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Nintendo Direct - September 13th


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19 minutes ago, nekunando said:

I don't :grin:

Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, F-Zero, Pilotwings, Excitebike and Diddy Kong Racing are some of the franchises I'd love to see return! I'm not asking for all of them.. I'd kill for just one of them :heh:

Additionally, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Punch-Out!!, a new 2D Mario that breaks away from the 'New' series or even a new Captain Toad would be very welcome, as would some sort of Switch Sports game.

There's a huge well of franchises to lift from but I also wouldn't be against something completely new given how enjoyable Splatoon and ARMS are.

If Nintendo can keep delivering amazing new games, surprising revivals of old franchises and a robust Virtual Console library, the Switch is going to be amazing :yay:


I'd love a new Pilotwings

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33 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Out of that list all I'd really want would be a new Luigi's Mansion (where its back to only one Mansion) and probably a new 2D Mario game. I just find myself caring less and less about Nintendo's old franchises which is why I'd like to see new stuff.

This. I keep seeing people just wanting the same old games released in a new and better version, but hey, Nintendo is amazing at going new directions with new IPs. But the big hitters, like Mario and Zelda, they get a fresh new style or new game play every time a new main game gets released. And that is awesome. If they could do that with the old franchises as well, that'd be good, but I'd rather have new and exciting experiences from Nintendo than a rehash. 

As for me, I hope we hear some more about the teased Tales of- game. It's about time, and if it's just Tales of Berseria I'd be more than happy. That game is supposed to be pretty great, if not the best of the series. 

Gameplay from the new No more Heroes would be amazing, and a new Platinum game or a Bayo 1+2 port would be warmly welcomed.

Edit: And please, if we get some japanese RPG-ports, PLEASE don't give us the freaking Chibi-treatment. It's so irritating. (The curse of the DS-line)

Edited by ArtMediocre
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My hopes:


  • Double Dragon (from the Arcade Archives range)
  • Golden Axe
  • A new game from WayForward
  • Switch to get Dragon Quest XI (based on PS4 version)
  • Footage from Metroid Prime 4


13 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

Edit: And please, if we get some japanese RPG-ports, PLEASE don't give us the freaking Chibi-treatment. It's so irritating. (The curse of the DS-line)


This.  I don't like it or understand it at all.  I like cartoony/cel-shaded visuals like in Dragon Quest VIII, but deliberately getting the proportions wrong doesn't make sense to me.

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Wasn't Luigi's Mansion mentioned as a launch game way back when the Switch was still NX? Surely if this was in development it would have been announced by now.

I really hope we get the FIFA demo and some kind of news on Virtual Console.

I expect Stardew Valley to be available plus one or two others that have already been confirmed as September.

Release dates for games we know are close... Steep, Rocket League, Skyrim etc

Possibly some early footage of either Metroid or Pokémon.

A BIG announcement of some new game.



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I wonder if Nintendo will hold back a few of it's B-list titles until there is a bit of a lull in the release schedule? it would be a smarter move imo. I mean they did it already with the Wii U (with zelda botw, and I strongly suspect odyssey and splatoon 2 would have released on the Wii U had it miraculously recovered prior to the NX being confirmed as the switch)
Ok so different reasons, but if Nintendo open up for 3rd parties to fill the release schedule it should improve sales for those 3rd parties. When things quieten down, Nintendo throw out their titles to avoid a drought...


Anyway, I'm hoping the direct is a disappointment, I want to hold out at least 1 year before I cave and get a switch :D

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  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 new trailer with release date (2 mins)
  • Super Mario Odyssey new trailer & annoucement (8 mins)
  • Arms update right now (2 mins)
  • System Update - new features (3 mins)
  • Kirby's 25th Anniversary (5 mins)
  •  A load of indie games releasing... right now (5 mins)
  • Virtual Console either releasing soon or... never :hmm: (5 mins)
  • Platinum Games Switch re-releases & Surprise Annoucement (ScaleBound?) ;) (3 mins)
  • Amiibo (will we tax you £30 or £300 with the amount of new figures) :p (2 mins)
  • Secret of Mana collection localised for Europe (2 mins)
  • New Joy-Con controllers featuring a proper D-Pad (If VC is happening) (5 mins)
  • Oh and one more thing... Super Smash Bros. Switch with new challengers Yooka and Laylee :D (and Shovel Knight) (3 mins)
Edited by S.C.G
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1 hour ago, S.C.G said:
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 new trailer with release date (2 mins)
  • Super Mario Odyssey new trailer & annoucement (8 mins)
  • Arms update right now (2 mins)
  • System Update - new features (3 mins)
  • Kirby's 25th Anniversary (5 mins)
  •  A load of indie games releasing... right now (5 mins)
  • Virtual Console either releasing soon or... never :hmm: (5 mins)
  • Platinum Games Switch re-releases & Surprise Annoucement (ScaleBound?) ;) (3 mins)
  • Amiibo (will we tax you £30 or £300 with the amount of new figures) :p (2 mins)
  • Secret of Mana collection localised for Europe (2 mins)
  • New Joy-Con controllers featuring a proper D-Pad (If VC is happening) (5 mins)
  • Oh and one more thing... Super Smash Bros. Switch with new challengers Yooka and Laylee :D (and Shovel Knight) (3 mins)

Could you imagine the meltdowns? How amazing would it be!? :laughing: 

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2 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I expect there would be less of one given that Scalebound was cancelled instead of just never coming at all.

You underestimate the internet's outrage capability. People still think Bayo 2 had a chance for an all platform release until Ninty "stole" it.

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1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

You underestimate the internet's outrage capability. People still think Bayo 2 had a chance for an all platform release until Ninty "stole" it.

Oh yeah, that's why I only said less. The thing is, people were already starting to have worries about that game and there had been rumblings for a while about its development so my point was that they wouldn't care all that much if it came out elsewhere.

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1 minute ago, Happenstance said:

Oh yeah, that's why I only said less. The thing is, people were already starting to have worries about that game and there had been rumblings for a while about its development so my point was that they wouldn't care all that much if it came out elsewhere.

I see your point, but here's a counter-point. The less informed would suddenly get very angry if Ninty got an exclusive with that game. I'd imagine a few people don't even know that Scalebound even got cancelled.

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Basically will welcome anything other than Fire Emblem (please god no), Dragon Quest (please god no) Monster Hunter (please god no), and any other RPG which seems to come out weekly. 

I also hope it isn't filled with 8 bit indie titles as that's all that we seem to have been seeng recently. 

Smash Bros announcement would be good.

And one that is unlikely but I'd like - Mario Kart DLC. New tracks!

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so far so good... happened to be up so I thought I'd have a look.. xenoblade really isn't interesting me. First game (I got on wii u) was ok, but it didn't really draw me in. This info just really isn't looking like it's going to appeal to me any more. Maybe if I ever finish xenoblade....

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