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Your 2019 Gaming Diary


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Early this morning I was looking for my next game to play and I decided to go with Mutant Mudd Deluxe. I've just this minute finished the game. 




I've always wanted to play this but was often discouraged to do so due to many saying it was a really difficult platformer. I was thinking the game was something like Super Meat Boy where it would be death after death but that isn't the case at all. I feel the difficulty has been highly exaggerated over the years.

There are some tough stages within the game though, especially when trying to nab everything on your first run. I think the game's checkpoints are very well placed, so this certainly helps you to keep attempting when you do fail a level. I also think the game is pretty well designed as well. Any time I died it was due to me making a mistake and not the game pulling something cheap.

Once you collect everything from the first set of levels you unlock a character which is very OP. She can equip every ability at the same time and I switched to using her for the second set/ghost levels. I assume these were originally DLC for the base game?

It's a platformer that I really enjoyed. The right amount of challenge was there, there were plenty of things to collect and the ways you can utilise your power ups is very fun. The game is EASILY worth the £1 I paid on the eShop ( I think it's still on sale ) and I recommend to the Switch owners who haven't bought it yet to go and snap it up.

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I've reached the final level (i.e. the last 28 stages) in Thumper. Tried the first two stages last night and fucke me, they ramped up the speed :D Gonna be quite the challenge.

EVERSPACE - made my way through sector two for the first time. Will probably get back to it tonight and try to get as far as I can in sector three. 

I love this "set-up" I have right now. Thumper for some insane and intense non-stop action, EVERSPACE for a little bit of rogue-like action and occasionally Terraria to wind down and just relax with some music in the background. And almost every night one or two hours of Apex Legends with a mate. :peace: 

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Oh Thumper, why did you have to do that?

The final stage turned it from a rare "drahkon considers this as a perfect video game" to a 5/10.

I'm not kidding. It was a perfect rhythm game right up until the last stage. Why? Because that stage removed the element the game was build upon: Rhythm. You could complete every single stage first try if you paid enough attention to both visuals and audio (and if you are able to keep a certain rhythm). Obviously some stages are still difficult but doable without failure.

The final stage, however...


It slows down/speeds up at set moments and you do not know when during the first playthrough. There is no indication at all, which turns the stage into a memorization game. And this is the worst mechanic you can put into video games, in my opinion. And it's even worse when you put it right at the end with no warning at all and, most importantly, with no reason at all...the game was perfect. Everything about it was perfect up until then.

It took me 2 minutes to memorize. Literally two minutes turned this game from a 10/10 to a 5/10.


Platinum get. Such a weird one to get for number 75.

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Disappointing month for me in July.

  • Dragon Quest Swords (Wii/Wii U)
  • Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA/Wii U)
  • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA/Wii U)
  • A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS4)
  • Detective Pikachu (3DS)
  • Donut County (PS4)
  • Tacoma (PS4)
  • Blackwood Crossing (PS4)
  • Dragon Quest Builders 2 (PS4)
  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 (Switch)
  • Fire Emblem Echoes (3DS)
  • Timespinner (PS4)
  • Mutant Mudd Deluxe (Switch)

A few of these games didn't live up to my expectations or were a slog to play through. Luckily there were a couple of games that shone brightly, namely Timespinner and A Plague Tale: Innocence.

I also played a few trophy boosting games. I had a bunch of cross buy games just sat on my Vita waiting to be played and the time to play them was now. A lad at work has bet me £50 that I can't break into the top 200 in the UK for trophy score before the PS5 is out. The fool doesn't know how easy trophies are to acquire if you look at the right games. Needless to say, he was terrified when I went from around 235 to 215 in the space of a weekend. I feel his £50 is already mine. I'm just toying with him at this point. :D 

This month seems to be a bit of a quiet one for new releases. I imagine i'll be finishing Fire Emblem: Three Houses in the next week or so and then there's nothing until Astral Chain, Mana Collection and Control release right at the end of the month. Other than that I wouldn't mind playing a couple of retro games that i've recently picked up and maybe dip into the backlog some more. I really need to get back to playing Digimon otherwise i'll end up forgetting where I was and what I was doing. I'm not sure if I can muster the enthusiasm to slog through it though. :( 

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I'm really struggling this year gaming wise. Not too many standouts tbh.

