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Nintendo @ E3 2016


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Yeah but people argued it was just Zelda. Then they said no we'll start with Pokemon. They started with Pokemon, and it's obviously dull, but what did people expect? And people cry about it. I just don't quite understand, it's like going to a football match and complaining you're watching football.


I kind of agree. As a Pokémon fan, I appreciated the new stuff they did show - and the subtle upgrades are actually quite big. Like having a less grid-like world and the trainer in the battle screen.

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I kind of agree. As a Pokémon fan, I appreciated the new stuff they did show - and the subtle upgrades are actually quite big. Like having a less grid-like world and the trainer in the battle screen.


Thank you! Proper Pokemon fans appreciate the subtle differences they showed.


I particularly like the over-the-top visual effect for when you get spotted by a trainer. The little detail of being able to check how a Pokemon's stats have been lowered or raised is a nice touch as well.


I'm not so keen on the way they just flat out tell you whether a move is super effective or not though. Takes all the fun out of trying to guess what type a new Pokemon is...

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It really seriously does. Have no idea why they felt the need to do this.


I believe they mentioned something about wanting to open up the game to newer players.


I feel like this might be an "EXP Share" moment. Pokemon games are easy enough. There's literally no reward for knowing the type matchups now.

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The problem with the Pokémon bit was they spent most of the time not on the overworld, but just normal battles that we've all seen/played time and time again.


It was also the fact we were teased with a bit of Zelda, then instead of continuing the hype, we had it ripped away from us for what felt like bloody-ever. Not how you do an E3 show.

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From the E3 presskit.

Nintendo Treehouse: Live begins at 10 a.m. PT on Wednesday, June 15 with a special

Pokémon GO developer Q&A, and concludes its programming at E3 with a showcase of

previously announced Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games, including Paper Mario: Color

Splash, YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits and YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls, Rhythm

Heaven Megamix, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Monster Hunter Generations and Dragon

Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. The broadcast will also include the

introduction of a new role-playing IP for Nintendo 3DS.


Looks like we might be getting something new after all, although it could just be a localisation and not something completely new.

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I must say that although it was nice to see Pokémon and I appreciate key members of Game Freak taking the time to be there and demonstrate parts of the game which we hadn't seen before... it really killed the pace. :p


Not to say that I didn't appreciate it but after that amazing unveil trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, that's really all I could think about for the rest of the day and thankfully it's all I had to think about because I watched all of the demonstrations and I have to say that Nintendo Treehouse Live is my favourite part of E3 once again! :D

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Wait, people are saying the Pokémon stuff was dull?


Say whaaat?


It's a turn-based RPG. Pokemon gameplay is hardly the most exciting thing to watch, especially the beginning and at the glacial pace they were going.


Only the nutso Pokemon fans (You, me, etc) would have found it interesting.

They just don't understand.


Because the game isn't just for people of our experience


But like I said before, it takes all the intrigue out of new Pokemon. It's not a trade-off that's worth it.

I'm sure you've had those moments when you're fighting a Gym Leader and they send out a Pokemon you've never seen before and you're desperately trying to figure out what type combination it is.


This effectively takes that away.

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It's a turn-based RPG. Pokemon gameplay is hardly the most exciting thing to watch, especially the beginning and at the glacial pace they were going.


Only the nutso Pokemon fans (You, me, etc) would have found it interesting.

They just don't understand.



But like I said before, it takes all the intrigue out of new Pokemon. It's not a trade-off that's worth it.

I'm sure you've had those moments when you're fighting a Gym Leader and they send out a Pokemon you've never seen before and you're desperately trying to figure out what type combination it is.


This effectively takes that away.


I'm hoping the feature can be turned off like the EXP share all and isn't available for online battles - nothing like opening up with an Eelektross; some thinking its a water type, some trying to hit it with a ground type move and then being attacked with a flamethrower. :D

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The Pokemon showcase was fine, it showed us some more of the game with some okay commentary. It was worth it just for all the little details people will pick out of the footage.


They've nailed Zelda too, to think this stuff is all in the first 5% of the game is very, very exciting.

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I'm sure you've had those moments when you're fighting a Gym Leader and they send out a Pokemon you've never seen before and you're desperately trying to figure out what type combination it is.


This effectively takes that away.


I think they said it would only tell you if you'd already encountered the pokemon before didn't they? So in that situation you still wouldn't know. I can never remember what's effective against what so I'm glad to see that it now tells you, but it should definitely be optional for those who'd prefer not to know.

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I'm sure you've had those moments when you're fighting a Gym Leader and they send out a Pokemon you've never seen before and you're desperately trying to figure out what type combination it is.


This effectively takes that away.


It just means I don't have to waste time looking the pokémon up on bulbapedia to find its weaknesses, so definitely a good thing in my books!

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The Pokemon showing was so dull switched off and missed the Zelda demo. (Though that's probably for the best as buying Zelda is a given and I don't need to know anymore anyway).


Pokemon is alright but 45 minutes on 2 (early) battles and walking?

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Nintendo should end E3 by coming out with a Direct announcing NX.


Everyone will have had enough time to digest Zelda, write impressions and discuss, and it's not like that'd stop anyway, not if they showed an NX Zelda story trailer! It'd get the talk about both the console and the game going.


They'll have been having discussions with 3rd Parties behind closed doors at E3, they will have maybe even had NX there for them. To announce NX just as everyone thinks they're winding down for E3 would be great!


Sure, the journalists won't be able to ask questions directly as its the end of E3, but that would play into Nintendo's hands of keeping cards close to their chest... and avoid anything being said that maybe shouldn't.


As a fan I'd just love to see something about NX whilst Nintendo have managed to excite me again. It's been a long time since they have.

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I think they want journalists to ask questions and write about the console with as much coverage as possible.


That's what I'd prefer too, but maybe they might want to avoid certain questions. Given how Reggie talked up the WiiU and its functionality prior to its release, which in the end turned out to be false, they certainly might not want that.


They could do the Direct and then announce an event that they will showcase it at. Even if it's something akin to how Scorpio was announced.



I'm only saying it's what I want because I'm dying for info on it. I'm not suggesting it's best for them. I still say a presser announcing it along with game trailers would've been best. The show floor could still have just been Zelda.

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Nintendo is localizing BoxBoy! One More Box as BoxBoxBoy!, the company has revealed. We’ll be seeing the game on the Treehouse stream later today.


BoxBoxBoy! launched on the Japanese 3DS eShop back in January. The original game debuted last year, and quickly became one of the standout titles on Nintendo’s digital shop.


Hopefully this will release tomorrow! The first game was awesome.

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Those of you claiming that the Pokemon demonstration yesterday was the most boring thing at E3...


This Pokemon Go demonstration is a million times worse... And uglier.


Game is ugly as sin but I'm enjoying this Pokemon section much more than yesterday's due to not really knowing anything about GO.

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