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House buying is the worst


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Dear god, how much stuff can two people own?! I feel like there is no end to all this packing! D:


Jeez, talk about a humblebrag!


We binned a load of junk when we moved. Was a great chance to sortany drawers of tat. In the end, I think we only took 1 van load of stuff, with maybe a few more trips to pick up the stuff we forgot (we moved out of my parents, so there wasn't any urgency).

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Jeez, talk about a humblebrag!


We binned a load of junk when we moved. Was a great chance to sortany drawers of tat. In the end, I think we only took 1 van load of stuff, with maybe a few more trips to pick up the stuff we forgot (we moved out of my parents, so there wasn't any urgency).


I've been binning some stuff, but feel I don't have enough time to sort through it all! I think I'm going to have to bin more when I finally get to unpack it.


No idea how much stuff there is as we've already been moving some stuff over during the last few weeks... Think we'll have to do quite a few more runs tonight and tomorrow with our car though!


Also, sofa should arrive today, yay! :D

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If you go with the same solicitor as the seller, does it make the process quicker, i wonder? Do they organise meetings with themselves?


In theory possibly, but it isn't usually a chance I like to take. Whilst I believe if you both use the same firm they should have different people attached to each case to avoid any conflicts of interest, I just don't have the confidence in every single firm out there to be assiduous enough about that. Besides which as Raining mentioned some delays will just be outside of their hands.

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In theory possibly, but it isn't usually a chance I like to take. Whilst I believe if you both use the same firm they should have different people attached to each case to avoid any conflicts of interest, I just don't have the confidence in every single firm out there to be assiduous enough about that. Besides which as Raining mentioned some delays will just be outside of their hands.


If I had the same dubious solicitor my vendor had the issues i had would likely have never been uncovered. 2 sets of eyes n all that.


(they assumed and did not check that my house was on land registry which held it up to 6 months)

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I've bought a house! £169k in the same estate where i grew up, three bed semi detached backing onto Templenewsam Woods, couldn't be happier!


After the last nonsense i kept rather quiet on this one, fearing the same situation could occur during the survey stage and when it brought up some faults (asbestos garage roof that was damaged - football sized hole in it) i shat myself.


Went to the vender asking all coy that we'd like to discuss options and ideally meet the vender some way as we were at our limits and first time buyers yadda yadda, and they took pitty on us and said they'd inquire about replacing the garage roof and then negotiate.


Well it was like winning the lottery, they came back saying it would cost about £1500..........and they'd have the work done on the condition we completed the sale within the next 2 weeks, we signed the very next day!


absolutely buzzin! we get the keys next Tuesday, so aside from something going wrong (fingers crossed it doesn't) i shoudl be moving soon

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I've bought a house! £169k in the same estate where i grew up, three bed semi detached backing onto Templenewsam Woods, couldn't be happier!


I am massively jealous. Used to walk my dog there every day back in 2006/7 and always wanted to own one of those houses. I could only afford something in Gipton back then, but would make the drive to those woods every day purely because they're perfect for dog walking and meeting other dogs. Enjoy it!

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Thanks everyone, i am well excited


omg so excited for you!!


I hope you made sure it was written in the contract when you signed lol


My sister has (intact) asbestos on her garage roof which she'll have to get replaced eventually.


+1 for asbestos on the garage roof. :)


Yeah first thing i did was ask my solicitor to have it written into the contract, i feel bad a little for being untrusting, but i don't know them to trust them and i'll never actually see them again so i really don't care.


Asbestos is awful stuff, knew a guy who removed it from council houses and he used to tell me all about the stuff. Garages aren't so bad for having it, as long as its not disturbed its 'fine'

If they hadn't agreed to anything i'd have had it removed myself, i fear the stuff.


I am massively jealous. Used to walk my dog there every day back in 2006/7 and always wanted to own one of those houses. I could only afford something in Gipton back then, but would make the drive to those woods every day purely because they're perfect for dog walking and meeting other dogs. Enjoy it!


I'm still not sure how i got it! I've been saving for years so has my Girlfriend so we had a fair deposit and then used a broker to get the best rate for a mortgage, but the house was a steal!


