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Nintendo Direct (3DS Only) - September 1st - 15:00


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Different strokes. The 3DS has been incredible IMO


Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Mario 3D Land, Zelda ALBW, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart 7, Pokemon, Ocarina/Majora's Mask, Pilotwings, Monster Hunter, NSMB2, Kirby, Fantasy Life, Layton, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi, Kid Icarus....


Yes please.


You know that Directs aren't about the past, right? :rolleyes:

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Whilst tongue-in-cheek - I did make the post for a reason.


You know that @nekunando and I were talking about the 3DS console itself and our views on it to date, right? :indeed:


You know that you weren't though, right? You realise that was your first post in this thread? I made a post saying the 3DS was mostly, for me, somewhat dead. Nekunando agreed with that for him, in response to me.


THEN you feel the need to, for some strange reason, just make a post of 'different strokes' and bring up all its past titles. That was as I said your first post in this thread. You were in no discussion with nekunando at the time. Neither of us were saying it had been a bad system, and in fact after 'calling' him on it he had to actually clarify this to you which then takes the topic in a different direction.


This is exactly one of the major issues people in this community have with you Ronnie. You think people take issue with your views, but really on the whole they don't. They take issue with your conduct and your response when you take issues with other people's views and somehow or for some reason feel the need to leap to defence of some perceived, often non-existent and even then unintended, slight on Nintendo.


You know what it did to this thread about the Direct? Your post THEN turned it into a DS vs 3DS/how good was 3DS topic when it's about the Nintendo Direct. Dazzy's had to(quite rightly though to keep it cleaner) make a new topic. Your conduct derails threads, discussions, and the board. It makes members of this community not wish to post.


THAT is one of the biggest issues people have with you and your impact on the forum. I'm telling you this here, despite being topic irrelevant, because I've had to see a number of members call you out on said conduct recently and I want you to try and understand this point because it's clearly an ongoing issue that is putting off some members, not just some bugbear held against you by 'this place' or me but you have been actively called out by regular members and appear to make little effort to reflect on your conduct, continuing to repeat the same patterns over and over.



Of course my predicted response from yourself is a post defending yourself into eternity - once again showing exactly what I've already said; lacking insight into one's own behaviour. If so then you cannot take the point on board because I'm probably in your view definitely wrong and it's just me and thus you will not change and thus you will continue to be an issue for other people here and reduce their willingness to participate in the community. That's the greatest shame of it, really.

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Oh FFS. It wasn't my first post in the thread, so kindly get yours facts right. It was a reply to @nekunando's post about how he felt about the 3DS as a whole. I replied with how I felt about the 3DS. He then replied to my post, carrying the conversation on. I've done FA wrong in this thread. Kindly give this blatant biased bullying a break please. The only person derailing this thread is you.

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Galaxy Edition New 3DS XL announced for Europe

Super Mario Micro Galaxy for New 3DS/3DS

Metroid Prime Hunters available... right now! on Wii U VC

New My Nintendo Picross game Metroid?

Metroid 30th anniversary mention, year of Samus?

VC promotion, swap My Nintendo coins for eShop credit or more VC titles

Super Mario Maker on the go

Splatoon pocket

Oh and one more thing...



...more Amiibo!


Roll on Thursday! ;)

Not yet mastered the art of lowering your expectations pre-Nintendo Direct I see :p

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Not yet mastered the art of lowering your expectations pre-Nintendo Direct I see :p


Certainly not! :D


Although, that list is actually quite restrained in some respects. :heh:


I at least expect Nintendo to announce Metroid Prime Hunters for the VC because, it's already out in other territories and now would be perfect timing what with Metroid Prime Federation Force almost upon us. :)


OK, the Mario and Splatoon related stuff is pretty out there, most likely it will just be recaps of all the fantastic RPG's which are yet to be released for the 3DS but it would be nice for Nintendo to at least mention Metroid a bit, perhaps let us in on a special Metroid Direct later in the year or to stay tuned for announcements during the "Year of Samus" or something. : peace:


Oh well, I can dream. :(

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I was wondering what all my notifications were for.. but now I see :blank:


To be honest, the whole thing seemed harmless and I feel that it was a good thing that the discussion actually warranted a new thread :smile: I'm not here to moderate but I feel there's been a bit of an overreaction, in this case at least, though I understand that tensions have been enhanced recently via other situations.


Let's just look forward to the Nintendo Direct and hope for a couple of pleasant surprises :hehe:

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FFS Nintendo! Enough already!

Announcing a Direct at this point without NX is piss take.

And if NX is a hybrid, who cares about 3DS when a more powerful Nintendo handheld is right around the corner.


Because people really want to play Dragon Quest?

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FFS Nintendo! Enough already!

Announcing a Direct at this point without NX is piss take.

And if NX is a hybrid, who cares about 3DS when a more powerful Nintendo handheld is right around the corner.

People who don't immediately buy devices straight off the bat?

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FFS Nintendo! Enough already!

Announcing a Direct at this point without NX is piss take.

And if NX is a hybrid, who cares about 3DS when a more powerful Nintendo handheld is right around the corner.


People who are really scared that the NX won't be backwards compatible?

Couldn't help myself... Sorry.

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Is anyone expecting a New 3DS price drop? With Pokemon on the horizon it might be a good idea for them to lower the price in the hopes of riding the wave of Pokemon Go hype.


The likelihood that the NX won't play 3DS games has also convinced me to buy a New 3DS at some point so it would be nice to be able to get one for £140ish.

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Difference is 3DS has stuff out soon that needs promoting


I'm not denying that. I love my 3DS and i'm quite happy to see what games are coming out. All I was getting at is that a lot of gamers don't care about the 3DS at this point and would rather they show the NX off, as seen by various reactions to this event across the interwebs.


Shame on me for trying to have a little fun in here.

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I'm not denying that. I love my 3DS and i'm quite happy to see what games are coming out. All I was getting at is that a lot of gamers don't care about the 3DS at this point and would rather they show the NX off, as seen by various reactions to this event across the interwebs.


Shame on me for trying to have a little fun in here.

No fun allowed :p

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