I started playing Battlefront II's single player the other day but had a terrible time with it. I'm not too good at shooters but even after switching the difficulty to Easy I was still struggling with just the second mission! Switched it off in frustration. The AI seems terrible too and there are bugs all over the place. Really disappointing. Maybe I'm just used to cover based shooters.

On Switch, Fire Emblem is very tempting but I'll leave it, I gave Yoshi a miss, I'm also skipping Astral Chain (it looks good but Platinum games aren't really my thing). Haven't touched my PS4 since Spider-Man, nothing really there. I'd like to play the Uncharted games but I got about an hour and a half into the first game of the Collection and put it down out of boredom. Felt too dated to enjoy.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider I'll get round to sometime, but not in the mood atm, that's the only AAA game I can think of I'm interested in that's out. Indie wise on Switch, I'm tempted by Cave Story, Guacamelee 2, Hyper Light Drifter and Slay the Spire (after IGN were raving about it), but I dunno, meh.

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1 minute ago, drahkon said:

Anyway, started to play Yakuza 0 again. This time with the intention to finish it. Almost done with chapter 1 and then I'm back where I was before :D 

It took me a couple of tries to get into the game but once it clicked it was a magical experience. I hope you stick with it this time.

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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

It took me a couple of tries to get into the game but once it clicked it was a magical experience. I hope you stick with it this time.

I turned down the difficulty, not because I thought hard was too difficult back then, but it was simply a matter of enemies taking way more hits. That was pretty much the reason for me to lose interest. On normal, fights are much shorter and more fun. I also won't care about trophies (as has been the norm for me for a long time now) so I won't have to adjust my playstyle :) 

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Just now, drahkon said:

I also won't care about trophies (as has been the norm for me for a long time now) so I won't have to adjust my playstyle :) 

Yeah, this was one of those games where I had to forget about the trophies and just play the game. They are far too time consuming and tedious. I hate it when a game sticks a trophy in it where you have to play through the thing twice. The game is already a lengthy affair without having to going through the whole thing again. The Tales of series is infamous for this. :nono:

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36 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I hate it when a game sticks a trophy in it where you have to play through the thing twice. The game is already a lengthy affair without having to going through the whole thing again.

Indeed. That's why I carefully pick my trophy hunts these days :p 

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I don't think I've turned my Switch on in three months, my PS4 in three weeks. My Oculus Quest gets regular use, but it's not really proper gaming. I'm hoping it'll pick up again once the busyness of summer subsides.

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So... I haven't posted here in a while.  I haven't had a whole lot of time on my hands to play much of anything due to uni studies/placement (can you believe that I still haven't unlocked all of the characters in Smash Bros Ultimate!?); but with me finally finishing my uni course? I have time to play again! Woohoo! :D 


You'll be seeing me a lot more in this thread in the coming months, but here's a quick run down of what I have actually managed to get through in the last few months of this year anyway...


Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions


It took you HOW long to beat it!?


Yeah, I actually started this around October last year; around the same time I played through Luigi's Mansion 3DS (Great port/remaster BTW! Really enjoyed revisiting it in S3D!).  Now, the original Superstar Saga isn't a very long game (about 15 odd hours) and the same is true of its remake... but Bowser's Minions? Now that's a different story...


Let's talk about the main game first.  The long and short of it really is that it's a great remake of the GBA classic; those of you who loved the original will love it again here.  The visual revamp is amazing and is a huge upgrade over the original game (even though some minor characters lost their unique designs in favour of standard looking Mario enemies). 


Hey! Bowser actually looks like Bowser now!

