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The 'Other' Switch Thread

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It's fair to say that each consumer already does this via cellphone, and that they have a preferred (hands-free) method to use it that they already find comfortable, whether they be using a headset of their own, or putting the thing in loud voice.


I would imagine the app would allow you to use the phone on loud voice, or with headphones of your choosing, or whatever method you already prefer... without demanding that you bring a Switch Headset™ as well.


For example, I wouldn't use a headset regularly with my phone, I don't want to carry the thing wherever I go.


Is it fair though? I can't deny I do occasionally use handsfree via the phone's inbuilt speaker/HF mode - I don't use a headset and even when I do use it it's really quite rare/occasional and usually for quite a short period. I don't particularly find it 'comfortable' in a sense either way, but I could well be in a minority there. The complication to consider though if that you also have system audio to deal with - I'm not sure how having two differing sources of sound is going to feel when trying to use the device - nor how good non-headset handsfree will be if you're in a non-quiet environment.


Similarly, if I have to bring my laptop somewhere, my small headphones (that I already use for other devices, such as my phone, the DS or even public computers) are all I need. I'd be cross if my laptop forced me to use headphones exclusive to itself, especially if those exclusive headphones didn't fit in the small pocket I reserve for such things.


So, if your average consumer already mastered the use of their own long-distance-communication devices (a.k.a. the cellphone), encouraging to use those instead of carrying a new device could be the smoother solution.


(Do remember that this is all conjecture. The whole thing could just as easily go horribly wrong in practice)


All fair points and enlightening me to different situations! I don't tend to carry earphones/headphones with me much anymore because most of the time I'm listening to music etc will be on a commute which tends to be by car anyway. I used to listen to music etc when getting buses places but I don't really keep up with music much now - I usually just end up web browsing on my phone instead!


This is an interesting point, because you could say the same thing about the Television. Handhelds have their own screens, but consoles have to rely on a 3rd party device to display their games properly.


Fair, but there isn't so much a 'cost' with the TV such as battery life. Not the power per se, but the fact your sacrificing something which is usually limited to you at the time of use - ofc if it's something that ISN'T limited to you then it's no problem. I'd also argue TVs are a bit more of a 'stable' product - not bought as often or as problematic as phones can be. With the battery life stuff though I do think Nintendo should be considering powerbank partnership/promos considering the Switch is USB-C and smart devices are pretty much all usb chargeable.


If the Switch does, in fact, carry support for a mic, I think it would have more to do with playing DS games on the VC that require it. Talking to the console/tablet itself doesn't sound more practical than doing it to your phone.


Hadn't considered this at all! In fact I almost forgot about some of the great mic usage the DS put out there.


This is also a neat possibility. Not just the thing you said, but the idea that Nintendo could then add more functionalities to the app. Maybe using it to organize online tournaments?


Tournaments etc on the App would be great. As I said I know the PS4 has the features similar atm; but tbh when I turn on my console at home I'm sitting down to play a game and not to browse or care too much about stuff like that. I don't feel as fussed about playing in tournamenty stuff on PS4 either - whereas stuff like MK or Splatoon I'd definitely be a bit more on board with. I think having the app on the phone and giving notifications of stuff like that and being able to sign up from it etc would be cool. So I might be out and about in the day and find out about a MK tournament(let's say even the N-E League if users could do their own) that evening - realise I'm free and make a plan to enter/join. Now if that's a notification I'd only get on my console when I turn it on(ala my PS4 setup atm) then I won't actually KNOW about it unless I turn that console on before the thing starts. Phone app+notifications would definitely be an improvement on that. Again - not sure if PS4 can do this via its apps so apologies if I've made out it can't when it can(I don't have that setup tho).

Edited by Rummy

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So I might be out and about in the day and find out about a MK tournament(let's say even the N-E League if users could do their own) that evening - realise I'm free and make a plan to enter/join. Now if that's a notification I'd only get on my console when I turn it on(ala my PS4 setup atm) then I won't actually KNOW about it unless I turn that console on before the thing starts. Phone app+notifications would definitely be an improvement on that. Again - not sure if PS4 can do this via its apps so apologies if I've made out it can't when it can(I don't have that setup tho).


This is the ideal scenario. The app could be incredible, but w need some functionality through the device too, as a minimum voice chat!


Also, people talking about the mobile app is great for portable play as it saves the switchs battery, but, and I am ignorant to this, but wouldn't the app be connected to the switch all the time via wifi/bluetooth, and thus be a battery drain anyway?

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This is the ideal scenario. The app could be incredible, but w need some functionality through the device too, as a minimum voice chat!


