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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)


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I've played this the last couple of days. I'll elaborate later, but in short: great value for this season pass. It's a great expansion. The only criticism I have.. Is that it's too ambitious for it's own good. Some things seem like filler, or like there is a lack of story content, but while I haven't checked what my total playtime is currently, I think it must be around 40 hours already. You can't fault the dlc for lack of content. It's just that the story told seems like it would be better told as a full prequel game, and not a shorter and streamlined standalone expansion. Torna is a great setting. I think I'm near the end now, and I've done most stuff. Only a few sidequests left, but I still the affinity charts to fill. The main quests wants me to sleep at the inn to confron Malos, which I assume is the actual end of the game? But yeah, while everything makes me want more, and it's a shame there isn't anything more, it's been a blast so far.

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2 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Now I want a figure of her in that outfit.

It's better than her actual outfit.

Can she pull a "Melee Mythra" and get that outfit instead? So much more tasteful.

Anyway, I'm playing through Torna. It's cool. Think I'm almost done though. Just gotta do some quests before I'm off to the final(?) battle.

Lora's better than Rex anyday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Finally got around to playing through Xenoblade Chronicles 2 over the past couple of weeks and absolutely loved it. There are definitely issues with the presentation in places - the absurdly low resolution in busy areas like the fields of Gormott being the most glaring of them - but most of the issues can probably be ironed out in future games considering the recent increase in the number of staff at Monolith. The soundtrack was fantastic and on the whole I think I enjoyed this more than the first game - will definitely pick up Torna at some point but will play through a few other games I already own before delving back into the world of Alrest.

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  • 10 months later...

Yeah, I'll keep bumping old threads :p 

Spent the last 4 hours with this one. I should eat something now...

Anyway, my thoughts so far:

The Good

  • it feels like a big JRPG; that's always a good thing in my book
  • lots of mechanics that make stats and combat interesting
  • I really like the battle system (enemies do have a little too much HP, though)
  • huge world; at least from what I've seen, so far

The Bad

  • mechanics are explained once with no way to re-read information
  • what the hell is this lip-sync? It's even worse than Astral Chain
  • voice acting is atrocious; sometimes it feels like they just asked a random person on the streets to read some lines
  • resolution is insanely low, at times
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Rex's voice actor can't scream realisticly at all...Just watch the scene at the start where he bursts out of the ship with Pyra. Perhaps this with give you a good idea...



Edited by martinist
"Watch" was spelled wrong "at the" didn't have a space between them.
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Is there anything to gain from fights? Genuine question.

Killing normal enemies around my level takes quite a long time and the exp gains are negligible ::shrug: The only real reason to start a battle is to advance quests/the story, it seems. 

If I can't grind levels relatively efficiently with fights then I doubt I'll enjoy the game in the long run...

Edited by drahkon
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I stopped palying this game because of the arts chaining and blade combo system. Got back into it once I understood the battle system better. I tried to do chain attacks way too early and it wouldn't let me. You get a prompt about chain attacks at the start of one of the boss fights I think.

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After about 11 hours in total I can say: I'm not invested at all in the world, the setting, the characters...
My initial enjoyment is gone and I just don't think it's a fun game ::shrug: The battle system lost a lot of its charm after a while. :hmm: 

I guess Dragon Quest XI ruined other JRPGs for me. Especially ones that don't use turn-based fights.

Looks like I'm moving on to Blaster Master Zero.

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27 minutes ago, drahkon said:

After about 11 hours in total I can say: I'm not invested at all in the world, the setting, the characters...
My initial enjoyment is gone and I just don't think it's a fun game ::shrug: The battle system lost a lot of its charm after a while. :hmm: 

I guess Dragon Quest XI ruined other JRPGs for me. Especially ones that don't use turn-based fights.

Looks like I'm moving on to Blaster Master Zero.

Wow, the battle system is one of the best there is!

