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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

I'd be surprised if we see anything other than Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank from Insomniac Games in the future :D

Agreed, though I think after the inevitable success of Rift Apart next month, I wouldn't be surprised if we see PlayStation ramp up production over at Insomniac with an employment drive.

They're releasing games on a biennial basis currently, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if by the end of the generation PlayStation has positioned them to put a game out just about every year, cycling between Spider-Man, Ratchet & Clank, and then either bringing an old IP like Sunset Overdrive back or doing something completely new, especially if Xbox's purchases pay off and we see content coming out consistently for Game Pass. 

Just a thought, could absolutely go the other way too, because I think they've got a nice pattern to their releases now as it is. But with it getting increasingly competitive in the coming years now that Xbox don't hesitate on pulling the gun on acquisitions (for better or worse), I do think Insomniac are the prime candidate of their first party studios for rampant growth. 

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28 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

I'll never really understand custom trainers, they almost always look ridiculous. Do people actually wear these or just collect them?

I think it's purely for collection purposes. I guess it's like any collectable, the scarcity and the fact that it's so obvioisly related to a certain period of time gives it some extra value to collectors. It's not like they'll get re-released in the future either, as who would want PS5 shoes when the PS6 is out?

It's not my sort of thing, but I can see the appeal.


Edit: that said, it seems they're just a new colour scheme for existing shoes. Maybe it's just that then: a new colour option and is meant to be worn. They're just white and blue, so hardly a weird colour scheme. I could imagine people actually wearing them if people already wear the other colour variants.

To me, it's the shoe design itself that's ugly. The colours are fine.

Edited by Goafer
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I'll never really understand custom trainers, they almost always look ridiculous. Do people actually wear these or just collect them?
Tbh I find collectors weirder than someone wearing hideous shoes. Buying a load of stuff you don't intend to use, that just sits on a shelf until you die...
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4 hours ago, bob said:
On 05/05/2021 at 11:11 AM, Sheikah said:
I'll never really understand custom trainers, they almost always look ridiculous. Do people actually wear these or just collect them?

Tbh I find collectors weirder than someone wearing hideous shoes. Buying a load of stuff you don't intend to use, that just sits on a shelf until you die...

Amiiboh no you didn't

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6 hours ago, bob said:
On 05/05/2021 at 11:11 AM, Sheikah said:
I'll never really understand custom trainers, they almost always look ridiculous. Do people actually wear these or just collect them?

Tbh I find collectors weirder than someone wearing hideous shoes. Buying a load of stuff you don't intend to use, that just sits on a shelf until you die...

I'll have you know, all 6 of my amiibos see some use!

Edited by Glen-i
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The Dual sense battery life is atrocious. I'm playing Symphony of the Night which isn't exactly a long game and not one that utilises many of the controllers more power hungry features but I've had to charge it like 3 times already.

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So has stock been around of PS5s? 
The Series X has been in and out of stock quite a lot since launch and it hasn’t seemed too hard to get hold of, but I’ve seen nothing about PS5. 

Granted, I’ve not been looking for one, but what is going on? Surely for the release of Ratchet they’re going to want consoles to be readily available? 

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11 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

So has stock been around of PS5s? 
The Series X has been in and out of stock quite a lot since launch and it hasn’t seemed too hard to get hold of, but I’ve seen nothing about PS5. 

Granted, I’ve not been looking for one, but what is going on? Surely for the release of Ratchet they’re going to want consoles to be readily available? 

A couple of places have gotten stock in recently but they sell out instantly. The next batch is apparently dropping this week, with the likes of GAME and Argos getting big shipments.

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Yeah, unfortunately it's one of those where you have to do more than just keep your ear to the ground if you do want one at the moment. There are Twitter accounts to follow which might help you keep track of when and where stock goes up, but like the others have said, they're stilling selling out almost instantly. 

It's unfortunate, as the more people playing these games, the better (for the community, for the game itself, and the developers and publisher too), but like Happenstance mentioned, there's not much else they can do about it. While PlayStation have been trickling them out as and when they are shipped and make it to shelves, Xbox were supposedly taking a different approach, saving stock and having large shipments in June and having a smaller number trickle out until then, but I haven't been following that too closely.

I've helped a few people get them, but to be honest, I can totally understand those that don't want to keep their ear to the ground on this one. I was drained just tracking it for myself and others the day pre-orders went up initially, don't want to imagine what that's like for months on end. Why there isn't an option to stick a pre-order in to get a ticket, with these retailers knowing full well that there will undoubtedly be stock at some point, is beyond me. Sticking the onus on the consumer to be tracking this stuff 24/7 just to be in with a shot of getting one is one of the most stupid things to come out of this.  

Edited by Julius
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Yup, you’ve still pretty much gotta know when they are gonna drop in order to snag one. My eldest brother managed to get himself a Series X because he had been following tweets about the stock. 

At this rate, I doubt I’ll be getting one for Ratchet and Final Fantasy VII. Part of me still really wants one for these games, as well as Returnal and Demons Souls, but another part of me is quite happy to plug through my backlog. I’ve also been tempted in dip into the retro market a little more as well and so there’s that. Either way, I have plenty of games to keep me busy and my mind off PS5 releases....for now. :p 

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Just seems crazy that it’s so many months on but it hasn’t been readily available anywhere yet. Without selling out in seconds. 