The soundtrack also got a nice upgrade... but unfortunately, there is one major casualty... and unfortunately it just so happens to be the main battle theme... the one piece of music you're going to be hearing throughout the whole game the most!



It's a bit of a weak arrangement...


Which is a real shame, because all of the other arrangements are spectacular! It would just happen to be the most commonly heard track in the game as well!  Thankfully the rest of the new arrangements are lovely...




The changes aren't just cosmetic though... Alphadream have actually made quite a lot of changes to the gameplay... as they're continuing their meanstreak that they started with Dream Team.  The difficulty has been hugely increased from the original GBA game, with every single enemy in the game now sporting a revamped set of attack patterns! Damage output is much higher and enemies are much more aggressive than before.  Make no mistake, the kiddie gloves are well and truly off and, like every M&L game post-Dream Team, you WILL die! A lot!  I absolutely love the newfound difficulty as the original GBA game was way too easy; this remake adds some much needed bite to the original game's bark.


Overall it was a lot of fun revisiting this gem; and I really appreciated all the little tweaks, changes and new bits they added to the original (there's even a new Luigi's Mansion 2 reference; which helps to make up for the loss of the Geno cameo).  But that's only half of the package...


Bowser's Minions is a new submode that takes after the Ogre Battle series of all things! It's a Grand Strategy RPG where you are not in direct control of your units, but rather you plan out their overarching strategy and use commands and abilities from the sidelines.  Being the Ogre Battle fan that I am, I naturally really enjoyed this new mode.  And being the Mario & Luigi fan that I am, I enjoyed the new dialogue and substories (that neatly tie into the main game);  I wouldn't say that the new dialogue for Bowser's Minions was as well written as the original main game (whose original localisation has wisely been left untouched for the most part), as it comes along with some awkward pauses and odd pacing here and there, but I enjoyed it.


If there's any major complaint I have about Bowser's Minions is that it is SUPER grindy and ends up well outstaying its welcome. It took me probably about 40 odd hours to beat Bowser's Minions and quite frankly? It really didn't need to be that long.  It ends up running out of new ideas long before the end of its running time and that's a bit of a shame.  It's a fun little diversion that is best enjoyed in short bursts over a long period of time (which is how I played it), but it could just as well have been half the length or less and have been better off for it.


It sure as hell beats the hell out of the Mario Bros arcade minigame included with the original though!


Resident Evil 2: Remake


Look! They even put RE in red for "REmake"! Huh huh, geddit!?


Well this was bloody fantastic! I honestly didn't think Capcom had it in them anymore to make a good RE game, but here we are!

They managed to do the impossible and remake all of the original game as an RE4 style HD RE game; without sacrificing any of the original content! It's everything that the FF7 Remake will never be!


Smartly, Capcom decided not to try recreating the original scenario setup from the PS1 original, but instead decided to combine both A and B scenarios for Leon and Claire into a single scenario for each character.  This was absolutely the right decision and it paid off in spades; with each scenario feeling like a complete, uncompromised representation of the PS1 original, despite the need to reduce the game's scope for HD production.  Capcom also made some smart changes that shook up the original story and sequence of events to provide some new surprises for old fans (I was really thrown for a loop when the game ends up starting in the gas station and you don't end up going to Gun Shop Kendo until past halfway through the game!).  While the changes to the game's overall structure aren't as dramatic as REmake for the Gamecube, it does end up evoking the same feel.


The core gameplay structure of the original RE2 is well preserved; with the original game's metroidvania structure being retained and even enhanced with some new areas and smart map/UI additions that make it easier to keep track of where you are and where you're going.  While the core movement and shooting mechanics have been given the boot in favour of RE6 style controls; crucially, this doesn't reduce the original game's horror atmosphere at all.  In fact, they've actually enhanced it greatly! To the point where it evokes the feel of a HBO show; with a lot of the original game's goofiness gone (which is a bit of a shame in my eyes, but most of you will probably appreciate its more gritty and serious tone).  MR X is also a genuine, terriifying threat and I absolutely love what they did with him in this remake; with how he can actually follow you across the entire map in real time!


