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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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Let's not forget that people complain louder and more frequently when they perceive something to be wrong than when they perceive something to be good, thus of course we're going to hear/see a lot more negative comments out there. It's part and parcel. The amount of people that are complaining as a percentage of people that downloaded the game is small, they just do it loudly. It skews perception.


There are of course people out there that expect free things all the time, sure. But mobile gaming is still an industry that makes loads of money. King make more money than Nintendo (hell PSN does :heh:) and you may think that's the sign of a downward spiral or a race to the bottom, and to an extent it can be, but obviously there is a market that enjoys IAP. It gives them the chance to enjoy something and customise it. It's the a-la-carte approach to gaming and it suits some, but not others. Perhaps, and hopefully, Nintendo will be able to help push through a change in a different type of pricing structure within the mobile market.


There are reasons to be critical of SMR and Nintendo's approach and hopefully those are the ones that are considered in the long run. We can't get bogged down too much by people getting upset it's not free (there's a bit of merit in being upset that the pricing structure wasn't made clear for those outside of gaming nerds).

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How do you know these are the same people and not the ones who just download free games and never spend anything?


Those people surely can't expect to see every mobile title to be 'free'. To give a game a bad rating because one needs to pay for the full game is absurd. You either like it or not and to say they do but refuse to pay to play more and somehow think they are being screwed is crazy.

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Those people surely can't expect to see every mobile title to be 'free'. To give a game a bad rating because one needs to pay for the full game is absurd. You either like it or not and to say they do but refuse to pay to play more and somehow think they are being screwed is crazy.


I know this is going to be a weird analogy, but stick with me here.


Let's say you spent your whole life travelling only around small towns using local train stations where the toilets were always free. Then you come to a big city and you have to pay 50p to use the toilet. You're going to be shocked and probably annoyed (maybe outraged, depends on your personality) that to do that thing that has always been free you are now being charged. There is reason and merit in charging, but because it's such an alien notion to you it's going to be jarring. Some people will accept it, some will grumble and pay it while others will find the station manager and rant at them.


There are people within the mobile market that will have never paid for a game. Will have never considered a need to. The big zeitgeist games of the past (Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Words with Friends, Draw Something, Pokémon Go) have either been free or IAP (and thus optionally free) and those are the ones they have likely played (or time-killers such as generic match 3 or sudoku games). It will be jarring to some people that they may have to pay.

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I know this is going to be a weird analogy, but stick with me here.


Let's say you spent your whole life travelling only around small towns using local train stations where the toilets were always free. Then you come to a big city and you have to pay 50p to use the toilet. You're going to be shocked and probably annoyed (maybe outraged, depends on your personality) that to do that thing that has always been free you are now being charged. There is reason and merit in charging, but because it's such an alien notion to you it's going to be jarring. Some people will accept it, some will grumble and pay it while others will find the station manager and rant at them.


There are people within the mobile market that will have never paid for a game. Will have never considered a need to. The big zeitgeist games of the past (Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Words with Friends, Draw Something, Pokémon Go) have either been free or IAP (and thus optionally free) and those are the ones they have likely played (or time-killers such as generic match 3 or sudoku games). It will be jarring to some people that they may have to pay.



Great analogy, and I do understand, it's just depressing that the game has so many one star ratings despite people saying it's a "great game". I'm sure over time it'll swing back to more positive once the initial outrage has died down, but I do worry about how it could affect their decision making in the future.

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It'll be fine, we know Nintendo don't listen ;)


Joking aside, I'd like to believe they've been in this game long enough to know the difference and to do some actual research into the perception and response rather than just look at app store ratings.

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Those people surely can't expect to see every mobile title to be 'free'. To give a game a bad rating because one needs to pay for the full game is absurd. You either like it or not and to say they do but refuse to pay to play more and somehow think they are being screwed is crazy.


As sad as it is, freemium is the expectation now. That is the market.


Its like if Nintendo's own Switch games were £70. Sure, they're probably more polished that anyone elses, but the expectation for console games is £40-£50.


Pokemon Go capitalised well on the mobile market. Release a freemium game to gather interest, using it as an advert for their mainline game, which became their best selling one to date (iirc). With the Switch coming up, Mario Run could have done the same.

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As sad as it is, freemium is the expectation now. That is the market.


Its like if Nintendo's own Switch games were £70. Sure, they're probably more polished that anyone elses, but the expectation for console games is £40-£50.


Pokemon Go capitalised well on the mobile market. Release a freemium game to gather interest, using it as an advert for their mainline game, which became their best selling one to date (iirc). With the Switch coming up, Mario Run could have done the same.

It still can do the same

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I haven't bought the game and will probably wait for a discount before dipping in. I had fun but honestly, I would never consider buying it if it wasn't Mario. Consider the Rayman-games - they are completely free and offer extremely much content and much, much more than Super Mario Run and are even really good. Why should people not expect Super Mario Run to be free then? I think people wouldn't complain as much if they had the option to actually play it for free but be either limited to x minutes a day or 5 lives or some other limit that they could circumvent by buying the game.

