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Super Mario Maker 2 -- June 2019


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This was the next game on my hit list to start and finish, which I done today.


















I was never a fan of the players created levels in the original game and I have zero interest in creating my own. That being the case, I bought the game purely to play the 100 levels that Nintendo had created for the game and I honestly wish I hadn't. What I was expecting/hoping for was some crazy creations as seen in the Nintendo World Championships. What I got was a bunch of boring stages that rarely challenged me. The ones that did offer a small challenge were the stages where you had to get through the stage without jumping. Not exactly what i'm looking for in a platforming game.

Coming from playing Yooka Laylee to this was a night and day difference. Granted, the main draw of Mario Maker is the creation aspect of it but I would have expected Nintendo to have put a little more effort into the single player experience.

I'm sad that 2D Mario games have been relegated to this and I fear with the popularity of this series that Nintendo made 2D Mario games will be put on the back burner in favour of this. :( 

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

This was the next game on my hit list to start and finish, which I done today.

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I was never a fan of the players created levels in the original game and I have zero interest in creating my own. That being the case, I bought the game purely to play the 100 levels that Nintendo had created for the game and I honestly wish I hadn't. What I was expecting/hoping for was some crazy creations as seen in the Nintendo World Championships. What I got was a bunch of boring stages that rarely challenged me. The ones that did offer a small challenge were the stages where you had to get through the stage without jumping. Not exactly what i'm looking for in a platforming game.

Coming from playing Yooka Laylee to this was a night and day difference. Granted, the main draw of Mario Maker is the creation aspect of it but I would have expected Nintendo to have put a little more effort into the single player experience.

I'm sad that 2D Mario games have been relegated to this and I fear with the popularity of this series that Nintendo made 2D Mario games will be put on the back burner in favour of this. :( 

I had fun creating a few levels in the original Mario Maker and this sequel but I've always said that I would much prefer a proper new 2D Super Mario game expertly crafted by Nintendo.

As you say, @Hero of Time, the 'story' mode in Super Mario Maker 2 certainly isn't that :hmm:

Throughout, I felt like the levels were mostly just fine with a small sprinkling of neat ideas.. and a smattering of things that just weren't fun, however inventive they may be.

I had the same issue with the 3DS version to an even greater degree!

I have to say, though, that my time with Super Mario Maker 2 has been much shorter than I ever anticipated.

After I spent a considerable amount of time building and constantly tweaking my second level, I felt burnt out. I put loads of effort into that stage only for me not to even feel particularly happy with it in the end and I just haven't felt a desire to return since.

I'm sure I will one day but I feel desperate for the spark of excitement a new 2D or 3D Mario will eventually bring!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is anyone up for some online games tonight? I intended to go out, but there's a change of plans.


I also finally finished and uploaded a set of tradional SMB1 levels. For those who can't beat my other levels. :rolleyes:

  • 05P-MC3-5YG
  • XWK-9S1-1RF
  • NW9-VKN-C6G
  • B29-MKV-HNG

I'd say they're mid-game SMB1 or early-game Lost Levels difficulty, but still a lot easier than my regular levels. No bullshit, but no frills either.

I'll probably tweak some other levels as well and re-upload them, and I should finish some others as well.

Edited by Sméagol
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2 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Is anyone up for some online games tonight? I intended to go out, but there's a change of plans.


I also finally finished and uploaded a set of tradional SMB1 levels. For those who can't beat my other levels. :rolleyes:

  • 05P-MC3-5YG
  • XWK-9S1-1RF
  • NW9-VKN-C6G
  • B29-MKV-HNG

I'd say they're mid-game SMB1 or early-game Lost Levels difficulty, but still a lot easier than my regular levels. No bullshit, but no frills either.

I'll probably tweak some other levels as well and re-upload them, and I should finish some others as well.

OK, sorry I'm late, but I'm ready for this if you're up for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The new stuff looks cool, though I'm surprised that there's no sign of a new theme yet.  The Master Sword looks like it has some neat potential, if a bit OP.  Wish we had more new gadgets to go along with it, rather than new enemies though.


Ninji Speedruns is basically the aftershadows from Super Meat Boy lol.


Overall, not a bad little update, if a bit underwhelming after all this time.

Edited by Dcubed
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Seeing there would be an update got me so excited! Then I saw the content, and was disappointed.. It's great, but far too little. Is it fair to say I'm the one putting the most time in at the moment? I was quickly making a mockup of an idea I had just yesterday, and was doing a bit of co-op afterwards. I have a big wishlist.. And this isn't even an comprehensive list, as I often forgot to write things down when I realize I want something. But let me present to you my wishlist as it currently is:

Edit: edited a bit after watching the trailer a 2nd time, and watching a gamexplain video on it. Added a bit.


1 way pipes
Self explanatory. I don't get why this isn't an option like they were in the actual games. I also want to be able to use pipes within the same area. I also want the opposite for doors, being able to transition between areas.