However, not all has been retained with this remake... The new soundtrack is flat out garbage.  There's no way to really sugarcoat it, it's basically not even there.  It's your typical AAA hollywood wanabe ambient dreck and it's an absolute insult to the original game.


Just listen to this disgrace...


This is apparantly the iconic RE2 Save Room music! This is the best music track in the remake too BTW!


Thankfully there's a (paid) option for the original PS1 RE2 soundtrack, which I thankfully got for free with my PC copy.  You better believe that I had the original soundtrack turned on throughout the entire game!


But overall, it's a fantastic remake; and probably my second favourite RE game (RE4 is still on a whole other level).  Well done Capcom! Now, kindly keep up your winning streak (and stop your losing streak on Switch please!).


As for what I'm currently playing? Well, if you've paid any attention to me over on the Nintendo forums, you've probably already figured out that Mario Maker 2 has taken over my life! (With my 12th course currently in production!), but that's not all I've been playing.  I started Yoshi's Crafted World some months back and have been chipping away at it very slowly since it came out (it's a very sleepy and chill game, so I just don't enjoy ploughing through it).  Likewise, I also started Devil May Cry 5 a month back or so and it's really good so far!  I also started New Super Luigi U last week (which I'm actually playing through for the first time! I was totally burnt out on 2D Mario when it first came out and was looking for MM2 inspiration) and I started both Trials of Mana and (deep breath) Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr's Journey just last weekend!


I also started Xenoblade 2 just today (at last!)


So now I've got a lot on my plate! Good thing I finally have time to get through it all! :D 

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I'm currently living at a friend's place to watch over his cats. It's been 4 days of cuddling and playing video games. Good times :D 


Made some progress with Yakuza 0. Finished chapter 6. The story is amazing. All the characters serve a real purpose, even if they are relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Love it. 
I've done the occasional sub-story and entertained myself with various activities but I put my focus on the story. I'll keep it that way. It's nice to play some old SEGA arcade games inbetween the main missions or just watch an erotic movie sit at a Mahjong table and not understand a thing (it's a cool game, though; might actually buy a real set, but they are expensive as all hell).

Started playing the Wipeout Omega Collection. Such a great racer. I played the Vita version back in the day but thought it should be played on the big screen, and boy was I right. Audiovisually stunning. Second game that makes me wish I had PSVR. 
Will probably go for the Platinum. Once I get the 3 online trophies out of the way with a mate I'll focus on the singlelplayer.

Tomorrow the Black Desert Online beta starts. Will give it a thorough try and decide whether I will buy the game at the end of the month. I'm in the mood for a time sink MMORPG :D 

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Yakuza 0 is so good.


This chapter's ending made me tear up. :( Such a tragic story...

The story is amazing. Twists and turns and a lot of emotions.

I'm not too fond of having two characters being the protagonists, I usually prefer to only play as one. It does work, however, in this case.

I'll try to finish the game today. Shouldn't be too many chapters left, I guess.


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3 hours ago, drahkon said:


I'll try to finish the game today. Shouldn't be too many chapters left, I guess.

And it's done. Incredible game. I pretty much just focused on the story and I'm sure it was for the better. It was quite the lengthy experience even without all the side stuff.

Now I'm kind of invested in the Yakuza universe. Am I correct in assuming that Yakuza Kiwami is the game that comes next in the chronological order? It's a remake of the very first Yakuza game, isn't it?

Not sure if I'll immediately go for another Yakuza game but I will definitely do so in the future :)

Edit: Forgot to mention: the different battle songs in this game are awesome :cool:

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27 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Now I'm kind of invested in the Yakuza universe. Am I correct in assuming that Yakuza Kiwami is the game that comes next in the chronological order? It's a remake of the very first Yakuza game, isn't it?

