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Nintendo (re)Direct(ed) (13/09 11pm UK)


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I went to bed last Wednesday night hyped as fuck, hoping for dem goodies (crossing my fingers that MAYBE, just MAYBE they'll port Xenoblade Chronicles X to switch). Then get woke up at 3pm by a monster earthquake followed by the creepiest blackout I've ever seen with my own eyes. Company in panic "EVERY BODY ALIVE?" mode, managed to fill up a bottle with water before that cut off too, run to find emergency food rations as soon as I could..

And get home to find the Direct delayed. Obviously what some people were saying online was completely unacceptable and lacking of any empathy, but I did find it extremely funny to find everyone berate these people and I'm sitting there on my phone hooked up to my dying portable charger in the affected area wishing they hadn't delayed it either heh.

I'll do my best to come here and chat alongside every one during the Direct as it's been a while, hope you're all good peeps!

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Not looking forward to it anymore really.  Most of it has already leaked.


I’ll still watch it of course, but I don’t expect much else at this point.  Probably nothing else left other than a release date for Yoshi’s Crafted World (+ Labo support) and details on Smash Ultimate’s Story Mode (Spirits).

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22 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Not looking forward to it anymore really.  Most of it has already leaked.


I’ll still watch it of course, but I don’t expect much else at this point.  Probably nothing else left other than a release date for Yoshi’s Crafted World (+ Labo support) and details on Smash Ultimate’s Story Mode (Spirits).


One hour after I say I've managed to avoid the leaked title, this post appears. :blank: because it was so necessary to post the game's full name. Seems done on purpose just to fuck with me.


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Oh and "most of it has already leaked", erm, not quite lol.

8 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I hope it gets delayed again purely to see the meltdowns. :D 

If it's anything like the above "blurgh, not looking forward to it anymore, *sulks*", the meltdowns will be glorious.

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Yeah, totally with Ronnie on this one. The only leak was the name of the Yoshi title and the rest of the news from the last week that could have been in the direct pretty much amounts to Civilization VI, Crystal Chronicles remastered, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition and the Mega Man demo, that's 4 announcements from a 35 minute direct, there's still plenty of time for there to be some genuine surprises.

And entirely unnecessary to post the title of the Yoshi game like two posts after Ronnie said he'd managed to avoid the leak.

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4 minutes ago, killthenet said:

Yeah, totally with Ronnie on this one. The only leak was the name of the Yoshi title and the rest of the news from the last week that could have been in the direct pretty much amounts to Civilization VI, Crystal Chronicles remastered, Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition and the Mega Man demo, that's 4 announcements from a 35 minute direct, there's still plenty of time for there to be some genuine surprises.

Come on. We know the title of Yoshi (still bitter, thanks very much @Dcubed), that means we've seen everthing. No sense tuning in. :indeed:

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Despite all the stuff we already know about I'm still looking forward to seeing what else is on the cards, as well as finding out the remaining details about Nintendo's online service.

A few predictions from me...

  • New Super Mario Bros. Switch version
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
  • The Wonderful 101 port
  • Link's Awakening 3DS
  • Some kind of Call of Duty game for Switch to help push their online system
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I really think people are overestimating the amount of new things that will feature.

Besides the leaks I expect they'll show some Smash, Mario Party and discuss the online service. Between all of these that will easily fill 35 minutes, this is the same company who dedicated an entire Direct to just Smash...

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Smash definitely has something for this direct. The fact that the Smash site didn't update it's daily posts three days on the trot after the Direct Delay is no coincidence. There's a new character to show.

And that's the only reason I need to watch it. Time to secretly pray for Dillon for the fourth time.

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49 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Smash definitely has something for this direct. The fact that the Smash site didn't update it's daily posts three days on the trot after the Direct Delay is no coincidence. There's a new character to show.

And that's the only reason I need to watch it. Time to secretly pray for Dillon for the fourth time.

Or they paused it out of respect like they (possibly) did the direct?

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I wonder if any Mario Kart or Splatoon DLC will be announced? I'm just trying to think of things that could possibly be on the Direct that will help push their online service.

Hope so.

And I know they stopped supporting it a while back now, but it would also be good if they could get something added to ARMS as well. I don't even have that game installed on my Switch any more ::shrug: but some interesting new content would no doubt change that. :hehe:

I'll be very happy if we do get some MK8 DLC anyway. :)

Speaking of Mario Kart, I wonder if there will be anything on Mario Kart Tour in this Direct? Really looking forward to some solid info on that game.

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20 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Speaking of Mario Kart, I wonder if there will be anything on Mario Kart Tour in this Direct? Really looking forward to some solid info on that game.

Yeah, I was also thinking about that. I was hoping it may have appeared at Apple's event, just like Super Mario Run did, but it wasn't to be.

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