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Super Mario Odyssey


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I've been playing this much of the day and, assuming the structure is similar to Mario 64, am about 1/3 of the way through.  From what I've played so far, I think it's utter genius.  This is exactly what I want from a 3D Mario.


The graphics and music are top class, and I've even turned HD Rumble on!  Loved the '60s-style "flower power" music, which brought a smile to my face and made me think of Austin Powers.  I probably enjoyed the tank bits in that world than anything I've played for years.  I know I'm not the most skilled player, but it's not too easy for me at all.


So far it's the perfect balance of linearity and exploration - fun all the way and not a moment's boredom.  I love the way it has a clear theme of a travel odyssey and trying to stop a wedding - you can see where it's heading, and it's great.  It's definitely my favourite Mario since Sunshine, and might even surpass it.

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Played for about 6 hours today. Predictably masterful. One question though, I’m unsure on which control method to use.... I love the rumble of the joy cons and it has extra moves doesn’t it? But don’t think I’ve ever used them. The buttons and sticks are a tad fiddly. The pro controller is incredible and feels amazing with this....

people who have played it loads, do the extra joy con moves become really important later?

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I've just fully cleared the 3rd kingdom. Man, that took some doing. There are a hell of a lot of Power Moons to be found and it took me ages to find the final 3 purple coins I was missing. Typically they were in the last place I looked. 

I've played around with the photo mode and I love the filters that you can use. I imagine people who are more creative than me ( @RedShell and @Glen-i ) will get a lot out of it.

Here's one of my shots.


I think i'll create an album just full of pictures of various Toads.:heart:

@Kav I noticed you followed me on Twitter. I assume you got the address/link from my posts in here. I wouldn't bother ( this also goes for anyone else ) as I only use it to post my Switch pics and there may be spoilers in them. Hell, I have no idea how to use it normally. ::shrug::D 

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I'm always saying I like to see technology used to create experiences that weren't possible before.  Well...



The festival in New Donk City is just that.  Pauline performing the song whilst you play a 2D Donkey Kong homage, then end up on stage with her as she sings just blew me away.


I don't know how much grunt it really took, but it's exactly the sort of leap I was hoping for after the GameCube.  It's this sort of thing that I love.

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This game really is just pure genius isn't it? 

I've lost count of how many times I've said to myself whilst playing 'thats amazing' or how many times a smile has been brought to my face doing something. 

The level design is just unlike anything else. All the world's (so far) feel totally different to the rest but each one is just a joy to play through. The trailers for the game really didn't do it justice I don't think, as it isn't until you actually play it that you realise just how fantastic it is. 

I thought Breath of the Wild would be Switch's crowning glory for years until something toppled it. I didn't think that we'd get another game as astoundingly good as that (for me) in the first year of the consoles life. What a joy. 

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450 Power Moons into the game and it still keeps managing to surprise me with clever level design or just little things scattered about here and there.

There's a crazy amount of polish to the game, which I suppose is standard for most Nintendo titles.

I absolutely love playing the 2D sections. This is partly just so I can see what the crazy outfits look like in 8-bit. :D 

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Glad to hear it's polished, though it's not much of a surprise coming from the big N.

Without giving too much away, how would you rate the post-game overall, I know you're a fan of the first part but as a whole is there plenty to do after the credits or do they just leave you to collect more moons you missed out on?

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1 minute ago, Ronnie said:

Glad to hear it's polished, though it's not much of a surprise coming from the big N.

Without giving too much away, how would you rate the post-game overall, I know you're a fan of the first part but as a whole is there plenty to do after the credits or do they just leave you to collect more moons you missed out on?

I'll put my reply in spoilers. I personally don't think I'm spoiling anything but better to be safe than sorry.


I've yet to touch any other post-game areas. I've unlocked another area and I'm close to getting another one but I'm not touching them until I'm done with the rest of the kingdoms.

I started from the starting level and I'm just working my way through each kingdom to collect everything I missed and then collect everything that was originally locked away until until post-game.

Needless to say, there's a hell of a lot of content here if your a bit of a completionist. 

