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Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury (12 Feb 2021)


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On 12/02/2021 at 4:52 PM, Vileplume2000 said:

Just finished World 1 as well and as a first timer I have to say, loving it! Well, besides maybe the obligatory bad to control racing style level but I guess every 3D Mario needs these (go home Plessie!).

It has the same charm 3D Land had. I already knew the cat power up from Mario Maker but it's great to use it in full 3D.

I'm not a first timer and my feelings are definitely different :hmm:

I loved the game on Wii U (and probably will again on Switch the further I progress) but having played 3D World a decent amount over the last year or so with Jacob, I'm finding this all very boring so far..

I knew the characters were gonna move faster than on Wii U but I was actually shocked by just how much quicker it all feels. If anything, it feels too fast and twitchy. I'll undoubtedly get used to it but it hasn't been a particularly encouraging return!

Granted, I've been playing it exclusively with Jacob so far (which brings about its own frustrations :heh: ) but I really hope I remember why the game is so fantastic when the stages become more interesting later on.

I'm saving Bowser's Fury to play on my own but haven't started it just yet!

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31 minutes ago, nekunando said:

I'm not a first timer and my feelings are definitely different :hmm:

I loved the game on Wii U (and probably will again on Switch the further I progress) but having played 3D World a decent amount over the last year or so with Jacob, I'm finding this all very boring so far..

This is exactly how I feel. The game is very easy, boring and it seems to be very short. My copy arrived this morning and I'm already at the end of world 6 and with everything collected so far. I really enjoyed it back on the Wii U but when you know exactly where things are and how levels play out, the game loses a lot of its shine.

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I have been hovering on 'buy' with this but haven't managed to convince myself to do it yet. 

I played the original and did like it, but as per the above two posts I think I'll end up feeling the same. Whilst I only remember bits of the original play through, most Mario games that I revisit are just never as fun the second time round. I often don't end up finishing them due to being a bit bored by them. 

I also remember not loving the cat mechanic in this game and I know if features very heavily. I think I'll pass on it. 

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This game is just magical. The perfect blend of 2D and 3D Mario. Amazing OST, beautiful visuals and platforming from the industry's best.

The only thing I'm not keen on is the increased character speed. The majority seem to love but I think they move just a bit too fast now, and the run button is pretty pointless.

Not tried Bowser's Fury yet, having too much fun in SM3DW! 

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15 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

This game is just magical. The perfect blend of 2D and 3D Mario. Amazing OST, beautiful visuals and platforming from the industry's best.

The only thing I'm not keen on is the increased character speed. The majority seem to love but I think they move just a bit too fast now, and the run button is pretty pointless.

Not tried Bowser's Fury yet, having too much fun in SM3DW! 

Yeah, I'm of two minds with the increased movement speed myself.  On one hand, it's great being able to just blast through levels, but on the other? It's actually a lot harder to control now (I'm actually finding myself having to let go of the run button!).  It's literally 200cc mode, and all it entails (including being able to break the intended level design in some pretty gnarly ways).  It's great fun! But I do wish that there was an option to play with the original speed as well (perhaps even make the 200cc mode an unlockable?).

It's fantastic for speed running though! Check this totally tubular thing out!

200cc is great, and it's something that is best added into a game after it is designed for a slower speed (so that you get these fun, unintended side effects), but it should also be something optional I reckon.  200cc is at its best when it's a new way of playing a game that you're already familiar with, where you get to experiment with the level design and find fun ways to break it; but having it as the default here means that many people will never actually experience the game as it was originally designed.

Likewise, I'm not sure about the change they made to the way Green Stars are collected (In the Wii U version, you had to complete a level to have any Green Stars count as being "collected", even when returning to a previously beaten level; while in the Switch version, you simply just have to collect it, and its instantly counted as "collected"; meaning that you can just quit out of a level straight away or can even die and it stays collected).  While this change does make the prospect of going back to get Green Stars much more palletable, it also has the unintended side effect of trivialising many of the Green Stars throughout the game; since you can simply suicide jump to get them all now, you don't need to survive after grabbing it).

This could easily have been totally solved if they had implemented a system similar to the Strawberries in Celeste, where Strawberries aren't counted as "collected" until you land on solid ground; but alas.

Edited by Dcubed
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I didn't realise that about the green stars but I'm not sure it makes a big difference. The Celeste strawberries are precariously placed whereas green stars are more just hidden (at least two worlds in, can't remember what they're like later).

Totally agree on the 200cc though. I actually rarely use the run button in this version of the game, just to get to the top of the flagpole and things like that. I'm definitely getting more used to the speed increase though.

Also the more I play the more I agree with this...

On 12/02/2021 at 4:00 PM, Nicktendo said:

by far the best aesthetic Nintendo has come up with for a Mario game.


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Champions Road has been conquered...again.




That's 3D World now done and dusted which means I can move on to the new content.

Some of the later stages were a bit more fun but overall I think the game is pretty average and it doesn't hold up at all to my original impressions from when I played it back on the Wii U. Out of the two games that share the same style, I think 3D Land is the better game.

