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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Welp. No prizes for guessing who Nintendo’s ninjas just assassinated. 

Coupled with how Sakurai’s been hinting at this game being a new one, I guess this more or less confirms that (YES! :D) this is a new game?

Very excited for Nintendo’s E3 showing now (like I wasn’t before) :p 

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On 21/03/2018 at 12:40 AM, nekunando said:

That is possibly who I want most in Smash, even though they've only ever appeared in one GREAT game...

As opposed to Cloud, Dark Pit, Paluntena, Duck Hunt Duo, Ice Climbers, dem Mii things, Zero Suit Samus, Wii Fit Trainer*, who have all appeared in at least 5 GOTY award winning titles each.



*I'm sure there's more.

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(moved from the roster prediction thread)

Looking at that character announcement video in the other thread.. I totally forgot about Ryu being in Smash. I think he's likely to make a return, with all the oldskool Street Fighter games available on the console by then. Mega Man is also pretty much guaranteed. As is Bayonetta of course, practically first party at this point. I'd like to see Cloud gone, who has no business on a Nintendo console, and preferrably be replaced by an Octopath character. Olberic seems to be the most likely, though I'd like to see Primrose. If they're doing Final Fantasy, they should bring in another character from one of the Final Fantasies that was actually released on a Nintendo system. Or Layle from Crystal Chronicles. He's more recent and more Nintendo than any other Final Fantasy character, though obviously also more obscure.. Wouldn't mind a sequel though. As for other potential new (3rd party) characters?

With Doom's succes on Switch, and Bethesda's current support for the system, I wouldn't think this beyond the realm of possibilities. Because of its history, it makes much more sense than many other suggestions. At first you'd wonder what its moveset would be, apart from firing guns, but with the ridiculous amount of glory kill variations, they should have no trouble finding some melee attacks to accompany the gun firing special moves. And of course there's the chainsaw. They should include as many Doom 64 references as possible. This can be easily done by giving the weapons their Doom 64 look. Though the stage should be from Doom 2016 simply because those are prettier (and probably more recognizable for the average Switch player). At least one demon as an assist trophy, I suggest the 2016 Revenant. And / or a classic sprite Cacodemon. Final Smash should be the BFG.

Also with SNK heroines appearing on Switch, combined with the numerous SNK games on the E-shop.. I would love to see Mai Shiranui make an appearance. Though I don't think it's likely.

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Hello everyone. I haven't been here in a long (long) while, but I had a stupid idea I wanted to share.

Battle Royale Smash Style. Do the whole Fortnite/PUBG thing in Smash Bros. You drop 50 into a server on a huge 2d side-on map, one life, decreasing play area. The camera stay semi-fixed to give you a focus on your character, but you make through these huge maps like its an old fashioned plat former. The maps could be really diverse little worlds, like you do the castle form Castlemania, or the whole of the Mushroom Kingdom. We pretty much already had that kind of map with the story mode in Melee. There could be obstacles in the map, and you could go in teams. And where as you pick up weapons in the other Royale games, here you could pick up and store items.

Imagine you're playing with 3 friends on a Zebes map, making your way through the caverns, when you drop into a huge underground dome with 8 other players already in there duking it out. Huge fight ensues. All the while the circle is shrinking, so rocks are starting to fall from the ceiling and lava is starting to spurt. 

Any takers?

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Sakurai-san is apparently taking it easy with this game when compared to other titles he’s worked on, only working 10 hour days (from 10:00 to 22:00 with a 2 hour break) and taking two days off a week. Apparently as working over 45 hours per month of overtime can lead to an investigation, so that likely played into his decision to take it easier this time around. 

I think this is great, and I only hope that it continues to spread in the gaming industry (and every other industry where possible, for that matter). As much as I love games and people who are passionate about what they do, the stress and consequent burnout that comes from being overworked is something that I’m familiar with (heck, and I’m only 19!), and it’s especially scary when you’re the one overworking yourself, because you forget where the brakes are, let alone having the confidence to pull them when you need to. People should always come before the end product. 

