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1-2 Switch (March 3rd 2017)


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This game absolutely should be bundled, it's an enormous mistake to sell it separately.


Reggie can compare it to Wii Play all he likes, but if this thing doesn't use 4 joy-cons then there's no point in bundling them together. And times have changed, Switch is not Wii.


Switch is shockingly expensive and comes with no game, Wii was cheap and came with a blockbuster seller. THAT's the difference here.


Nintendo want to diferentiate the Switch from the Wii brand. Bundling a casual minigame compilation as they did with the Wii and Wii U would convince people that this is another gimmicky, casual machine.


If Nintendo bundle the Switch with anything, it should be either Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 or possibly Arms.

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OK, this is a good article.


A couple of favourite sentences...


Incidentally, there are no boxing gloves in sight, making this representative of illegal underground bouts, which is pretty gritty for Nintendo.


What the game could be: Basically, one of those robot babies they give to teenagers at schools in sitcoms, except even more gamified. Maybe if you don't get to the baby's cries in time, the console bricks itself. True jeopardy.


Our guess at a name: Oh God, The Baby's On Fire





The more I see of this game, the more I want to play it!

Edited by Glen-i
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah it's going to be amusing for quirky weird scenarios like that where you go "lol @ dis" but long term value...? I'm still not sold, particularly at £40.


Yeah, hopefully there are a ton of mini games to at least provide some variety and replay value, 50+ would be good, but if it's a £40 game, 100 would be more appropriate.

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But even then, a bunch of disconnected mini-games doesn't appeal to me personally. Those I played don't really bare repeating outside of new people, but unless you have a constant cycle of new people entering your life...meh.

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I do wonder if there will be a "shuffle mode" or something akin to that. A quick-fire random mode might be good, although unlikely given the need to calibrate and (at first) explain the rules of each game. But a Wario Ware like "do this...now do this!...now this!" kind of thing would add a bit of zest.

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I do wonder if there will be a "shuffle mode" or something akin to that. A quick-fire random mode might be good, although unlikely given the need to calibrate and (at first) explain the rules of each game. But a Wario Ware like "do this...now do this!...now this!" kind of thing would add a bit of zest.


This is what I'm presuming is in there. Kind of has to be. Mix the games and who enters which game depending on the size of your group and it'll be reasonable fun. I'll get it, but worried it's going to be as tech demo-y as it appears.

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I would buy Wario Ware Switch! :D


1-2 Switch? Not a hope in hell! :p


For me, I wouldn't get much mileage out of it at all. ::shrug:


Plus I despise the boxart. :blank:


It's OK if you've got family/friends who are going to want to play it a lot but I personally don't see it as anything more than a throwaway title which could have been packaged in but I'm kind of glad that Nintendo didn't because I wouldn't want the game taking up valuable shelf space or digital storage. :hmm:


Anyway, this game isn't aimed at me so that's fine, I'm all in for the Switch on day 1 for Zelda, Bomberman and as many Virtual Console titles as I can possibly download. :awesome:

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Japanese site just had a massive update




Reveals a lot more games, including Sword Fight, Shaver, Baby and more!


Getting a real Game & Wario vibe from these games here (especially the names and title screens). Baby in particular looks freakin' hilarious :laughing:


The site also seems to confirm that there's a total of 28 games in the package.


1 is single player - seems to be Baby.

1 is potentially played by any number of people - seems to be Soda.

7 require the HD rumble.

1 is playable in portable mode (different from table-top mode) - Seems to be Baby.




Sword Fight:






Joy-Con Rotation:

Liar Dice:

Beach Flag:

Quick Draw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8amOnYVZR0

Milk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdE9kygpwls

Eating Contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZftMhIB7nU

Count Balls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gxLMldRXAg

Ping Pong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XOcoaqIJCY

Edited by Dcubed
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Japanese site just had a massive update




Reveals a lot more games, including Sword Fight, Shaver, Baby and more!


Getting a real Game & Wario vibe from these games here (especially the names and title screens). Baby in particular looks freakin' hilarious :laughing:


The site also seems to confirm that there's a total of 28 games in the package.


1 is single player - seems to be Baby.

1 is potentially played by any number of people - seems to be Soda.

7 require the HD rumble.

1 is playable in portable mode (different from table-top mode) - Seems to be Baby.


Full price for that, Nintendo are tripping. This should be £20

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Still don't understand why you'd keep playing this game bar the original play through... Weirdly the more I see the LESS I want it and I have it preordered...

Soda was in 42 games in 1.... FORTY TWO GAMES, and most of them were substantial - lots of darts, pool, bowling games, chess etc meaty games; me and my mates played it an insane amount. We used to play Soda to see who'd get the next beers...


But this?!?! Just don't understand what Nintendo are thinking charging for it....

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