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So I think I'm two worlds away from the pre-credits final battle. Around 130 starsshines, moons. And I've got a few things to say. Firstly...


Y'all suck at skipping

Secondly, this has to be the most conflicting Mario game I've played. Am I missing something? This doesn't seem any more special than 64 or Sunshine. Which is great, don't get me wrong. Like BOTW, this is a little bit overhyped so far. Unlike BOTW, I am enjoying it. New Donk City has been the highlight so far. Everything about the set pieces was astounding. The rest of the worlds feel pretty run of the mill, some good, some boring. Mario is a joy to control, but then, when isn't he? This Mario is great though, so much momentum and the extra joy con tricks feel great. I've already mastered the double jump-hat flick-ground pound-dive manuever and it allows for all sorts of skips.

But am I the only one who feels like about half of the moons don't need to be there? They're just everywhere. And half of them aren't very satisfying to find. It's Korok Seeds all over again. It also reinforces to me that I prefer Galaxy and 3D Worlds more focused platforming.

But yeah, it's fun. Not amazing, but fun. Also Hammer Bros have hair and it still weirds me out.

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4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

So I think I'm two worlds away from the pre-credits final battle. Around 130 starsshines, moons. And I've got a few things to say. Firstly...


Y'all suck at skipping

Secondly, this has to be the most conflicting Mario game I've played. Am I missing something? This doesn't seem any more special than 64 or Sunshine. Which is great, don't get me wrong. Like BOTW, this is a little bit overhyped so far. Unlike BOTW, I am enjoying it. New Donk City has been the highlight so far. Everything about the set pieces was astounding. The rest of the worlds feel pretty run of the mill, some good, some boring. Mario is a joy to control, but then, when isn't he? This Mario is great though, so much momentum and the extra joy con tricks feel great. I've already mastered the double jump-hat flick-ground pound-dive manuever and it allows for all sorts of skips.

But am I the only one who feels like about half of the moons don't need to be there? They're just everywhere. And half of them aren't very satisfying to find. It's Korok Seeds all over again. It also reinforces to me that I prefer Galaxy and 3D Worlds more focused platforming.

But yeah, it's fun. Not amazing, but fun. Also Hammer Bros have hair and it still weirds me out.

Haha the skipping! Over a 100 is excellent! Wow!

I've not looked how many worlds I have left to do but i'm still pre credits but at about 180 power moons. 

Yeah a lot of them are just scattered around. So like any Mario its pretty straightforward just to obtain the minimum pre credits. However, like all Marios the difficulty comes obtaining the additional. It is the additional that require thought really. I have been spending a lot of time in each world trying to obtain as much as I can before moving onto the next.

Theres a lot more to obtaining power moons than there were korok seeds.

I don't think any of the worlds have been boring. They all contain lots of content to do. Overhyped? Nah, its just a top quality game. From your posts before I am not surprised at your comments though. 

I love the fact in this game that like Zelda, I could set out with objective in mind then get distracted by obtaining alternative power moons en route.

This game is amazing. The reasons behind the high score reviews are completely justified.

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I reached the final kingdom yesterday after some amount of Power Moons. I haven't completed it yet but it doesn't seem as hard as previous Champion's Roads. I think I got about halfway before I accidentally fell down.


Other than that, I have tried to complete each kingdom but I just can't figure out how to obtain some specific moons, and I missed some art or pictures in other kingdoms.

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2 hours ago, Blade said:

Yeah a lot of them are just scattered around. So like any Mario its pretty straightforward just to obtain the minimum pre credits. However, like all Marios the difficulty comes obtaining the additional. It is the additional that require thought really. I have been spending a lot of time in each world trying to obtain as much as I can before moving onto the next.

I don't think any of the worlds have been boring. They all contain lots of content to do. Overhyped? Nah, its just a top quality game. From your posts before I am not surprised at your comments though. 

I want to respond to that first paragraph. In particular, the "minimum requirement" Just to remind people that I blitzed through Mario 64 quite recently. And I would specifically like to ask @Hero-of-Time the following question, seeing as he played through a lot of Mario Games in build up to Odyssey.

Do you think the minimum requirement is much more achievable in Odyssey than any other Mario game?