Congratulations on finishing your first Yakuza game. :D (I assume)

Yep, Kiwami is next, then Kiwami 2... hopefully those Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 remasters will get proper boxed + digital releases over here so that all games can be played on the PS4.

I must get back to playing Yakuza 0...

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34 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Congratulations on finishing your first Yakuza game. :D (I assume)

Thanks. :) Yes, that was my first Yakuza game :peace: 

35 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Yep, Kiwami is next, then Kiwami 2... hopefully those Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 remasters will get proper boxed + digital releases over here so that all games can be played on the PS4.

Good to know. Kiwami was a PS+ game a while ago which is awesome :D Downloaded and it looks like I'm ready to start :laughing: 

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Here I go with the Yakuza talk again :D 

Started Yakuza Kiwami yesterday. Only just at Chapter 2.


Well, fighting Majima wasn't really a surprise :laughing: However, he seems to be batshit crazy. Something must've happened in the years between 1995 to 2005 because at the end of Yakuza 0 there wasn't really any indication that Majima would become this insane.

Anway, I managed to beat him. It took about 25 minutes. I wanted to see if you get some crazy amount of XP as is sometimes the case with battles at the beginning of RPGs that seem to be "unwinnable". Well...I got quite a lot of EXP. So much that i had 100 skill points to assign :D I should be set for now.

Anyways, can't wait to get back home. I've come down with Yakuza-fever :peace: 

Oh and: The Black Desert beta was pretty good. Decided to stop playing after two hours to leave the "real" experience of the full game at the end of August :) 

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Yakuza Kiwami is done. 31.25% completion. I focused on the story again :D My second experience with the series and while not as good as  0 it was still incredible. The story dragged a little for a few chapters but the final three chapters were awesome. Couldn't put the controller down. :bowdown:

Think I'm gonna take a break from the series for now. Mainly because I don't own any other installment, but I also don't want to burn myself out with the gameplay. Seems like every game pretty much plays the same (which is not a bad thing in itself).


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22 hours ago, drahkon said:

Yakuza Kiwami is done. 31.25% completion. I focused on the story again :D My second experience with the series and while not as good as  0 it was still incredible. The story dragged a little for a few chapters but the final three chapters were awesome. Couldn't put the controller down. :bowdown:

Think I'm gonna take a break from the series for now. Mainly because I don't own any other installment, but I also don't want to burn myself out with the gameplay. Seems like every game pretty much plays the same (which is not a bad thing in itself).


That was fast :eek:

I needed a break after beating Yakuza 0 last year but I've had Kiwami waiting on my PS4 from when it was on sale months ago. Out of nowhere, I'm back in PS4 mode and thinking about checking back in with Kiryu and Majima :grin:



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17 hours ago, nekunando said:

That was fast :eek:

Yeah, I had two massive sessions of about 7 hours each. Those certainly helped :D 

Started playing Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition yesterday. I've started working on my backlog and now that I don't really care much for getting the Platinum for the majority of my games it's easier to just breeze through the story :) 
You can definitely see and feel Bulletstorm's age. It doesn't play particularly great but the first hour has been fun, nonetheless. Looks like some mindless shooting and violence which will definitely turn me into a school shooter if you believe current news. ::shrug: But sometimes I enjoy shooting my way through hords of enemies...in games. :p 

Speaking of backlog: I downloaded an app (this one) which let's you create lists for:

  • your backlog
  • games you're currently playing and
  • completed games

Great to have an app at the ready to track games. Should've started at the start of the year, but oh well...maybe I'll add games that I've written about in this thread to the app.
Edit: Added all the games I've finished: So far I have completed 14 games this year. Not bad considering the two slumps I've been in.

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I don't think I have ever posted in this thread before! But as I'm playing a lot of different stuff at the moment without a lot of focus, I feel like making a summary here to share my thoughts with you, but also for myself to have a list with how I stand on certain games and when I can complete them haha.