"Missing stuff"
This is a very general statement, because there's plenty stuff missing, which I can't remember all from the top of my head, and I'm not going to request individual elements. Spike and Pokey are good starts, but there's plenty more. Things I can come up with are the rotating balls from SMB3, the ehh, flying fire chainchomp things from SMB3, the dinosaurs from SMW, and I would also like the original Lakitu behaviour and flying sheep sheeps from SMB1. I also want P-coins. Anyway, plenty stuff of course, which could be an entire post on its own probably.

Hi-score leaderboards and others
Also self explanatory. Would give players more incentive to go for alternative routes and optional challenges, and incentive for makers to actually create those. You could also add a 3rd that's a combination.. A score per second leaderboard or something. And separate ones for those who cleared the side objectives mentioned below.

More objectives
Other ways to end a level. I specifically want a "boss" ending, where the level ends as soon as you kill what's designated as the boss, so that you don't have to mess around with keys and such. Just have the boss be the climax and be done with the level. Plus the stuff from Story mode like rescue the toads and such. 

Side objectives
I would love for additional side objectives. You can finish the level, but if you do the side objective, you get an extra icon next to you name or something. I would be another thing to strive for, and another incentive for players and makers to go for alternative routes and optional challenges. Specifically I want there to be a side objective of collecitng big coins, but you can adapt most of the normal objectives to be side objectives I suspect.

Set your own speed record
Now you can only set a cleartime, and you can't try to set any new records for it. I would love to be able to do so. The game can highlight it so people are aware some record may be the creators, or can highlight both the current creator record as well as the record from "normal" players. Would also apply to the stuff I'm wishing for above, like the hiscore and side objectives. Also, as a player, I want to check what my own record was, even if the world record belongs to someone else. If I see a notification someone broke my record, I can't check how big the margin is.

"True" VS and co-op levels
I'm not fond how some of the objectives work for VS. It's somewhat migitated now you can actually test for them, but for example, I would like to be able to race for a number of coins, with every player being able to do so. The coin objective is shared, and once someone clears it, he's the only player to be able to reach the goal. Others can try to steal it, but have no other option to clear the level after that. Also currently your VS level must also work as a single player, which complicates things for some VS ideas. I want to be able to specifcally create levels that require at least 2 players, something that should make sense when you create a VS level. Also keep VS and normal levels separate, and have VS levels enter VS rotation immediately and let them be judged based on the multiplayer experience, and not on their single player experience. I have VS levels that have never been played in VS, and my most popular VS level is a single player level that has not been built with multiplayer in mind at all, and is frankly, in my opinion, not suitable for VS. As for co-op, I'd like an objective where every player needs to reach the goal for everyone to win.

Multiplayer specific elements
Things that work only for a specific player. For example, you could have coloured doors, red, green, blue and pink. for the corresponding player. Makes it easier to make race levels. You could do the same for p-switches.

More characters
Self explanatory.. Though personally I was thinking of simply extra skins, only changing the aesthetics. These would be the usual suspects like Peach and Wario. After seeing the update trailer and gamexplain video though, I guess I'd also love more "functional" characters (in fact, Wario himself would be a great one), and the return of amiibo characters. That said, simple new non- functional typical Mario characters would be the easiest to add.

Icon rearrangement
Something simple, I would like to be able to rearrange the levels in course bot.

More characters for descriptions and comments
Another simple thing and self explanatory. In addition, they need to start showing descriptions in Endless mode. That would be really helpful.

This one could be tricky, but it could be handy to have an uploaded work in progress level update as you improve it. But haven't thought about the details for this one.

More sublevels and / or more freedom to use the available space
Sometimes you want a 3rd theme, or sometimes you simply can't fit everything you want due to the restrictions. Sometimes I don't need the space of 2 full size areas, but I do want  a slightly longer vertical level for example. I'd also love to simply start in a vertical level. Ehh this encompasses various things I guess, because I would also like more freedom where to place the starting points and goals. Making the scroll stop feature easier to work with would also help a lot with using the space available to you. Sometimes you can't build in some space because you want to use the scroll stop. There should be a way to just "zone off" sections where you don't want to scroll, giving you more freedom to build in available space. Maybe just work with custom maps instead of the 2 default areas so you can the dimensions you want. I would also be able to use more themes, at least a 3rd. This would perhaps be the simplest solution, have an extra sublevel.

More music
I want Smash levels of music in Mario maker. I want to choose my own music for a level, from a selection of Mario music from all past games. I also want to be able to use the music without graphical effects, like how you get the N64 and GameCube logos now with the corresponding tracks. I would also love to be able to use them more easily, without using the trigger. Sometimes I just want to easily designate a whole room to use specific music, without putting triggers everywhere.

Music composer
Better yet, I would love a Mario Paint style music composer so i can make my own tracks for my own levels.