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The thing for me is that if Nintendo are going to release on the mobile market then they need to respect and understand that market, same with Nissan tendon (this was supposed to say Nintendo but auto correct fixed it and it's too funny to change back) fans. Games are a lot cheaper here and you have to expect some complaining if people do the want to pay the money.

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The thing for me is that if Nintendo are going to release on the mobile market then they need to respect and understand that market, same with Nissan tendon (this was supposed to say Nintendo but auto correct fixed it and it's too funny to change back) fans. Games are a lot cheaper here and you have to expect some complaining if people do the want to pay the money.


I agree, mobile games are almost the new arcade games.

You pop your money in, and play the game. If you don't like the game, then that is it, after paying 20p or w/e that game was set to charge, you walk away. If the game is fun, you pop more money in.

Nintendo used to be in the arcade market (pretty sure they still are no?) so I don't see why they would struggle to adapt their mindset.

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The thing for me is that if Nintendo are going to release on the mobile market then they need to respect and understand that market, same with Nissan tendon (this was supposed to say Nintendo but auto correct fixed it and it's too funny to change back) fans. Games are a lot cheaper here and you have to expect some complaining if people do the want to pay the money.


Why? The whole point of them going mobile is to try and drive people towards there hardware and software outside mobile.


Games maybe cheaper but to devalue an IP like Mario as a free to play or £1.99 would be crazy. I mean hasn't the game already been hugely profitable as well as all those sign ups to my Nintendo.


Now with other games like Fire emblem or Animal Crossing the pricing model could be different as they may feel each game needs to be priced by its own merits rather than a same for all.


I don't think they will ever try and nickel and dime every last cent possible.


I haven't bought the game and will probably wait for a discount before dipping in. I had fun but honestly, I would never consider buying it if it wasn't Mario. Consider the Rayman-games - they are completely free and offer extremely much content and much, much more than Super Mario Run and are even really good. Why should people not expect Super Mario Run to be free then? I think people wouldn't complain as much if they had the option to actually play it for free but be either limited to x minutes a day or 5 lives or some other limit that they could circumvent by buying the game.


Isn't it about the value of the two IP's? Mario for simply being mario would be classed as premium.

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Why? The whole point of them going mobile is to try and drive people towards there hardware and software outside mobile.


Games maybe cheaper but to devalue an IP like Mario as a free to play or £1.99 would be crazy. I mean hasn't the game already been hugely profitable as well as all those sign ups to my Nintendo.


Now with other games like Fire emblem or Animal Crossing the pricing model could be different as they may feel each game needs to be priced by its own merits rather than a same for all.


I don't think they will ever try and nickel and dime every last cent possible.




Isn't it about the value of the two IP's? Mario for simply being mario would be classed as premium.

They're not devaluing IP. Can people stop repeating this daft line.


Did the free Pokemon Go devalue Pokemon? No! Sun and Moon went on to do just fine.


Saying that Nintendo are great for charging customers £8 when they're used to 'free' is rather out of touch. They obviously need to adapt to whatever market they're selling to or if won't take off.

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They're not devaluing IP. Can people stop repeating this daft line.


Did the free Pokemon Go devalue Pokemon? No! Sun and Moon went on to do just fine.


Saying that Nintendo are great for charging customers £8 when they're used to 'free' is rather out of touch. They obviously need to adapt to whatever market they're selling to or if won't take off.


Like I said each IP could be treated differently. They believed this was the best way for Mario run and as it stands its done fine with the pricing model. Other games could see free to play but when they release one that isn't I don't think people should be outraged.

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They're not devaluing IP. Can people stop repeating this daft line.


Did the free Pokemon Go devalue Pokemon? No! Sun and Moon went on to do just fine.


Saying that Nintendo are great for charging customers £8 when they're used to 'free' is rather out of touch. They obviously need to adapt to whatever market they're selling to or if won't take off.

To be fair, there is a difference. Pokémon GO is drastically different from Pokémon main games. Super Mario Run isn't that different

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To be fair, there is a difference. Pokémon GO is drastically different from Pokémon main games. Super Mario Run isn't that different

What does that have to do with anything. If anything that makes Pokemon Go worse for Pokemon's brand image, since Pokemon are being plastered onto a game that is of a far lower quality than the main series.


Anyway, Mario's brand integrity is fine - it's huge and people like the games. Having a free to play Mario game on app store isn't going to make people think "Mario has really gone down hill and is free now, no way I'll pay the £40 for a new game on the NX". If anything it will capture the minds of young kids again who have moved onto other games in recent years.


Tricky one. Look at it the other way, if Nintendo made this free-to-play or only charged a quid or two, then it may damage their console Mario games. Parents might wonder why they should spend £30-40 on a Mario game, when the mobile one is so cheap.

It's already £8 so less than a quarter of the price of what the NX game will ever be. May as well go the whole hog and make it very cheap to avoid the current situation instead.

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To be fair, there is a difference. Pokémon GO is drastically different from Pokémon main games. Super Mario Run isn't that different


I'd say the entire premise of Run makes it drastically different to Mario games.