8 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Hello everyone. I haven't been here in a long (long) while, but I had a stupid idea I wanted to share.

Battle Royale Smash Style. Do the whole Fortnite/PUBG thing in Smash Bros. You drop 50 into a server on a huge 2d side-on map, one life, decreasing play area. The camera stay semi-fixed to give you a focus on your character, but you make through these huge maps like its an old fashioned plat former. The maps could be really diverse little worlds, like you do the castle form Castlemania, or the whole of the Mushroom Kingdom. We pretty much already had that kind of map with the story mode in Melee. There could be obstacles in the map, and you could go in teams. And where as you pick up weapons in the other Royale games, here you could pick up and store items.

Imagine you're playing with 3 friends on a Zebes map, making your way through the caverns, when you drop into a huge underground dome with 8 other players already in there duking it out. Huge fight ensues. All the while the circle is shrinking, so rocks are starting to fall from the ceiling and lava is starting to spurt. 

Any takers?

Nice to meet your for the first time on these forums, @LazyBoy :) this sounds awesome (albeit anxiety-inducing). I’m in! :p 

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12 minutes ago, Julius Caesar said:

Sakurai-san is apparently taking it easy with this game when compared to other titles he’s worked on, only working 10 hour days (from 10:00 to 22:00 with a 2 hour break) and taking two days off a week. Apparently as working over 45 hours per month of overtime can lead to an investigation, so that likely played into his decision to take it easier this time around. 

I think this is great, and I only hope that it continues to spread in the gaming industry (and every other industry where possible, for that matter). As much as I love games and people who are passionate about what they do, the stress and consequent burnout that comes from being overworked is something that I’m familiar with (heck, and I’m only 19!), and it’s especially scary when you’re the one overworking yourself, because you forget where the brakes are, let alone having the confidence to pull them when you need to. People should always come before the end product. 

This is good news. I was a bit concerned when he started getting hand injuries.

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Sakurai was working close to 45 monthly hours of overtime? :o Jesus Christ! Good thing he's taking it easy, now.

11 hours ago, LazyBoy said:

Hello everyone. I haven't been here in a long (long) while, but I had a stupid idea I wanted to share.

Battle Royale Smash Style. Do the whole Fortnite/PUBG thing in Smash Bros. You drop 50 into a server on a huge 2d side-on map, one life, decreasing play area. The camera stay semi-fixed to give you a focus on your character, but you make through these huge maps like its an old fashioned plat former. The maps could be really diverse little worlds, like you do the castle form Castlemania, or the whole of the Mushroom Kingdom. We pretty much already had that kind of map with the story mode in Melee. There could be obstacles in the map, and you could go in teams. And where as you pick up weapons in the other Royale games, here you could pick up and store items.

Imagine you're playing with 3 friends on a Zebes map, making your way through the caverns, when you drop into a huge underground dome with 8 other players already in there duking it out. Huge fight ensues. All the while the circle is shrinking, so rocks are starting to fall from the ceiling and lava is starting to spurt. 

Any takers?

Glad to see you again after so many years :grin: Hope everything's well with you.

I do like that idea. Would the fighting mechanics resemble something like Nidhogg? The percentage-based style that Smash Bros. employs would likely be way too cumbersome in that sort of cramped environment.

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18 hours ago, Glen-i said:


  Not Splatoon related, I know. Let's hide it here. (Reveal hidden contents)

The only main Fire Emblem game that's happened since Corrin is Echoes. The Switch one is far too late to get represented in the base roster. So I wouldn't say getting a new FE character is a sure thing this time.


That is absolutely not going to be a problem. They're likely to have a big Fire Emblem blowout on E3 (they need to fill their show with something besides Smash), so before Smash is out we will have more details on the game, including who the lead character will be. They're not going to pass up a way to promote the new Fire Emblem in Smash.