More themes and styles
There are still some themes missing. The grassland theme from SMB3 for example, and the simple night ground theme from SMB1. You can get that one..But I want it without the effects. Speaking of effects, I just want them to be optional in general, and available in all themes, especially the water and lava. I forgot about styles though, so I'm editing this in.. Of course I would like new styles as well, though that would be a significant update, so I suspect they would want to announce this in a big direct for the 1 year anniversary or something. Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario Land would be the 2 I'm most interested in. Super Mario Bros 2 however, would require some significant changes to how they arrange the themes and areas, changes I'm requesting here. I've had to deal with restrictions when I recreated SMB2 1-3. SMB2 requires more diversity in used themes and dimensions of areas. This is one reason why I didn't try to recreate 1-1. Think about it. It has 4 themes and areas.. It starts with a vertical night ground theme, then we have a horizontal day ground theme, there's a small rocky underground theme, And a vertical sky theme. Actually the boss area is a 5th theme now I think of it.. Let's call it a mountain theme? Recreating this requires some serious compromises.

Different water / lava levels
And speaking of water and lava (and poison), I want to be able to have different water levels. Like pockets of water of lava within a level.

Another very general statement, but I want to be able to use triggers. Even a simple level maker game like Block Quest Maker lets you use triggers. In general, I want to be able to decide that when something happens, than something else happens as a result. Some examples: When some time has passed, blow up these blocks. or when Mario reaches a certain area, spawn an enemy. You have some baic triggers already.. The sound / music triggers of course, and the on / off switches and p-switches, but these do specific things, and I want much more funcionality. You can get more functionality right now, but these require elaborate contraptions, and triggers would elminate the need for those. Some joy can be found in coming up with these contraptions, but sometimes I just want to design a level and not have to worry how to get some functionality I want.

Coloured switches
With this I mean P-switches and On/Off switches that only tie to specific elements, similarly to the multiplayer specific elements mentioned above, but then also available in single player and able to all be operated by the player. For example, a red P-switch would make red blocks appear and turn red blocks in coins, but would not affect others. Something I've seen someone else mention, which I'm editing in: the switches the SMW Switch palaces. A big switch that would make a bunch of blocks permanently appear in the level.

Warp vines
And another thing someone else mentioned, warp vines. I wanted these already, but forgot to add them to the list. The vines that would bring you to a bonus area. They need to grow beyong the top of the screen.

Text and numbers
I want the ability to simply place text in a level. You can name sections, and creators of (kaizo) parcour levels can get more easily across what they want the player to do. The writers among us can get creative and actually present you with a story. Plus it would be a great new use of that cool font they have (the one used the title screen is what I had in mind). Of course, there's a catch with this, in that it also requires more moderation.. Editing this, I forgot the SMW text blocks, which would also be great, but I want them in addition to simply adding text to levels.

Like Toads being able to give you hints or items. Another element that would enable more story-based levels.

Automated animation of player characters, NPC's, scrolling and text mentioned above, so that story based experiences are a full possibility.

Half tile placements
Some things you want to be place in the middle.. Like arrows and elevators.

More control of direction and spawning of elements
I want to be able to decide if an enemy is facing left or right. Currently they always face Mario from where they spawn, which sometimes is not the effect I want. I also want flying elements (things you give wings like blocks) to be able to fly right. They only fly left. Furthermore, I want some things to globally spawn. Sometimes this is needed for timing, and to create speedrun routes. Some elements like firebars and elevators can cause trouble if they spawn a the wrong time, resulting in you needing to playtest more and taking into account more variables.

Invisible tracks
Another simple and self explanatory thing. Mostly for aesthetic reasons, especially if you use them for contraptions, then those tracks are just unsightly.

More block variations
Allowing for more aesthetic creativity. Simply coloured blocks could be fun for pixel art. But having just more "wall" blocks for example could allow for more themed aesthetics. It would also be great to simply have all the blocks available in all the themes. The castle or airship floor tiles for example would also look great elsewhere. Oh and I want the missing stuff. I've mentioned the SMB3 grass theme above coming with tiles that would look great in general, and I really miss the black and white floor tiles.

Keys on tracks
You can't place them, and yes I have wanted to place them there (or more specifically on enemies placed on tracks).

Bigger limits
I have often wanted to place more of things like doors, snakeblocks, and stretch blocks for example. Some limits are too restricting. Oh and more checkpoints would also be nice.

More tags, custom tags
"Troll" is a much requested one. The aforementioned Block Quest Maker already allows for custom tags, which is handy. If a particular tag sticks, it will become available in the menu for quick use. This would obviously allow for more filtering options and more subgenres.

Online testing
This is now somewhat possible by playing in versus, but I still would like to see a more dedicated functionality. The tutorials mention it's important to have friends and family test your levels locally.. But that's not always an option for some people. It would be great if you could invite people from your friendlist to test unuploaded levels for you. They play, you watch, similarly like how you can do that in the NES and SNES apps. Voicechat would be great. And like in the NES and SNES apps, a pointer would be great to, well, point out stuff.

Mario Royale

Could be too intensive for newer styles, so maybe restrict it to SMB1 style in that case.


Anyway, that's what I've come up with so far.


Edited by Sméagol
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