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Games you wanna see


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Got any ideas for games you'd like to see?

Write 'em here!



Please ELABORATE. Don't just write "I want a followup to this game". Write WHY you want it, and why it'd be cool for the revo!


My idea: Excitebike Revolution


An ultrarealistic motorcycle game, that, unlike previous installments of the series, permits you to race both off and on road. Basically, you can race nearly any bike in existance, and you unlock and uppgrade your bikes in a Gran Turismo-ish money earning matter. To make the game fun, you don't race on real tracks, but in Need For Speed-ish paradises (OK, maybe a few realistic tracks). Like previous installments, it should permit you to make your own tracks, allthough in a more detailed manner, so you can throw in decorations next to the track...


The thing that would make use of the revo controller is, that you , by leaning the controlle, allso lean the bike, meaning you have to learn to lean the bike in curves not to fall off, and make sure you don't lean so muck your knee scrapes the ground (OUCH!)...

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Excitebike is overdue for a new installment, Nintendo make it happen! As for games I want to see, I don't want the library littered with remakes using the new play style. I want some new franchises and new ways of play. Though I don't think that'll be an issue considering the great ideas coming up for the DS.

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Hitman - perfect for rev controls



*Edit- elaborating


Well basically hitman had the controlls of a fps anyway so movement should become very easy - shooting was very hard in Hitman 2. Though also things like using fibre wire will become much better now. pull the trigger and the fibre wire comes. Creep up to a guard and using the controller movement hook the wire over his head and pull the controller back to strangle. Done. Perfection

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Balloon Fight. Tilt to the left of right for direction, then tilt upwards repeatedly to make your little man fly. Broken wrist a many.


Clu Clu Land. Simply tilt the controller in the right direction to make Bubbles grab on to the poles.


Luigi's Mansion. Using the analogue stick addon, guide Luigi through the mansion, using the controller to look around with the torch, or suck up ghosts with your poltergust.


Fire Emblem/Advance Wars: I think we know how this would work out.

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How about a decent Starfox game. I cant find my Lylat Wars cart and the last two installments havent been that good.

EDIT: It would work so well with the revo controller. Keep it oldschool though, only flying. Tilt forward for boost, back for brake, trigger for shooting, etc. It would be playable one handed. Beer in one hand, controller in other. Best game experience EVER.

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I want a Trauma Center Revolution for the rev controls.

I would also love a Phoenix Wright Revolution, not for the rev controls although they could be implented, but just cause I love it so much.


But euhm, Harvest Moon on the Revo would work well. Farming would make you tired though, if u were to do all the cutting and such with the controller :D

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Skies of Arcadia II and Shenmue III. Not so much that they'd work well with the Revolution controller but more because SoA and ShenmueI/II are my favourite games ever after Ocarina of Time. I'm sure they could use the controllers functions well anyway...

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Guest Stefkov

im sure theres been another post about this kind of thing, i remember qriting about a tennis game id like to see. not much of a fan of tennis to go out and play it, but i would play it on the rev with the controller. the tilting of the hand could judje a drop shot, a slice etc

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again calm down with the caps,I really wanna see Phantasy Star Universe for the rev.Reasons because it would be great with the rev control,one control for gun other for sword,or 2 swords and 2 guns,either way would work great and IT would be an amazing online RPG for rev.Also a 'Tales' game and Skies of Arcadia 2

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Three words: Pilot Wings Revolution. The Pilot Wings for the SNES was one of my favorite game of all times. Just imagine it holding the controller on the tips of your fingers and guiding a plane by twisting it or flying a hang glyder that way. I'd also like to see a 007 game of Golden Eye calliber for the Rev. Why? it would be awesome playing that on wifi. A Sim City like the one for the SNES. It would be great to build a city with the controller then releasing Bowser to wreak havoc upon it. A new Cabellas game. The Rev controller could give a kick when you fired your shot at your prey. It would be perfect.

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Punch out...why? Why not?


Or a good boxing game. You would have to use two controllers, no analog add on needed. The Punching moves would be easy ofcourse, to dogde left press the B button on the left controller, to dogde right press the B button on the right controller, and to block you press the B button on both controllers and bring them together. I've never really been a fan of boxing games but if it were like this I"d buy it.

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Skies of Arcadia II and Shenmue III. Not so much that they'd work well with the Revolution controller but more because SoA and ShenmueI/II are my favourite games ever after Ocarina of Time. I'm sure they could use the controllers functions well anyway...


I'd LOVE Shenmue III.

The Revo controller would kick ass... Imagine klicking a flashing object on the screen, instead of tapping a button during QTE's.

Or going into first person view and klicking on objects in your surroundings to interract with them instead of locking on to them like in the old SM games...

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I want Nintendo to avoid putting Mario in every game. Mario 128 will be plenty. I was looking at a list of all Nintendo published games since the NES and the number of games with Mario or Luigi or some other Mushroom Kingdom mascot is fuckin ridiculous. So please, after 128, pretend Mario doesnt exist for a few years.


And wheres my Thundercats game?

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I want Nintendo to avoid putting Mario in every game. Mario 128 will be plenty. I was looking at a list of all Nintendo published games since the NES and the number of games with Mario or Luigi or some other Mushroom Kingdom mascot is fuckin ridiculous. So please, after 128, pretend Mario doesnt exist for a few years.

128 is the number of games that nintendo are secretly planning on putting mario into... imagine playing resident evil 7... you walk around the corner... and SUDDENLY!!! "itsa me! mario!"


anyway, back on topic. i would really like to see a Full Metal Alchemist game on the revolution. make it a cel shaded anime rpg like Tales of Symphonia, they can get the voice actors in... all would be beautiful!

maybe the revo controller could be used to make the transmutation circles... cast a spell then wiz the controller around in the air to add extra power or something. could be interesting!


FMA also has a nice variety of characters that could join your team!

ie. ed, al, winry, mustang, armstrong... etc etc.


was there already talk of Bandai making a game for revo? hmmmm....

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