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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening REMAKE — 20th September 2019


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51 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

Is it possible to listen to this and not get constant chills?

I'm dodging around this thread a little as someone that hasn't played Link's Awakening before, but when someone posts music, I can't help but listen, at least a little bit, and it's always interesting without context. It's a track I've had pop up once or twice on YouTube and Spotify autoplay by accident, so it's not necessarily completely new to me I guess?

So, to give an alternative take on this music as someone that hasn't played the game before and has no idea what it's tied to in the game, I think it's a great track because I feel like it implies a lot about what is happening/has happened. It's immediately foreboding, and at 0:25 you get this back and forth of the strings which clearly state Dies irae, a Latin sequence which has been used in orchestral music dating back centuries, and is incredibly popular even today in modern scores across cinema and gaming (if you're wondering how it fits, just say the phrase as the strings go back and forth and you'll notice it's in sync with the track, and once you realise what it is you'll start hearing it everywhere).

Dies irae roughly translates to "the day of Wrath" or "day of Judgment", and it's a bit of a musical cheat to imply impending doom or reckoning, so coupled with the foreboding nature of the piece at the start, I think it's really safe to say that some sort of reckoning is happening. Is this reckoning internal or external? I have no idea, but the whining and strain of the strings makes me think it's some sort of internal reckoning (I mean, to hazard a guess, relating to whatever Link's titular "awakening" is), as external reckoning, at least musically, tends to be a bit more directly oppressive than I feel this piece is. That it's stated consecutively just adds to this overbearing feeling of something unchangeable, if that makes sense – like whatever type of impending doom is at hand, it's not something which can be taken back, like some sort of permanent change or a realisation which recontextualises things.  Further, at 0:50 I feel like the feeling of pain and melancholy in the track is really doubled down on as you get what I can only imagine is a sample or recreation of the original GB game's music (which is awesome), and with Dies irae playing out under and over this, it further strengthens the back and forth of the phrase. 

No idea how close that mini analysis is, but if it's anywhere near, I think that's another clear indicator of how good a track it is. If not it still sounds great all the same :laughing:

I really need to get around to Link's Awakening, don't I? :p

Edited by Julius
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40 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

It's the pinnacle of that soundtrack and makes it hard to go back to the original Game Boy songs.

I still prefer the original songs :p 

I dunno. It feels a lot more threatening. Simple, yet harrowing.

The orchestrated version is grand, sure, but for me it evokes much less dread.

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Just now, Julius said:

I really need to get around to Link's Awakening, don't I? :p

I mean... I absolutely recommend it, Zelda or no. It's a properly designed adventure game that encourages exploring the island in a non-linear fashion, and it plays super fun. One of those games where the devs just kept adding stuff they thought would be neat. Very chill vibes in that respect.

Edited by Jonnas
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16 minutes ago, Julius said:

No idea how close that mini analysis is, but if it's anywhere near, I think that's another clear indicator of how good a track it is. If not it still sounds great all the same :laughing:

Pretty damn close, you should give the game a go. It's solid.

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14 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Seeing you playing it on your Switch this past week certainly has me in the mood to give the game another playthrough. It didn't sit right with me the first time but my feelings maybe different a second time around.

I wonder what Grezzo are working on at the moment? I'm surprised they haven't reused this engine and remade the Oracle games.

To be honest, I'm in the mood to play most Zelda games at the moment. Given the current weather, firing up Wind Waker HD on the Wii U could be on the cards....

At first, I thought the toylike look was a bit at odds with the tone of the game but it wasn't long before I was a convert*. Definitely worth starting a new file if you've got the itch. I find a lot of the Zelda series is always feel ripe for a replay as I'm sure most of us do.

Personally, I'm not a huge lover of the Oracle games though a remake in the vein of LA would be cool. (Especially if it's a double-pack!)

* Would have been nice if they included d-pad movement. :nono: And animated the flowers.

14 hours ago, Glen-i said:

You're right, @darksnowman. I started that song just now, and felt chills almost immediately.

What the remake did with the Face Shrine music is nothing short of amazing. It took a very repetitive song, and somehow molded it into orchestral majesty. It's the pinnacle of that soundtrack and makes it hard to go back to the original Game Boy songs.

As far as remade soundtracks go, Link's Awakening might just be the greatest there's ever been.

Well, except maybe PMD: Rescue Team DX. It's hard for me to choose between them!