Oh, and GO certainly devalued Pokemon in my eyes. But who gives a toss about me? I'm just a huge Pokemon fan.

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Collected all of the purple coins. also expanded my Mushroom Kingdom to what seems to be the maximum size.

Time to try and get all those super tricky black coins now. :hehe:


BTW, is this really it for N-E Mario Runners? :hmm:


My code is 2796-6415-6547 if anyone wants to add me.


Super Mario Run ID: 9579-7611-8216


My ID is 2355-1630-4172




Pretty sure there are a few more playing, right?

I know the system sucks, but share those codes people! :smile:

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I can't believe what I'm reading... People are arguing that because it's the done thing, or because a lot (or even most) people like it then it's a good thing and Nintendo should get "in touch". It's some of the most idiotic posts I've read on here.... The nazi party were pretty popular, most people voted for Brexit, Trump is in power; most people thought women shouldn't vote and gay marriage shouldn't be a thing. The fact a lot of people, or most people think something DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!!! Why don't people stop hiding behind popular thought and have their own opinions?! There's an idea.


You think free to play and IAP is really great for the industry, fine, argue it, intellectualise it, saying "well it's popular and people want it" makes me groan so much... such a lazy cheap way of thinking and discussing of the issue.


And people criticising Nintendo for charging so much and not understanding the market.... fuck me... Let's see shall if it was the wrong decision; hasn't started too badly has it! Free to play and IAP is damaging gaming, more so the mindsets of gamers; Nintendo should be applauded for challenging it and refusing to play along; not criticised. This place can be so weird sometimes.


Collected all of the purple coins. also expanded my Mushroom Kingdom to what seems to be the maximum size.

Time to try and get all those super tricky black coins now. :hehe:


BTW, is this really it for N-E Mario Runners? :hmm:




Pretty sure there are a few more playing, right?

I know the system sucks, but share those codes people! :smile:



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Likening IAP to the Nazi party is a bit much... Just to point out too the things you list are social and political. This is business. Business does tend to follow the most popular thing because it needs to in order to survive.


And I'm assuming that post wasn't aimed at me, but I have tried to argue some of the points you raised.


The mobile industry is not hurting gaming any more than the Wii did by and large - it expanded the audience and made a lot of money. It has also opened up the industry to make it more accessible for creators and players alike. It's made a lot of money. It's embedded expectations within the subset Nintendo is now trying to compete in. It may seem wrong people prefer IAP but they are successful. They are profitable.


Part of the criticism I believe isn't 'Nintendo should be more like others', but rather there seems to have been a lack of market research done. It's like when they declared they'd never looked at PSN or Live when creating their online service. Even little things, such as badly designed touch areas, suggest a sense of amateurishness when it comes to mobile. You could argue either way (of course, it's their first game vs they've been in the industry long enough to know they don't know everything particularly when it comes to a new platform and approach/mentality). I think the question is did Nintendo create a mobile game, or create a Nintendo game and released it on mobile?


As I've mentioned previously it would be good if Nintendo helped spur a new tier of mobile gaming and if any company has enough clout it is probably them, but a change like that will be met with resistance. Like they were in 83.

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such a lazy cheap way of thinking and discussing of the issue.


Pretty fucking rich coming from someone who's opening gambit into the discussion was hyperbole and Nazi references (and ALL CAPS, because why not).


Here, have some of your toys back whilst the rest of us discuss things like adults.

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I can't believe what I'm reading... People are arguing that because it's the done thing, or because a lot (or even most) people like it then it's a good thing and Nintendo should get "in touch". It's some of the most idiotic posts I've read on here.... The nazi party were pretty popular, most people voted for Brexit, Trump is in power; most people thought women shouldn't vote and gay marriage shouldn't be a thing. The fact a lot of people, or most people think something DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT!!! Why don't people stop hiding behind popular thought and have their own opinions?! There's an idea.


You think free to play and IAP is really great for the industry, fine, argue it, intellectualise it, saying "well it's popular and people want it" makes me groan so much... such a lazy cheap way of thinking and discussing of the issue.


And people criticising Nintendo for charging so much and not understanding the market.... fuck me... Let's see shall if it was the wrong decision; hasn't started too badly has it! Free to play and IAP is damaging gaming, more so the mindsets of gamers; Nintendo should be applauded for challenging it and refusing to play along; not criticised. This place can be so weird sometimes.






Wow...ok. So this is frankly one of the most...flagrantly ridiculous responses on the forum that I have seen in a while.


Nintendo effectively wiped £958 million off its company value from releasing this game! How can you honestly argue that most people can be wrong and then go on to compare it to the Nazis?! Not sure if you're being even remotely serious in your post or if you just have no idea about how to make effective comparisons.


What people were referring to was quite simple - don't sell a product to the wrong audience. Nintendo did just that - and now they face the consequences.


Pretty fucking rich coming from someone who's opening gambit into the discussion was hyperbole and Nazi references (and ALL CAPS, because why not).


Here, have some of your toys back whilst the rest of us discuss things like adults.


Quote for mother-fucking truth!

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