All the others on the same road were between £200k and £179k, i saw this house up for £179 when i went for that first house that fell through and it was out of our budget.

When we were forced to look again it had dropped a fair bit and the estate agent was the same estate agent that our broker worked for so we managed to negotiate a good deal.

I think the seller just wanted a quick sale, it was a family members house and he'd been renting it off since they died and i guess they just wanted to sell up and would do anything to get the money.


It needs some work, needs a new shower and a new kitchen but i'm happy enough to do it myself over the next few years.


I don't usually believe this stuff but i do think its fate, its in the same estate i grew up in/lived for 25 years, its about 3 houses away from where my best friend used to live and it dropped into our budget when we lost that other house, so i just think this was the one as clichéd as that sounds

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Yeah first thing i did was ask my solicitor to have it written into the contract, i feel bad a little for being untrusting, but i don't know them to trust them and i'll never actually see them again so i really don't care.


Asbestos is awful stuff, knew a guy who removed it from council houses and he used to tell me all about the stuff. Garages aren't so bad for having it, as long as its not disturbed its 'fine'

If they hadn't agreed to anything i'd have had it removed myself, i fear the stuff.


100% not wrong. I would have done the EXACT same thing. For all the vendor knew that could have been a deal breaker for them, so them getting it done got them the sale.. So it was in their benefit too. Some mortgage lenders are iffy when it comes to issues brought up in surveys, and they might not have been as willing to give you the money. Varies from bank to bank.


My sisters was fully intact. And you're right about it being less risk in garage (as you don't LIVE in there and breathe the air in a lot) but i would still be VERY particular about checking it on a very regular basis and action damage quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Casually looking at properties in Lisbon with the double linguistic bind of not understanding the language (I can navigate the site, but obviously less hot on the details) and not understanding how the fuck mortgages work :heh:


Just curious on the possibility.

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Casually looking at properties in Lisbon with the double linguistic bind of not understanding the language (I can navigate the site, but obviously less hot on the details) and not understanding how the fuck mortgages work :heh:


Just curious on the possibility.


Bruh, move to Italy. You speak/know Italian, right? Italy looks fucking stunning.


Hell, let's all move to Italy!

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Bruh, move to Italy. You speak/know Italian, right? Italy looks fucking stunning.


Hell, let's all move to Italy!


I don't know why my heart is set on Lisbon but it currently is, but yes Italian makes more sense. Although the biggest game dev scene is in Milan which I hear good things about but climate wise I'm currently leaning towards somewhere warmer :heh:

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Congrats bob! That's awesome. Now the fun part starts.


Just kidding, it's the awful part.


But then you get a house!




Wait....why? What happens next?


I thought i handed over all my money, and they gave me a key, right?

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Wait....why? What happens next?


I thought i handed over all my money, and they gave me a key, right?


surverys mortgages legal things legal things legal things land registry held up daily telephone calls with solicitors for months on end frustration anger wanting to kill everyone and everything finally getting the keys realizing even though the house looked in great nick everything needs to be done and you've got SHIT ALL money to do it with and that you're going to be poor for years BUT YOU OWN A HOUSE then more things need to be done and its a never ending money black hole




It's great though..........

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surverys mortgages legal things legal things legal things land registry held up daily telephone calls with solicitors for months on end frustration anger wanting to kill everyone and everything finally getting the keys realizing even though the house looked in great nick everything needs to be done and you've got SHIT ALL money to do it with and that you're going to be poor for years BUT YOU OWN A HOUSE then more things need to be done and its a never ending money black hole




It's great though..........


Well by the sounds of it, yours was a lot more stressful than your average. Hopefully our house will already be on the land register.


We've already had the survey done, and used it to knock £8k off the price.


We've already gone into full Sims™ mode, planning on how we're going to add an extension to the kitchen and knock through the two downstairs rooms to make one big one. Can't wait to buy our own bed too - after sleeping on one that is literally propped up with bricks for the past 8 years.

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BT Broadband and phone line being activated on Friday. 65" TV arrived today, getting it mounted on Saturday, Sky comming on Saturday also and the carpets are getting fitted on Monday. All goes well I'll be moving in by Monday night, Tuesday morning.



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