Yeah, it takes you right back and twists the knife even further. The music and what you've learned is in complete contrast with the graphical style. What a conflicting game LA is. :peace: 

About the soundtrack in general, it's well done however I think the Mysterious Forest is lacking. It felt like a more oppressive area on Gameboy and just isn't the same in the remake.

14 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia as well. Might be worth playing it just to check. No hurries, tho

Ooh, now that's a Fire Emblem I have. It's decent enough. ;) 

14 hours ago, Julius said:

I'm dodging around this thread a little as someone that hasn't played Link's Awakening before, but when someone posts music, I can't help but listen, at least a little bit, and it's always interesting without context. It's a track I've had pop up once or twice on YouTube and Spotify autoplay by accident, so it's not necessarily completely new to me I guess?

So, to give an alternative take on this music as someone that hasn't played the game before and has no idea what it's tied to in the game, I think it's a great track because I feel like it implies a lot about what is happening/has happened. It's immediately foreboding, and at 0:25 you get this back and forth of the strings which clearly state Dies irae, a Latin sequence which has been used in orchestral music dating back centuries, and is incredibly popular even today in modern scores across cinema and gaming (if you're wondering how it fits, just say the phrase as the strings go back and forth and you'll notice it's in sync with the track, and once you realise what it is you'll start hearing it everywhere).

Dies irae roughly translates to "the day of Wrath" or "day of Judgment", and it's a bit of a musical cheat to imply impending doom or reckoning, so coupled with the foreboding nature of the piece at the start, I think it's really safe to say that some sort of reckoning is happening. Is this reckoning internal or external? I have no idea, but the whining and strain of the strings makes me think it's some sort of internal reckoning (I mean, to hazard a guess, relating to whatever Link's titular "awakening" is), as external reckoning, at least musically, tends to be a bit more directly oppressive than I feel this piece is. That it's stated consecutively just adds to this overbearing feeling of something unchangeable, if that makes sense – like whatever type of impending doom is at hand, it's not something which can be taken back, like some sort of permanent change or a realisation which recontextualises things.  Further, at 0:50 I feel like the feeling of pain and melancholy in the track is really doubled down on as you get what I can only imagine is a sample or recreation of the original GB game's music (which is awesome), and with Dies irae playing out under and over this, it further strengthens the back and forth of the phrase. 

No idea how close that mini analysis is, but if it's anywhere near, I think that's another clear indicator of how good a track it is. If not it still sounds great all the same :laughing:

I really need to get around to Link's Awakening, don't I? :p

Pretty much nailed it. :weep: Now play the game and come back and pepper in some thematic details and specifics.

14 hours ago, drahkon said:

I still prefer the original songs :p 

I dunno. It feels a lot more threatening. Simple, yet harrowing.

The orchestrated version is grand, sure, but for me it evokes much less dread.

Incredible that the humble Gameboy game could evoke so much. Unforgettable.



Any chance of SimCity coming to the SNES NSO!?

Yes, @drahkon, I know...




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With a heavy heart, goosebumps and a lump in my throat (maybe it's time I saw someone about that?), it is done once again. I would that it could have been different but I'm an off-island outsider who happened to wash up on the shore. Everyone knew I'd be wanting to get back on my way. :weep:



I'll be on my way then, Old Man Ulrira. Thanks for everything. You be sure to take care, too. :cry: 


Marin! How'd you get stuck up here?


There, you're back on safe ground now.


 Right you big old Yoshi egg, the time has come for you to hear the Song of Awakening.


And that's it done again. Overwritten into file one this time. The memory of it is already fading...

Koholint echoes through future Zelda entries much more than Fi, that's for sure.

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

You got through this pretty quickly! What with you finishing this and drahkon completing Final Fantasy XII, you are both putting me under pressure to finish Fire Emblem. :D 

I expect a completion post tonight :p 

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30 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

You got through this pretty quickly! What with you finishing this and drahkon completing Final Fantasy XII, you are both putting me under pressure to finish Fire Emblem. :D 

This time around I only picked up a dozen or so secret seashells, didn't veer off the beaten path too far for heart pieces (it's a small island but you know what I mean) and didn't engage with Dampé, do the colour dungeon or put out any of the models. I did all that stuff last year. This week I just tried to limit myself to two levels per evening or I'd likely have sprinted through it in two sittings. :blush: Not that the two levels thing worked out as I was left with only one to bring it to a close. :confused: 

The only FE pressure is from @Jonnas. No need to point the finger at anyone else. 