Valkyria Chronicles - Nintendo Switch

I continued playing Valkryia after a short hiatus. I'm currently in Chapter 9, and judging by the list of updates I can still do this must be around 1/3 of the game. There's much to love about this game. Graphics are charming and an original take on the cell-shaded style. The story is good (not mind-blowing), and nice to see it takes a dark turn every now and then. After all it is a game about war.

I really like the mix of strategy with realtime action. Units feel a bit unbalanced though. I feel a lot can be achieved by plowing through everything with your tank. Lancers feel pretty useless in comparison. Sometimes it is a bit annoying that you are put in a situation you cannot anticipate, often resulting in lost units. Luckily you can save mid-game and load it again if you mess up a turn.

One thing that is bloody annoying though is that this game does not autosave! One night I finished a skirmish level and closed the game, but didn't save... Damn. Still a great game, and I'm curious if other games in the series are worth checking out after this one.

Pokémon Ultra Moon - Nintendo 3DS

I picked this up dirt cheap before my holiday, and intended to play it while travelling. Unfortunately I didn't have the proper power converter with me so I couldn't use my 3DS :grin: So instead I started playing this a while ago. Initially I really couldn't get into it, with the slow intro and the extremely happy "Welcome to Alola, we are all your friends!" kind of crap. :p Where is the time that your rival was an asshole? Now he even heals you before a battle! That is one of the things I'm not liking about this game, every two steps someone comes up to heal your team. The other thing is that the game keeps steering. You can go left or right? Let's block left with a Pokémon/person so we can force you into another cutscene.

That aside, I'm starting to enjoy it more. I'm currently about 8 hours in and on the second island. I don't know all this gen's Pokémon, let alone if/when/how they evolve so that is fun exploring. I like the island setting, and the Mantine surfing between islands is a fun minigame. I'm wondering when the Ultra Beasts come into picture.

For the rest I don't think this will be my favourite Pokémon game. Team Skull is just silly, Z-moves are a big step back from Mega evolutions and chatty Rotomdex is also a hit-and-miss. Will plow through it though as I want to at least play a main game from every generation. But this game is testing my endurance a bit.

DOOM (2016) - PC

With all the DOOM news everywhere, plus a good sale on the game on Steam, I thought the time is now to buy and play this! I'm enjoying it so far, although it's not a game I can play for hours and hours. But it plays so well, and it's cool how there is a balance between shooting, glory kills for healing and using the chainsaw for ammo.

Weapons are cool, and it is nice you can tweak them a bit to your liking. I am not really interested in reading all the lore you find, but it's cool it's there. I will definitely enjoy blasting my way through this one.

I tried a bit of multiplayer but it is pretty dead, usually only finding 3 or 4 more players. Guess that was expected with Eternal around the corner and the game being 3 years old already. But I thought it may have picked up due to the attention the franchise had in the last few weeks.

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A mate convinced me to buy Diablo 3 again. 

Well worth the 20 bucks. Already played through the story with the Necromancer and it was still so much fun, even though I've put it a tremendous amount of hours back in the day. My mate and I will start playing together when the new season arrives next weekend :) 

That makes 15 games finished this year, so far.

Now I'm going back to Bulletstorm. This is most likely going to be a 6-7/10 for me. Nothing great but a solid, mindless shooter.

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20 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Pokémon Ultra Moon - Nintendo 3DS

Initially I really couldn't get into it, with the slow intro and the extremely happy "Welcome to Alola, we are all your friends!" kind of crap. :p Where is the time that your rival was an asshole? Now he even heals you before a battle! That is one of the things I'm not liking about this game, every two steps someone comes up to heal your team. 

I have a very unhealthy amount of hate for this tosser, I really do. 



20 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

 Will plow through it though as I want to at least play a main game from every generation. But this game is testing my endurance a bit.

Yeah, I felt the same playing both Moon and Ultra Moon. I found them both to be a slog ( no word of a lie, I kept falling asleep playing through both of these :D ) and it took me a while to get through them.

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