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Champions Road has been conquered...again.


That's 3D World now done and dusted which means I can move on to the new content.

Some of the later stages were a bit more fun but overall I think the game is pretty average and it doesn't hold up at all to my original impressions from when I played it back on the Wii U. Out of the two games that share the same style, I think 3D Land is the better game.

Yeah I'd agree with you there. In terms of the 3D Mario games I've ever played (which is all of them, pretty sure) this would be bottom for me.

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23 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

^ fyi, the spoiler tag isn't working, for anyone who hasn't beaten the game. Still not sure why people feel the need to post spoiler images when they beat a game ::shrug:

The spoiler tag seems to be working in @Hero-of-Time 's original post, just not in @Sheikah 's quoted post, for whatever reason.

*edit - it is working as indended now though, must have been a glitch. :peace:

Adam has always posted images from game completion screens, they've always been in spoiler-tags, from what I've seen, and it's a record of beating the game.

- - - - -

I'm just glad that people are enjoying playing the game anyway, if it's a first-time playthrough for anyone on here, then I reckon they'll be enjoying the game that little bit more, though I can't say for certain due to the change in character speed, and having only played the Wii U original.

I was considering picking up a copy after seeing everyone else playing it, but I've resisted it for now, as I'm not really playing that many games these days.

I'll be interested to hear more about what people think about the extra content though, it sounds interesting enough, that I may see if I can get a copy of the game for £35... but £45 to £50 just isn't worth it, to me, having played the game before on the Wii U, like so many of the other ports on the Switch.

It's nice to see that it's just about as well received as it was the first time, ranging from 'It's not a bad Mario game' to ' It's the best Mario game ever!!1!' personally, I enjoyed it at the time, it's not the best Mario game I've played, it's not the worst, and at least it's getting a bit more exposure on the Switch.

Edited by S.C.G
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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That's 3D World now done and dusted which means I can move on to the new content.

Looking forward to reading your impressions :)

Can't be arsed to pay full price for one of the worst 3D platformers in existence just to play some 6 hours of new content. :p I'll be happy with reading some of you lot's thoughts.  :peace:

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Just now, drahkon said:

Ah yes, I forgot that it's not allowed to really dislike any Nintendo game.
And it's especially not allowed to voice that opinion.

I remember now why I didn't come into these parts of the forum as often.

Aren't you the one who was constantly moaning about anyone daring to say anything negative in the PS5 thread?

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10 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Ah yes, I forgot that it's not allowed to really dislike any Nintendo game.
And it's especially not allowed to voice that opinion.

I remember now why I didn't come into these parts of the forum as often.

"One of the worst 3D platformers in existence" is not an opinion. Have you even played the game? I don't remember you owning a Wii U. 

I've enjoyed reading your takes on the Switch, regardless of where you land on liking or disliking games. I also don't see anyone calling H-o-T out for not enjoying his second playthrough of the game. 

Don't try and play the victim and spout utter bullshit like "it's not allowed to dislike any Nintendo game". I don't give a fuck if you don't like it, but there is no way it is objectively one of the worst 3D platformers in existence. That's just childish nonsense. If you post like a child, be prepared to be responded to like one, or run along back to Other Consoles. 

Edited by Nicktendo
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3 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

there is no way it is objectively one of the worst 3D platformers in existence

Let me rephrase:
"In my opinion, one of the worst 3D platformers in existence."

Apologies for not writing it out. I understand that it could've been taken as "objectively". And I also understand that it could've been read as a "childish post", it was not meant as one. But hindsight is 20/20.

4 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

Have you even played the game? I don't remember you owning a Wii U. 

Owned a Wii U, played through the game twice. 100% completed all alone and 100% completed with 2 mates.


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1 minute ago, drahkon said:

Let me rephrase:
"In my opinion, one of the worst 3D platformers in existence."

Apologies for not writing it out. I understand that it could've been taken as "objectively". And I also understand that it could've been read as a "childish post", it was not meant as one. But hindsight is 20/20.

Owned a Wii U, played through the game twice. 100% completed all alone and 100% completed with 2 mates.


I guess you never owned an N64 or PS1 then.

"In my opinion, one of the worst 3D platformers that I've played." would be much less hyperbolic.

Remember, you are on a Nintendo forum, and we all have a tendency to fan boy at times. People have just started playing this over the weekend after having spent their 50 quid or whatever on it. Maybe you "can't be arsed" to spend the money in it, which is fine, that's your choice. But barging into the thread, with no real intention, that I can see, of actually discussing the game and edgelording out a hot-take like you did is not going to endear the people currently enjoying playing through the game to want to share their opinions with you, especially having just dropped their own hard-earned money on it. Putting on the victim suit was just the icing on the cake. Would have been better if you could have just said why you think it's bad, seeing as how you're not getting it this time. I dunno, pick two of the things that made it one of the worst 3D platformers in existence and get some actual discussion going instead of this pointless exercise ::shrug:

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