've started going to the gym, so will be in interesting if it helps out later.

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Having bought the game at launch and then not really touching it since, I made it a goal of mine to actually get some use out of the thing starting this year. Since the 1st of Jan I think i've only missed a single session, which isn't too bad. I've also got into the habit of using the multitask mode while watching TV. This makes for a nice bit of extra experience points for your character or if you are feeling generous, helping others out on their adventure. Speaking of which, @RedShell for some reason I can't send you anything. I've tried multiple times to do so but you never appear as an option for me to send a present to you.


At first I thought it was because you kept appearing offline ( you reviewing a game or doing Pokemon time skipping shenanigans? :p ) but I also tried to send something while you were online and it still wouldn't work.

I've been loving getting into the game. I've been either getting up early at 5am and doing a session before work or doing a session as soon as I return from work. The latter of which I usually do straight away otherwise I tend to get too relaxed and it's harder to motivate myself. Saying that, the past couple of nights I have fired the game up at around 9pm. Not a great way to do things seeing as it wakes me up before bed but when I feel the need to play the game I try to jump at the opportunity.

I'm currently on world 8 on the adventure mode, with my difficulty setting at 25 and my character level at 69. I've been playing the game like I do my JRPGs in that I find a good grinding spot and repeat the level a few times over. This gives you me good work out and it helps me brush aside the boss battles at a much quicker pace. Once I started this grinding method I have yet to feel the need to use smoothies during these fights.

The skill tree that opens up to you is great. It reminds me so much of Final Fantasy X's Sphere Grid system. I tend to favour stat boosts and health upgrades over unlocking new moves. Some of the best moves I have have just come naturally from levelling up. A favourite of mine is the back and forth movement using you hips. It doesn't do a large amount of damage but it hits all the enemies, has a lot of repeats and it's a great move if you want to rest your arms and legs. I have more power attacks at my disposal but this is stayed in my move set for a long time now.

On 12/29/2019 at 2:13 PM, Happenstance said:

Just finished calibrating and I'm already pooped 😆


On 1/12/2020 at 4:50 PM, Nicktendo said:

15 minutes is all it took to wear me out. Squats are not my forte...


On 1/12/2020 at 7:02 PM, Emerald Emblem said:

I ordered this game today, I hope it will help me lose a little weight in the long run. 

Are you guys planing on using it regularly? If so, would you mind if I added you guys to my Switch? I wouldn't mind more people on my list who are playing the game and i'll happily send over some goods to help on your journey.

@Blade have you started the adventure mode yet? You aren't appearing on my list when I go to check on the progress of people on my friends list. 

@Nicktendo Yeah, squats are a killer for me as well. I do lots of cardio at the gym but the squat exercises in this game do take their toll on me. There's a world later on in the game that pretty much focuses exclusively on legs and squats play a key role during most of the stages.

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30 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Speaking of which, @RedShell for some reason I can't send you anything. I've tried multiple times to do so but you never appear as an option for me to send a present to you.

That’s strange. :blank: 

You definitely appear in my game. I sent you some EXP a while back actually, did you not receive it then? :hmm: 

I took quite a long break from this over Christmas, have been gradually getting back into it, but think I need to lower the difficulty some more or do some grinding to level up, as the boss I’m currently up to is proving too tough to take down.

Anyway, nice to hear you’re enjoying it. I’ll try and check later on today to see if I’ve received anything and to send some more EXP your way. :) 

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3 minutes ago, RedShell said:

That’s strange. :blank: 

You definitely appear in my game. I sent you some EXP a while back actually, did you not receive it then? :hmm: 

I took quite a long break from this over Christmas, have been gradually getting back into it, but think I need to lower the difficulty some more or do some grinding to level up, as the boss I’m currently up to is proving too tough to take down.