Edited by Sméagol
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1 hour ago, Sméagol said:

That is absolutely not going to be a problem. They're likely to have a big Fire Emblem blowout on E3 (they need to fill their dhow with something besides Smash), so before Smash is out we will have more details on the game, including who the lead character will be. They're not going to pass up a way to promote the new Fire Emblem is Smash.

The only issue is the much touted design document, which was likely finalised some time around 2016.

That's when almost all of the characters were probably decided upon.

That would mean that Sakurai would have to have gotten details about Fire Emblem Switch around 3 years in advance, and somehow, I don't think it's that likely. Possible. After all, Greninja in 4 and Sonic in Brawl were very late additions. But I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Totally in for DLC though.

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20 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Well, they don't need to start planning every character 3 years in advance.

No, but it's how most characters are usually planned.

The likes of Greninja and Sonic are the weird outliers, not the norm.

Hell, Sakurai actually sorta planned for Greninja before he knew it existed. He wanted a Pokémon from Gen 6 quite early and gravitated towards Froggy Ninja when he saw the designs.

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I still think it's going to be Lyn. Her popularity really became apparent during last year.

3 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Plus, it's not like an FE character is totally unique. They could create the character and give it the skin later when FE is revealed.

Corrin literally turns into a dragon as part of his moveset :heh: If the next FE protagonist turns out to be an archer, a rogue, or a mage, then Sakurai wasted time working on a moveset that makes no sense.

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12 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Plus, it's not like an FE character is totally unique. They could create the character and give it the skin later when FE is revealed.

That would just be a needless risk. Why bother putting the effort into making a moveset that a character may not even fit? Might as well just go with a different character. It's not like FE is lacking there.

For what it's worth, I actually decided to go with FE Switch protagonist in my prediction entry on the other thread. (Still time to get your guesses in) I was torn between that and Lyn. But I'm not entirely certain on it. It all depends on whether Intelligent Systems let Sakurai have a sneaky peek.

And while we're on Fire Emblem characters. The most popular FE character according to the kids (age range is 8-15 and none have any real idea what FE even is) I play Smash 4 with weekly is easily Corrin. It's not even close. Robin is a distant second.

Anecdotal as hell, I know. But I always found that interesting.

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18 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

No, Ike fights nothing like the other 3. His sword's way bigger, and gives him a very different fighting style.

You’re preaching to the church, I find Marth/Lucina the only two FE characters who feel too identical ;)

I thought @MindFreak meant the total FE sword user count in the latest Smash game.

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9 minutes ago, markderoos said:

You’re preaching to the church, I find Marth/Lucina the only two FE characters who feel too identical ;)

I thought MindFreak meant the total FE sword user count in the latest Smash game.

Ah, I thought he was talking solely about clones.

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Been reading through this thread on Era:


It's both hilarious and revolting. :laughing: Seriously though, how can some people be so gross? :shakehead

I struggle to go into places like CeX now because of the repugnant odour in there, so can't even begin to imagine how bad it must be at competitive gaming events and stuff like that. :woops:

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16 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Been reading through this thread on Era:


It's both hilarious and revolting. :laughing: Seriously though, how can some people be so gross? :shakehead

I struggle to go into places like CeX now because of the repugnant odour in there, so can't even begin to imagine how bad it must be at competitive gaming events and stuff like that. :woops:

Yup, its so scruffy. Surely they must smell it on themselves and if so then they clearly just don't care. It's stuff like this why I don't go to gaming conventions or any kind of comic-con event. I've been to a couple over the years and both times have been filled with people who don't have good personal hygiene. It's no wonder gamers and comic book fans have the reputations they do.

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18 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yup, its so scruffy. Surely they must smell it on themselves and if so then they clearly just don't care. It's stuff like this why I don't go to gaming conventions or any kind of comic-con event. I've been to a couple over the years and both times have been filled with people who don't have good personal hygiene. It's no wonder gamers and comic book fans have the reputations they do.

I just thank god for online play (even crappy Nintendo style online :grin:) for protecting my nose from such atrocities. :hehe:

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