Because I believe so. I naturally haven't done this. But I believe going for the bare minimum has never been easier, despite it needing the most amount of trinkets.

As for the boring worlds, in particular, I'm referring to the Sand Kingdom (Far too big and empty) and Seaside Kingdom (Water Level that's also quite big) While not awful, I did find myself quickly wanting to move on. Just personal experience there.

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16 hours ago, khilafah said:

Don't Nintendo use the same people who were part of the hut group. For that reason alone I have never ordered one thing from Nintendo UK. 

No way you can rely on them getting things done correctly.

Oh, they have now decided after I had cancelled my order yesterday to ignore that and ship it today by Yodel anyway. And charge my card. Beyond useless.

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Sorry i'm about 240 power moons in and no idea how far I am away from the end credits.

In terms of the "boring worlds" there are lots of things to do in them. The Sand and Seaside kingdoms are not that much bigger than the largest levels in Mario 64 (i'm thinking of that one with the big pyramid) and a lot of the worlds in Sunshine. 

I found all Mario games pretty easy to get to the final credits. This is no different really. It is Mario afterall. I rather have this than an frustrating mess. I was playing "high road" on Crash Bandicoot remaster the other day and wanted to snap my pad in two! 

Talking about frustrations...


This is only part of the course. I was ready to launch the joy cons.


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36 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I want to respond to that first paragraph. In particular, the "minimum requirement" Just to remind people that I blitzed through Mario 64 quite recently. And I would specifically like to ask @Hero-of-Time the following question, seeing as he played through a lot of Mario Games in build up to Odyssey.

Do you think the minimum requirement is much more achievable in Odyssey than any other Mario game?

Because I believe so. I naturally haven't done this. But I believe going for the bare minimum has never been easier, despite it needing the most amount of trinkets.


The bare minimum is easier than any other Mario games just because of the amount of Moons in the game.  You can critical path your way to the end pretty easily. There are also ways to buy Moons in bulk, rather than having to do the stages to obtain them. I'm thinking they've done this so players can see the later stages but without hassle of collecting them the normal way. I'm seeing this as a kind of evolution to the players guide/white tanooki suit.

11 minutes ago, Blade said:

Talking about frustrations...

  Spoiler (Hide contents)

This is only part of the course. I was ready to launch the joy cons.


Interesting. I have yet to do that Power Moon. This is one of the great things about the game, in that you you make your own way through it and have a different experience than someone else due to the variety of Moons on offer.


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10 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

There are also ways to buy Moons in bulk, rather than having to do the stages to obtain them. I'm thinking they've done this so players can see the later stages but without hassle of collecting them the normal way. I'm seeing this as a kind of evolution to the players guide/white tanooki suit.


Wait, that's actually a thing? :o

I just reached the Sand Kingdom last night and there was one that you could buy in the cap shop for 100 coins... I'm assuming I was meant to do that and that I haven't just conned myself out of finding it organically within the stage?

I'm guessing that what you're referring to must come later on in the game and that it's made clear that you're buying Power Moons instead of being able to find them within the worlds.

It's nice that the option is there for anyone who wants to use it but I'd rather nab them all the proper way if possible, so it's good to know these things. :D

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30 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Ryan McCaffrey on IGN seemed really impressed by the end sequence before the credits. Can't wait to dive into this game in a week or so

I've been waiting for you to listen to this weeks NVC.

Ryan pretty much said word for word how I feel about the game. What he said about the game just constantly making him smile, especially during the two sequences he mentions, was spot on. You could have just replaced me with Ryan and what was said would have pretty much been exactly the same. I mean, he even said what I've said numerous times in this thread now, that most of the challenge comes for the exploration.

Speaking of challenge, I've done a few post-game stages that have really eaten into my coin total. Glad Ive been saving up for such an occasion. :D

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I watched the first few minutes of the Odyssey part of this week's NVC. I liked Brian and Zach's reaction to the 10 reveal.

It's good to see a non-Nintendo regular on there review the game so well. He's big into Xbox so it's quite an endorsement. Be interesting to see what the new Nintendo guy will be like.

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