Anyway, nice to hear you’re enjoying it. I’ll try and check later on today to see if I’ve received anything and to send some more EXP your way. :) 

Yeah, I got your present. It's what triggered me to try out the Multitasking Mode but I was unable to send anything back because you don't show up on the list. You show up when I compare the profiles when playing the Adventure Mode. Very weird. 

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Had a quick session the game this morning and once again squats were the main exercise that featured. Just what you want at 5 in the morning. :shakehead Saying that. I do see me improving on them. There's a part on certain courses that has you doing multiple squats in quick succession in order to spring off different boards (RedShell will know what i'm on about) . Initially this really took it out of me but now i'm finding i'm able to do them quite quickly. Also, I rearranged some of my exercises and put some in that focus on the core/abs (leg raises), while ditching a couple that focused on the arms, one of which was one of my cool down moves due to how easy it was (had to hold the ring up and just twist your wrists/shoulders back and forth).

@RedShell i'm still not able to send you any gifts. I know you received one from darksnowman but have you been getting any presents from anyone else recently? I may delete you from my list and re-add you and see if that sorts things out. There's not some weird setting that either of us may have faffed about with, is there?

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

RedShell will know what i'm on about

I do indeed. And yeah, those sections are evil! :hehe: 

3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@RedShell i'm still not able to send you any gifts. I know you received one from darksnowman but have you been getting any presents from anyone else recently? I may delete you from my list and re-add you and see if that sorts things out. There's not some weird setting that either of us may have faffed about with, is there?

Not that I know of. :blank: It’s seriously strange how I’m still able to send gifts though.

Anyway, I think re-adding each other on the Switch is a good idea, hopefully that’ll sort it. :) 

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So @Hero-of-Time, you want the good news, or the bad news? :heh: 

The good news is, I received your EXP gift today when I started the game! :bouncy:

The bad news is, now I can’t seem to send gifts to you anymore. You’re still in the leaderboard section, but have completely disappeared from the multitask area! :shakehead 

Something is clearly very messed up with that particular online feature in this game. ::shrug: 

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Signed in this morning and seen that you've once again disappeared from my list, [mention=182]RedShell[/mention]. I haven't a clue what's going on with this thing. Very annoying.
Look, its obvious he doesn't want to be friends with you. Just let it go. It's getting really awkward for the rest of us.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I fired this up again over the weekend and had a good session on it yesterday morning. I'm now currently on world 9. Also, I reached a milestone in one of my exercises. (Man, the video compression on Twitter is awful)

That's a lot of hip shaking! :D 

It has been my go to exercise/attack for a while now but yesterday I had to sadly retire it due to a better exercise/attack being unlocked. It has the same recharge time and hits the same amount of enemies but the attack is way stronger. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 05/11/2019 at 7:40 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

Interesting. Once I fire the game back up i'll have to add you so I can send you some gifts.

Yeah, Steve messaged me over on Era at the start on the year saying he had got a Switch and wanted to add me. I didn't bother as the friend list is pretty much useless on the thing. I should really fire him a message on Era and tell him to get his butt back over here. :D 

Hey, look at that. I finally got around to doing it. :p 

I had a quick go of the new rhythm update...it's great fun. I didn't try any of the Ring Fit music and instead went straight to the Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Wii Fit and Splatoon 2 tunes. I played each of them one after the other and even though I was only on the novice setting, my arms/shoulders were quite tired after playing the game. It felt like a cross between going to the gym and playing Theatrhythm. :D There's an advanced difficulty for each song and another one after that but those are locked at the moment. I assume you are going to have to get a certain ranking on the two lower difficulties to unlock it. It's a great update and best of all it was free.

I wonder if they will add more Nintendo songs later down the line as either paid or free DLC? I'd love for some classic Nintendo songs to make an appearance. Man, imagine if songs from something like F-Zero GX showed up. I don't think my body would be able to keep up. We'd need some chill out Kirby or Donkey Kong Country music to balance things out. Maybe even the DK Rap. :laughing:

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