38 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I expect a completion post tonight :p 

... I stand corrected...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reading @darksnowman play through this again gave me the itch, so I took this with me when I went on holiday last week for somethin to play in the evening.

Link's Awakening on the GameBoy was my first venture into the world of Zelda it was my favourite then and it is still my favourite Zelda game (sorry BotW). I had already played though this twice when I first got it, the second time going for the no death route. I love what they did in updating the graphics and the style they went with. It really does feel dream like.

Whilst the island is a lot smaller than probably every other Zelda game it still gives of a vibe that it has a decent size to it. Whilst it does have a little non linear to it,, the game does push you in the direction you need to go. Dungeons need to be done in order and as always rocks and holes block your path until you have the right items. But it never takes away from how great the gameplay is and how much I love it. The first dungeon is easy and may seem too easy, but it is the first one after all, and by the time you get to the 7th you are wanting them to be like that. That one gave me issues when I first played it and it did again. I knew the general way round and that I had to get that ball to the right rooms, but it still had me running around in circles a few times until I sorted it. 

As with the last two times the final boos gave me no issues, I had beaten that so many times on the GB that I pretty much have it down to a tee, but it's still a joy to play and satisfying to jump those arms and hit the eye with an arrow.

I'll no doubt be back to play again one day.

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17 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

Reading @darksnowman play through this again gave me the itch, so I took this with me when I went on holiday last week for somethin to play in the evening.

Good choice for something you know you can get through at your leisure over a week. :cool: 

17 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

The first dungeon is easy and may seem too easy, but it is the first one after all, and by the time you get to the 7th you are wanting them to be like that. That one gave me issues when I first played it and it did again. I knew the general way round and that I had to get that ball to the right rooms, but it still had me running around in circles a few times until I sorted it. 

When I first got it (primary school age) I thought I'd followed an epic chain of events just to get to the first level. That sense of discovery never lets up either. As you say, Koholint isn't the biggest but it crams plenty in.

Totally right about 7. No matter how many times I start a new file, I always find myself doing extra loops of 7 and then 8 as well.

17 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

As with the last two times the final boos gave me no issues, I had beaten that so many times on the GB that I pretty much have it down to a tee, but it's still a joy to play and satisfying to jump those arms and hit the eye with an arrow.

I'll no doubt be back to play again one day.

Reminder set. Will give you a prod when that day's approaching and making a note to remind you it's also satisfying to jump those arms and hit the eye with the boomerang, too. :D 

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  • 1 year later...
On 7/13/2022 at 10:36 PM, Julius said:

I really need to get around to Link's Awakening, don't I? :p

Well, it's only been a year and a half...so I finally decided to boot it up for the first time this afternoon :p got up to and completed Key Cavern, not sure I'll sink more time into it today, but I wanted to offer up some quick thoughts: 

  • man, this game just oozes charm. I love the art style, the soundtrack so far has been A-tier (bordering on S-tier at times with certain tracks, and there's still plenty of time to hear a lot more!), the world's inhabitants are really funny, emotive, and just that little bit quirky but what's really getting me is the writing. It's just so darn funny. 'Its a bookshelf.' > [next text box] 'What? You could see that? OK.' :laughing: 
  • there is some noticeable jank to this game at times – obviously the frame rate goes without saying (still not fixed, so guess at best we're holding out for a Switch 2 patch? Maybe?) but things like enemies clipping, BowWow's chain stretching off the screen and then him just teleporting right next to you, landing on the gaps between holes, etc., I'm weirdly getting Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl vibes from this at times purely from a remake quality perspective; what's underneath the hood is great, but there's a lot of weirdness going on for what - on the surface, at least - doesn't look like that demanding of a game. This is already pretty noticeably the jankiest Nintendo first-party game I've personally played. 
  • along similar lines: that depth of field at times is freaking insane. The general lack of options overall in the settings is actually really disappointing for a remake which, at least so far, seems keen to be very faithful (not a problem at all for me, but you couldn't put some of that modernisation budget into more options? Come on Nintendo, loosen the purse strings a little)
  • the occasional light platforming sections caught me off guard at first, but weirdly, I don't mind them. I also love the occasional nod to other Nintendo franchises. Something is almost certainly afoot. Think I have an inkling but let's see how it plays out. 
  • the bosses have been simple but really effective so far – which makes perfect sense considering their origins on the Game Boy. 
  • the game's world being small - obviously with it being a faithful remake - is really appealing to me. I've tried a few other 2D Zelda games before (this could be the first I roll credits on, through no real fault of the others I've tried) but everything feels within arm's reach, and so exploring, backtracking, looking for certain people/objects has all been a pretty smooth experience so far, and it's felt pretty intuitive (up to this point): oh, this little guy's hungry – what can I feed him? > [backtrack a bit] > guy chowing down on bananas suggests I go get some because they're so damn tasty > go to the beach where I spotted them on the trees earlier. Oh wait, I can't reach them...is anyone else around who might have picked some up? > oh, sweet deal. Sure, I'll take that banana off your hands. So far this has felt like the perfect intro to 2D Zelda. 
  • I'm actually really happy I have a few Zelda games under my belt going into this, purely because there's so much of the design language which is consistent between all of the games. I've surprised myself a couple of times when I've figured a puzzle out, or spotted things like a wall being a bit cracked on one side but not the other...I just love when games give you those moments where you actually feel like you get it. It doesn't make things obvious, which makes it feel so much more rewarding. Like how I dealt with those Shy Guy lookalikes! Good stuff. 
  • as someone who loved pinning things on the map in BotW/TotK...thank goodness that that's here, too. Just marking a Heart Piece I can't reach and coming back to it when I unlock a new key item saves so much hassle. 