Also, people talking about the mobile app is great for portable play as it saves the switchs battery, but, and I am ignorant to this, but wouldn't the app be connected to the switch all the time via wifi/bluetooth, and thus be a battery drain anyway?

Impossible to say since we don't know enough about it, but it definitely doesn't have to be, the app could use an api like the Playstation app, which knows what game you're playing and manages messages without connecting to the console at all.

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Again - not sure if PS4 can do this via its apps so apologies if I've made out it can't when it can(I don't have that setup tho).


I cant speak to specific items but I know the PS4 app does do a lot with notifications. I used to get them everytime I got a voice chat request on the PS4 for example.

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I cant speak to specific items but I know the PS4 app does do a lot with notifications. I used to get them everytime I got a voice chat request on the PS4 for example.


Hasn't that feature been split from the app now, think you need the "Messages" app to get the notifications. Same as the "Communities" one to get them notifications.

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Is it fair though? I can't deny I do occasionally use handsfree via the phone's inbuilt speaker/HF mode - I don't use a headset and even when I do use it it's really quite rare/occasional and usually for quite a short period. I don't particularly find it 'comfortable' in a sense either way, but I could well be in a minority there. The complication to consider though if that you also have system audio to deal with - I'm not sure how having two differing sources of sound is going to feel when trying to use the device - nor how good non-headset handsfree will be if you're in a non-quiet environment.


Fair points overall. Though I think the part I bolded wouldn't be that much of an issue, as headsets already provide you with two different sound sources (the person you're talking to, and the game itself).

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Fair points overall. Though I think the part I bolded wouldn't be that much of an issue, as headsets already provide you with two different sound sources (the person you're talking to, and the game itself).


Ah, for that one I was meaning two physical sources of sound - as in if voice chat's running through the phone but system/game sounds are running through the Switch it might be physically/mentally confusing directly in two seperate ears.


Having said that I guess it isn't all that different to being on the phone whilst doing something/playing a game - I've managed to take a call and carry on playing PS4 at the same time with the voice chat in my ear, phone in the other, and TV coming out too.


If I can find me a set of earbuds I might actually try it out at some point!


EDIT: Was meant to merge this next bit in last night but my wifi went wild so I fell asleep instead :p


I cant speak to specific items but I know the PS4 app does do a lot with notifications. I used to get them everytime I got a voice chat request on the PS4 for example.


Ahh yeah I know how you mean and what @Jimbob's saying. I got party/chat invites on my phone but I don't know which app it was through and obvs can't check with it being broken now :p


If there's a communities app like Jimbob says that takes care of the same things I was saying on the PS4 side that's pretty fair enough. Possibly even more the reason for Nintendo to try and incorporate similar or superior functionality in on their system too.

Edited by Rummy

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Right, so if I trade my Nintendo stuff in, which doesn't get played at all, I could get Switch plus Zelda for maybe £20 at most.


The only things stopping me are the lack of info about this online app and not knowing if we'll need our WiiU or 3DS for any reason to do with Virtual Console and eShop purchases...


What do you think guys? ::shrug:

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Go for it!


Get a Switch on day 1, play Zelda as it launches and regret nothing! :cool:

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If you're desperate for a Switch, then go for it. The WiiU is a waste of space and you'll never use it again.


However, I don't understand how the "accounts" thing on the WiiU works, so I'd look into that first. Unlink it and whatever.


Think of all the PS4 games you could get though with that money. ;)

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Its what i've done, i've traded loads of stuff in, got about £150 so far and i need to sell my Albw 3DS XL so i'll be close to it


For being £20 close to it, id go for it certainly, if worst comes to worst you play zelda get bored or hate how online works and sell it for the same money (doubt it would drop by any significant amount)

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i need to sell my Albw 3DS XL


why hello there mr gibbs ;)!


Though out of interest why selling the 3DS, do you have another or thinking Switch will simply replace it?

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I've got a Majora's Mask n3ds XL (keeping), A link Between Worlds 3DS XL and i think i still have a zelda OG 3DS, not 100% sure what i've kept over the years

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If you're desperate for a Switch, then go for it. The WiiU is a waste of space and you'll never use it again.


However, I don't understand how the "accounts" thing on the WiiU works, so I'd look into that first. Unlink it and whatever.


Think of all the PS4 games you could get though with that money. ;)


I'm not desperate for one, but the portable aspect of it is handy as I travel 3hrs each day for work. I like that I can continue what I'm playing on the TV too, so glad it's a hybrid... this sells it to me over keeping my 3DS.


There aren't too many PS4 games I want so much at the mo too. I think the PS4 is going to be my multiplayer console and Switch my single-player... as much as there's decent single-player games on PS4, I'd rather play Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 over them whenever I switch the PS4 on... I still haven't carried on much with Witcher 3!