I see a lot of people saying they are trying to get hold of one but just have no luck when stock does eventually drop. 

My mate is after one for Ratchet and he just went in to GAME to trade his PS4 in ready and they had Series X in stock. It’s only a small store too. Appreciate the demand for Series X probably isn’t as high though. 

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6 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

Just seems crazy that it’s so many months on but it hasn’t been readily available anywhere yet. Without selling out in seconds. 

I see a lot of people saying they are trying to get hold of one but just have no luck when stock does eventually drop. 

My mate is after one for Ratchet and he just went in to GAME to trade his PS4 in ready and they had Series X in stock. It’s only a small store too. Appreciate the demand for Series X probably isn’t as high though. 

I think it's worth remembering that last year Sony originally projected 15 million units of the PS5 shipped by the end of March, and considering how projections are all about undercutting demand to some degree to impress investors and boards, they likely expected even more than this. Then in September that got cut down to 11 million when the SOC shortage became more apparent, and then that got cut down again to an estimation of 6.5 million sold a couple of months ago, before we got the news a week and a half or so ago that they'd managed to ship (and let's be honest, likely sell through) 7.8 million units. 

It's crushed records despite the fact that - conservatively - Sony were originally expecting double the number of units to be shipped, and I guess we could say that from their perspective, there was twice as much demand than their supply (but let's be honest, it was probably more). So I'm not surprised at all surprised by the demand far outweighing the supply (even if there was no chip shortage and they did manage to ship 15+ million units by the end of March, I can almost guarantee that we'd still have people waiting), I'm surprised by the stupidity of retailers, and next to that, Sony not putting pressure on them to make the experience easier for consumers. But they didn't do anything when they all tripped their way over the starting line and put pre-orders up early, so I doubt they will now :(

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It’s a shame re the shortage of chips or whatever it is. 

Probably not comparable to something like iPhone, but you’d think it’d make more sense for people to be able to order and be given an estimated shipping date like iPhone launches give when their initial shipment sells through. 

I know we’re talking many many more units here but I think people would feel a bit better about the situation rather than being let down by websites crashing and missing new allocations unless they’re setting themselves up for stock alerts etc. 

When I got mine in a second drop after launch (now sold on) it was fairly easy via the John Lewis app, but I think I was incredibly lucky. 
Fingers crossed they can start pumping more out soon. 

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Well, talking about PS5 stock, unsurprisingly, Sony are expecting it to stay in short supply through 2022. From Bloomberg:


Sony Group Corp. warned a group of analysts the PlayStation 5 will remain in short supply through 2022, suggesting the company will be constrained in its ability to boost sales targets for its latest games console.


“I don’t think demand is calming down this year and even if we secure a lot more devices and produce many more units of the PlayStation 5 next year, our supply wouldn’t be able to catch up with demand,” Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki said at the briefing, according to several people who attended and asked not to be named as it wasn’t public.

Elsewhere, and completely unrelated to the stock issues, it seems like two more DualSense colours are on the way: red/black and black/grey. From Eurogamer:


A new rumour purports two new DualSense controllers could be coming to market "very soon".

According to AreaJugones - a Spanish-language site that has previously correctly leaked a PlayStation Plus freebie lineup ahead of confirmation from PlayStation - the new colour schemes deviate from the current white and black scheme to include shades of red and grey.

Without photographic evidence, it's not possible to know precisely how the colours will be used, or what parts of the controller will be more colourful (or even if it's true; right now, we can only take this as pure speculation), but the leak - reportedly from an "internal contact" at Sony - says the company will launch the new red and black and black and grey variants "very soon". 

I hope that means grey as a primary colour and black as a secondary colour, as the reverse looks tacky in my head. I'm hoping it's something like the 20th Anniversary DualShock 4's. 

I'm still hopeful for all-black controllers and consoles/panels being made available, but the controller as it is has grown on me a lot, and I haven't the issue of the white fading that I've seen some people have had. 

Edited by Julius
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1 hour ago, Mandalore said:

I wonder if this means we'll still mostly be getting PS4/PS5 cross gen games going into 2023.

This will be very interesting to see...

I always thought that for 3rd party games we'd see cross gen games for a much longer time than for 1st party games. But then I just read that RE8 sold 49% of its physical copies in the UK on PS5 and while this is obviously not representative of the whole sale situation it could be an indicator that people are willing to transition to current-gen much faster than we thought.

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

This will be very interesting to see...

I always thought that for 3rd party games we'd see cross gen games for a much longer time than for 1st party games. But then I just read that RE8 sold 49% of its physical copies in the UK on PS5 and while this is obviously not representative of the whole sale situation it could be an indicator that people are willing to transition to current-gen much faster than we thought.

That's interesting, although I don't think that suggests much to do with the rate of transition - based on the number of PS5s currently out there the vast majority of gamers will still be on PS4. 

It probably does say something about the type of gamers the people who have managed to get a PS5 are - those willing to spend more, buy games at full price at launch, and likely more "into" gaming.

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20 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

It probably does say something about the type of gamers the people who have managed to get a PS5 are - those willing to spend more, buy games at full price at launch, and likely more "into" gaming.

A very good point that I keep forgetting.


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Returnal at number 3 in the US and 4 in Europe with just one day of sales in April. I really hope the actual numbers are as good as it sounds. Housemarque deserves all the success.

No surprise to see MLB The Show 21 at #1 in the US. They do love their baseball :p

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