Also, it's me, so I've got to mention a track, and the obvious option from what I've heard so far is Tal Tal Heights:

Overall? It's a bit of a mess from a technical POV but otherwise I'm really enjoying it so far! 

Edited by Julius
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14 minutes ago, Julius said:

BowWow's chain stretching off the screen and then him just teleporting right next to you, landing on the gaps between holes, etc.

Pretty sure this is intentional, seeing as it happens on the Game Boy original.

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10 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Pretty sure this is intentional, seeing as it happens on the Game Boy original.

Not to get caught up on it too much, as I'm having a great time with the game, but I'd be surprised if their intention was for him to get caught on a tree off-screen and snap to you like this: 

I mean, I could be wrong having not played the original, but it certainly doesn't look good if that was their intention ::shrug: 

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12 hours ago, Julius said:


Also, it's me, so I've got to mention a track, and the obvious option from what I've heard so far is Tal Tal Heights:


For me this is one of the tracks I hate the most, I'm not sure if it's because it stands out too much... because they're isn't really any increase in urgency? I aint getting mountain climbing vibes... It's hard to explain. 


Face Shrine = love it, I wish I could do it justice on teh sax

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Bill Murray Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor - Find & Share on GIPHY

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

there is some noticeable jank to this game

Confused Bill Murray GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

obviously the frame rate goes without saying

This University In Lahore Is Fining Female Students|Parhlo.com

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

enemies clipping

Contemplating Bill Murray GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

BowWow's chain stretching off the screen and then him just teleporting right next to you

90783-bill-murray-scrooged-face-gif-GSOm ⋆ BYT // Brightest Young Things

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

landing on the gaps between holes

Stressed Bill Murray GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:


Bill Murray Fainting GIF by filmeditor - Find & Share on GIPHY

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

getting Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl vibes from this 

Bill Murray Face Palm GIF - BillMurray FacePalm OhGod - Discover ...

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

pretty noticeably the jankiest Nintendo first-party game

Bill Murray Punch GIF by Groundhog Day - Find & Share on GIPHY

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

a bit of a mess from a technical POV

1993 | GIF | PrimoGIF

On 03/02/2024 at 9:55 PM, Julius said:

I also love the occasional nod to other Nintendo franchises. Something is almost certainly afoot. Think I have an inkling but let's see how it plays out. 

That is not an inkling in your inventory.

On 03/02/2024 at 10:22 PM, Julius said:

I mean, I could be wrong having not played the original, but it certainly doesn't look good if that was their intention ::shrug: 

It's hardly intended for you to lodge Bow-Wow in the doorway to a phone booth and go to the next screen, but if you do, he'll catch up. Simples.

On 04/02/2024 at 10:47 AM, EEVILMURRAY said:

Face Shrine = love it, I wish I could do it justice on teh sax

I got chills, they're multiplying.

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4 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

I knew I was gonna get some shit like this :p 

It was jacked to fuck and Nintendo did nothing to stop it, it's just as bad as being first party .... ish... ¬_¬

And I knew you were going to say that. :heh:

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