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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)


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I am about 60hours in, 50 hours of real playing and I am playing chapter four I think (or i am supposed to depart to start chapter four). Just to many sidequests I am doing.


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I've been messing around in New Game Plus and I'm up to Chapter 6 now.

In case @Mokong is still wondering, Ursula's fans get reset. So, if you're not gonna bother doing every quest in New Game Plus, you might wanna get that done.


I've got three of the special Torna Blades so far. Patroka, Obrona and Sever. I like Sever, he has a creepy voice. They all appear to have an exclusive weapon, much like Pyra does. So they all have completely different arts to anyone else. They also can't use weapon chips, not that you'd want to though. Those weapons are very powerful.

All the party members get a second affinity chart with some pretty sweet, but expensive, bonuses. They're all pretty similar, except Zeke, who has something called "Unlock Shining Eye" which seems to be a special ability that works like Pyra/Mythra's super powered form. It only works when you have Max affinity with Pandora, and only once per battle. So I'm looking forward to getting that.

BTW, for some reason, Vandham gets a second affinity chart as well, which is so cruel, it's funny.

All the chests are reset, so you can get more precious Overdrive Protocols.

Not every Blade gets carried over. Roc and Aegaeon have to wait until the point in the story that you get them, this goes for the second Poppi as well. Funnily enough, once you get Poppi QT, you then get Poppi QTpi (That name is still awful) immediately. Their affinity chart carries over though.

Lowering your level in inns allows you to use the EXP you gain back to buy special items. Each region that has a Town (Except Indol, for obvious reasons) has a Travelling Bard who gives you a different item. So far, I've found that you can buy Accessory Expansion Kits (gives a character third accessory slot) 20,000 ether crystals, Legendary Core Crystals and Overdrive Protocols.

This is quite the awesome New Game +. Really jam packed. I find myself purposely lowering my level a lot to get more Bonus EXP and get more of those sweet items. And the exclusive Blades are pretty entertaining to listen to. It's great! Kudos!

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After 108 hours I was starting to feel saturated by this game. I have done several sidequests for many of the blades I'd got, only missing four of the unique blades, and filling out the affinity charts for the ones I wanted to use. I have 16,555 Merc points so also did quite a lot of that. So now I've completed the game, the final boss was easy enough since I was level 75, and the final cutscenes were a blast to watch.

All in all, this is one of the but games I've played, deep with lots of character and charm. 

I won't be starting NG+, though. Not yet.

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On 16/03/2018 at 11:10 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

This one is a real time sink, whereas Ni No Kuni II is apparently a far more manageable 30 hours long.

Really glad NNKII is 30 hours, been dreading starting XBC2 and been putting itg off due to the game length.

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I just finished the game again on New Game+


No, there's nothing that special for doing it. Although one of the special blades can only be gotten after doing it.

That said, the ending Title Screen gets a slight change and it legit made me laugh.



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2 hours ago, Sheikah said:



2 hours ago, Kav said:

It’s easy to blast through the story when you’re fully levelled.

Well, no actually. If anything, I finished the game on a lower level than before. I kept lowering my level in inns to get more Bonus EXP. Tora finished up on Level 16, while the rest were on Level 67. Tora doesn't deserve to fight, so I use him to hoard Bonus EXP to get more Overdrive Protocols, etc. Might as well put the little perv to some use.

What got me through this quicker was my knowledge of the game, having a third accessory, as well as great end-gane equipment throughout, skipping every cutscene, not having to fight any Unique Monsters I already killed in my first playthrough. Being able to skip Core Crystal awakenings (Not that I've done that many yet), and already owning most of the shop deeds so I ran at twice the speed than usual.

It's the small things that add up.

Now I'm focusing on doing every quest and maximising Blade affinity charts. Not to mention trying to get KOS MOS (That'll take a while).

Edited by Glen-i
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@Glen-i sorry, I wasn’t meaning you had done so, I was just saying how it was easy to do so... with skipping cutscenes I had reached chapter 5 in absolutely no time at all, like maybe a commute and a half!

Edited by Kav
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished Chapter 7. Jesus Christ, this game is just too good! But.....


So Rex just turned into a Master Driver, and can now use any Blade I have on any character??? God dammit, if I had know that beforehand I wouldn't've given him that many core crystals to begin with! He's the driver I have the most rare blades with. God dammit. And I didn't know what Overdrive Protocols were either until I had spent my first three on some random, common blades. I would love to know this information too. Oh well. I guess I'll start farming lvl. 4 common blades and fill them up....


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@Shorty, I've clocked in over 100 hours into this already, and I'm just finished with chapter 7 out of 10. I can see me spending another 100 hours on this, to be honest. I wouldn't mind doing a new game + even. It's well worth full price! Or you have to wait or get it used from ebay/secondhand sites. 

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Completed the main story line in 120 hours, level 72. Story was nice, nothing spectacular, heavily cliched, but touching in places, too. Could quite easily spend another 100 hours doing other stuff, but am going to take a break and finish some smaller Nindies titles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The game will be updated to 1.4 on the 27th I believe.


It will incliude 2 new blades, one available for people who purchased the season pass (A new Hana who can also be used by other characters), and Telos from Xenosaga who is available to everyone, after finishing the game once.

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  • 1 month later...



Guide a group of legendary warriors on a journey through the tragic history that doomed a kingdom and drove a hero down a dark path 500 years before the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Defend yourself from Malos and his forces using all the fury of this refined battle system, allowing you to fight as both the artificial lifeforms known as Blades and their masters, the Drivers. Available September 21st!


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