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Go for it!


Get a Switch on day 1, play Zelda as it launches and regret nothing! :cool:


It's true though... :p


Why wouldn't you want to play the best possible version of the Zelda game we've been waiting years for on the day it comes out? ::shrug:


Of course if people don't see enough value in the Switch right now, then I can understand it but if you can get the cash and/or trade in value to buy it on launch plus you already know that you're going to be buying a lot of games for it regardless of any unannounced features then it surely makes sense. :)


I can see about thirty announced Switch games which I know are a definite purchase for me, so I'd say that justifies its purchase. : peace:

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I'm not desperate for one, but the portable aspect of it is handy as I travel 3hrs each day for work. I like that I can continue what I'm playing on the TV too, so glad it's a hybrid... this sells it to me over keeping my 3DS.


There aren't too many PS4 games I want so much at the mo too. I think the PS4 is going to be my multiplayer console and Switch my single-player... as much as there's decent single-player games on PS4, I'd rather play Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 over them whenever I switch the PS4 on... I still haven't carried on much with Witcher 3!


If you're looking to replace the 3DS, then I guess it could be useful.


However, I think you're being extremely optimistic with your vision about this being your single-player console. There's going to be fuck all out for it this year and the other consoles are just going to get stronger and stronger. I can see the Switch having a good 2018.

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If you're looking to replace the 3DS, then I guess it could be useful.


However, I think you're being extremely optimistic with your vision about this being your single-player console. There's going to be fuck all out for it this year and the other consoles are just going to get stronger and stronger. I can see the Switch having a good 2018.


Well when at home I'd mostly be on my PS4 so it's going to be more of a handheld for me, so games needn't come thick and fast. I buy fewer PS4 games than I'd be looking to get on Switch ::shrug:

I just don't tend to play on single player games when I'm home.


But in 2017 I'd be looking at picking up Zelda, Xenoblade 2, Mario, Rime, Snipperclips. I may then pick up, dependant on their online features/service, MK8D and Splatoon 2.

All in all, that'd do me for 2017!


The thing that's sways me back and forth is this:


My problem is that there are too many uncertainties with Nintendo and online.


It's all well and good me saying "if they have Party Chat, then I'd pay for online"... but thinking about it, there still aren't certainties with their games.

Will they have gimped online options (I'm looking at you, ALL their online games)?

Will the games even have online (I'm looking at you Nintendoland, SM3DW, Pikmin 3)?


I'd need more assurances to pay for online.

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If you're looking to replace the 3DS, then I guess it could be useful.


However, I think you're being extremely optimistic with your vision about this being your single-player console. There's going to be fuck all out for it this year and the other consoles are just going to get stronger and stronger. I can see the Switch having a good 2018.


You know what's coming this year? Awesome. I thought I'd have to wait until E3!! What's coming out?

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@kav82 if you can get it for £20 then I'd say why not!


When I got my Xbox One I traded in a shed load of stuff and picked it up with Titanfall for £150...I would never have forked out £400 for it at the time but the deal almost put me in a no lose situation.


I'll be doing the same with the Switch; my wii U, 3DS and a a few games will be traded in to off set the costs, as £280 is a bit much.


However like you gaming on the go, with the occasional option to play it on the tv as and when, is my main motivation, it's the perfect console for me!


Plus if it's £20 you'll feel less annoyed if the online does turn out to be utter muck ;)

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You know what's coming this year? Awesome. I thought I'd have to wait until E3!! What's coming out?


Fuck all! :D

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I was talking to a mate about the Switch today.

We both think it's ridiculous that less than a month before release there are so many things us consumers don't know about...


  • what will the online service look like
  • what about an achievement system
  • virtual console
  • still not much is known about the extent of 3rd party support


What's even more ridiculous: The statement that we'll get to hear more information after its launch.


It's kind of a shame that the Switch pre-orders are all gone because this may reinforce Nintendo in their behaviour.

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I was talking to a mate about the Switch today.

We both think it's ridiculous that less than a month before release there are so many things us consumers don't know about...


  • what will the online service look like
  • what about an achievement system
  • virtual console
  • still not much is known about the extent of 3rd party support


What's even more ridiculous: The statement that we'll get to hear more information after its launch.


It's kind of a shame that the Switch pre-orders are all gone because this may reinforce Nintendo in their behaviour.

Switch isn't sold out. I think probably Nintendo limited stock allocation initially to make it seem like something in demand.


Now, almost mysteriously, Nintendo has the Neon unit in stock for dispatch at launch.

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