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28 minutes ago, drahkon said:

After about 11 hours in total I can say: I'm not invested at all in the world, the setting, the characters...
My initial enjoyment is gone and I just don't think it's a fun game ::shrug: The battle system lost a lot of its charm after a while. :hmm: 

I guess Dragon Quest XI ruined other JRPGs for me. Especially ones that don't use turn-based fights.

Looks like I'm moving on to Blaster Master Zero.

Seriously, keep on playing. The game takes it sweet time to explain (and open up) the full battle system. I don't think I've seen everything after 12 hours.. The last mechanic came pretty late if I remember correctly. In other words, you most likely haven't seen the battle system in full display.

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8 minutes ago, Kav said:

Wow, the battle system is one of the best there is!

Look who comes crawling out of his nest as soon as I talk about a semi-real-time battle system in a negative way :p 

6 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Seriously, keep on playing. The game takes it sweet time to explain (and open up) the full battle system. I don't think I've seen everything after 12 hours.. The last mechanic came pretty late if I remember correctly. In other words, you most likely haven't seen the battle system in full display.

Yeeeaaaah, no. If a game takes more than 12 hours to really get going, I just can't be arsed...and to be honest, even if the battle system gets better, everything else about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just doesn't grab me :hmm: It's simply not for me.

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Yeah, you're definitely in the minority when it comes to the battle system, @drahkon, proper good once you get to grips with Level 3 blade combos and orb smashing with chain attacks.

Such a pity that a lot of the characters are rubbish compared to Shulk's crew. Morag and Zeke are the only characters I actually like. I hate that Tora is the best character in battles, because he has the worst personality by far.


I can't be the only one who decided to ditch Rex, Pyra and Mythra in favour of having my attacker be Zeke with Shulk and Elma instead, waayyyyyy more enjoyable! Especially with Shulk's Vision and Elma's Overdrive mechanics making fights go crazy!


Edited by Glen-i
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11 hours ago, Sméagol said:

The game takes it sweet time to explain (and open up) the full battle system. I don't think I've seen everything after 12 hours.. The last mechanic came pretty late if I remember correctly. In other words, you most likely haven't seen the battle system in full display.


5 hours ago, ArtMediocre said:

I didn't enjoy my first 10-15 hours. 

But when it does click, it clicks oh so well 😍


3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

proper good once you get to grips with Level 3 blade combos and orb smashing with chain attacks.


Have nothing to do today, so I'll just push through for now. :p Let's see if the game gets through to me, eventually.  

3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Yeah, you're definitely in the minority when it comes to the battle system, @drahkon

Might be. I just prefer turn-based battles, they give me a lot more freedom to do what I wanna do. 

I'll give Xenoblade Chronicles 2 another chance. Maybe it'll grow on me. But it doesn't have a lot of time left to do so...


One more thing that's annoying the hell out of me: The constant chatter during fights. I mean, why does everyone have to speak/shout at once? 

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26 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Have nothing to do today, so I'll just push through for now. :p Let's see if the game gets through to me, eventually.  

One more thing that's annoying the hell out of me: The constant chatter during fights. I mean, why does everyone have to speak/shout at once? 

There's only one correct response to this...

@drahkon I like your attitude! :p

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Alright. Thank you guys. After 4 more hours with the game I don't know what to think.

I kept playing without really enjoying it but I also didn't want to stop, if that makes any sense? 

Yes, the battle system opened up and it's now slightly more fun. I do, however, still think it's not great. I keep doing the same things over and over again no matter who/what I'm fighting and the result is always: chain attack and win. There is no real need for different attacks/tactics right now. Only thing that's necessary: Grind some exp when I died to a boss ::shrug: 

Also: There are way too many numbers and words flying around during a fight. Just give me the simplicity (and turn-based nature) of Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy X.

I think I'm forcing myself to like it and to be honest, that's not what I want from a game. I gave Xenoblade Chronicles 2 another chance but it's just not for me, it seems :hmm: 

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