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6 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Not the video itself, although the fake audience was pretty funny, that was obviously meant for GDC which is fair enough for people interested in that. The trouble was in the way in was advertised by Sony. Calling it "The Road to PS5", it being the first official reveal, hyping it up a week in advance etc.  

Was there really that much hype though? They obviously announced it was happening but I don't remember Sony themselves bigging it up that much, thought most of that came from the public expecting far too much, which in turn lead to some being disappointed. I also don't really see an issue with the name, that doesn't sound like it's going to be a big reveal showing off games, etc.

You also can't really compare that to the E3 (or lack of) situation, especially calling it the "video opening proceedings" like you said yourself, it was a GDC talk and so should be considered completely separate.

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There was tons of hype, after such a long period of silence from Sony people were hungry for PS5 details. 

I totally agree it's the public expecting far too much but these days it's sadly become necessary for these companies to manage expectations going in. Geoff Keighley is doing it pretty well whenever he says a reveal is coming, he tells people on what scale it is. Nintendo preface every Direct they do with how long it'll be and what will be shown etc. it's become really important, or you risk meltdowns (the fact that that Cerney thing has a 25% downvote on Youtube says it all about fan expectation).

1 hour ago, Eddage said:

it was a GDC talk and so should be considered completely separate.

Fair enough it was back in March after all. Still a big misstep out the gate but they recovered pretty well with their games showcase.

As for E3 itself, I was never one of these people clamouring for the "death of E3", I didn't really understand that, apart from a lot of gamers seeming to thrive on things failing for some reason. I'd love a return to the week of content, there'd be so much more focus and engagement. 

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25% downvote vs 75% upvote means it was still generally very well received. 3 times as many people liked it as disliked it. This video never mattered much anyway in the grand scheme of things and I always thought you were making a big deal about it. As soon as the actual reveal event happened then that's all anyone really cared about.

Just to show you what a video looks like when people are actually not happy, check the First Look Xbox Series X video. That actually has more downvotes than upvotes.

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It's not important anyway, but plenty of articles and reaction were written how badly marketed it was. As a GDC talk, absolutely, devs will love that kind of thing. As a first official PS5 video? Definitely a mis-step, but one that really doesn't matter in the slightest now.

Edited by Ronnie
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6 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

It's a pointless conversation, plenty of articles and reaction were written how badly marketed it was. As a GDC talk, absolutely, devs will love that kind of thing. As a first official PS5 video? Definitely a mis-step, but one that really doesn't matter in the slightest now.

As a GDC video aimed at developers? It's not even particularily detailed.  If I were a developer, I'd want more concrete details than what they showed anyway.

It didn't work on either front.  But that's really water under the bridge now anyway.  Their proper blowout video was pretty solid (and they were smart not to talk about pricing just yet... because that's gonna be a huge body blow to their audience when it does eventually come out).

Right now, Sony and MS are playing a game of chicken with their price announcements.  Neither one wants to go first because they both know that the cost of their premium consoles will be coming at a premium to match...

I think that Microsoft will ultimately go first though.  They will inevitably have the advantage on that front with Lockhart and they know it (and will be leaving Sony caught in the middle in terms of both price and performance).

Edited by Dcubed
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It's not important anyway, but plenty of articles and reaction were written how badly marketed it was. As a GDC talk, absolutely, devs will love that kind of thing. As a first official PS5 video? Definitely a mis-step, but one that really doesn't matter in the slightest now.

Plenty more were going into the specs and information discussed (e.g. Digital Foundry) or saying it was an interesting in-depth talk.


As for the people who downvoted it, it's obviously not meant for the lay person and some people may have found it frustrating if they hadn't checked beforehand what it's about. Still, we can't honestly conclude it was a misstep if considerably more people upvoted that downvoted. That's just not how it works.

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10 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Plenty more were going into the specs and information discussed (e.g. Digital Foundry) or saying it was an interesting in-depth talk.

Never said it wasn't interesting to some people. Just that it was badly promoted and a misstep in terms of messaging.

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Never said it wasn't interesting to some people. Just that it was badly promoted and a misstep in terms of messaging.
What message do you think it sent out? I am confused by that because they very clearly stated what it would be about up front.
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  • 7 months later...
40 minutes ago, Happenstance said:


On the one hand, yeah, this was always going to happen. The ESA sucks, and after everyone and their mother learned how to pivot to their own online presentations, it was only a matter of time. So E3 might finally be as good as dead? Though I could see them trying to bring it back once COVID is no longer/less of a factor (and probably fail, too). 

On the other hand, I hope companies learned from last year - and Keighley's Summer of Gaming in particular - that spreading things out so much isn't great from a consumer perspective: too many events with the same presentations/trailers, not as many eyes on it, etc. If the big companies could just turn around and collectively say "we're all going to talk about the second half of the year in June" with set dates for presentations, I feel like it'd just be better from a numbers and consumer perspective. But we'll see. 

Also, add Bandai Namco to the list of publishers wanting to do their own thing...


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Yeah everyone's doing Directs now, which is for the best really (go back and tell people this would happen when Nintendo first stopped doing live shows, everyone called them crazy!).

I just hope it's all a little more closer together rather than spreading them all out over months like last year. But obviously publishers like as much room to breathe as possible I guess. But having a week to look forward to every year was a lot of fun so sad times imo.


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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I just hope it's all a little more closer together rather than spreading them all out over months like last year. But obviously publishers like as much room to breathe as possible I guess. But having a week to look forward to every year was a lot of fun so sad times imo.


Keighley has already said he wants it to be more condensed this year, so fingers crossed everything happens fairly close together this year!

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